Just a reminder for North Americans

“Geography has made us neighbors. History has made us friends. Economics has made us partners. And necessity has made us allies. Those whom nature hath so joined together, let no man put asunder.”


Anti Canada-USA relation shills are at an all time high and can suck my fucking cock. You'll never have what we have over here.

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You have what you have because you've been exploiting us for our success, satan. Your politicians and media are upset because we force you to turn this into an EQUAL partnership, they won't be able to keep their gibs going and lose their political power.

This has nothing to do with tariffs, I agree we need to take em down and make em equal? How am I Satan?

>you’ll never have what we have

And vice versa.

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yeah sure JFK didn't have to deal with modern day fruity faggot Canadians such as Trudeau and ilk and he didn't have 25-30 million illegal mexican shit skin parasites infesting his nation. oh wait, you don't think part of the reason JFK was assassinated was to ensure a non veto the 1965 immigration act do you? that's wild

Also here's your gibs me dat bums that suck you dry.

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No one Ik likes Trudeau, it's the big city faggots that get him elected.

O.k... right on dude.

AIDs? Communism? Socialism? State mandated pedophilia?

Keep em.

He's saying Satan in reference to your digits in the original post. But I do understand your frustrations, leafbro.

You need us, not the other way around. Finally we're gonna fix this one sided "friendship"; day of the rake is upon us!

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I don't want your numbers devil man
I also don't want your leafs or your chinks or your bestiality
You should want what we have, our weed, our guns, our burgers

Brainlet 18yr old has no idea what communism actually is. 1.2 million people with AIDS in the US vs. 58000 in Canada. State mandated pedophilia? Wut?

Like I said if you read. I said it should be equal and possibly even weighted to the US side because of the dependency. But you just want to shit on your brothers, go right ahead.

JFK would have bombed you for such traitorous conspiring with elite robber baron traders

Weed? No. Guns are legal here, burgers are good here too.

Thanks, at least one rational comment.

OK so you guys don't like Trudeau but you still think that you should be able to siphon off a large chunk of the U.S.'s success and wealth just because we share a border? Yea nah those days are over

Get rid of him and we can be friends again

Still don't get it? Not saying that, not asking for shit. You have one hell of a superiority complex boomer. How are we siphoning your success, by trading with you and all other countries? By us (my company) buying all of our products out of the USA? Admit, you just think you're better than everyone else in the world. You think might makes right, you look down at the entire world. I'm not saying every American does but most I chat with have severely narcissistic tendencies. Canada also has it's narcissists btw.

It'll be PC majority government next election, watch, screen cap this.

More support for Israel and every Jewish group and more open borders and lower taxes for big business and complete disregard for the maritimes.

WTF good are your guns if you have no concept of castle doctorine and you can get sued for a burglar breaking into your fucking house? God damnit leafs are stupid

we're pulling the plug on fool trade and there's nothing you can do about it

Is it really that much better here, user? We have muh 2nd amendment, however nobody in recent memory has used it to defend our nation from "foreign and domestic" threats, which I would say is long overdue. Does our current system really protect us? It seems to work against us if anything.

Liberal brainwashing in schools makes critical thought hard for us.

Honestly I hope Trump rapes the corpse of your country for all it's worth. You deserve it for all the shit that asshat you voted in has done.

Glad you and the yanks are friends though, even though you don't deserve it.

People use firearms to defend themselves and others every single day here, dingus.

For all the fetishizing of far-right aesthetics Drumpfstein has worse decorum than any left-wing degenerate.
JFK was far to the right compared to the Mossad plant.

dude your entire nation would go bankrupt the second we had truly fair trade. imagine a world where our farm products and dairy could be sold in Canada tariff free. every single faggot leaf farmer would be out of business over night. there is no 'trade' as you see it, the only trade that keeps Canada afloat is unbalanced welfare trade where we lose to subsidize your country and you shit arrogant fucks. enjoy whats coming thinking you deserve to sit with the U.S. on equal footing, my god that is laughable. face it the U.S. is supreme and we deserve to act like it, no more cow toeing to shit nations that can't compete

I understand that, but I mean against the shit that the government does against the will of the people ( things like Hart Cellar Act of 1965) or the billions that go to Israel annually. Bigger picture here.

Look faggot, nobody is blaming you for taking advantage of a better deal. What makes you a faggot is whining when the side you're fucking doesn't want to be fucked any longer. You fuckers raped a lot of chicks at woodstock 2 so I wouldn't mind revenge nuking your entire country and chemming your drinking water if you want to be dicks.

The fuck are you talking about. Go away

Love when you guys say YOU like you the faggot basement dweller has a speck of fucking power LOL.

I agree that a solution to this continent's problems come from a unity of white Americans and Canadians, but you fucking pussies need to put up. We're doing all the heavy lifting: maintaining white replacement birthrates, halting Muslim immigration, voting in leaders who at least pretend to be nationalistic. And I'm not saying we aren't responsible for our share of this mess. I recognize you're behind us in terms of pressure to change, and the leaf equivalent of boomers are comfy as fuck. But put some damn skin in the game at some point, please.

North American white empire now.

Unnecessary and rude

canada should just become part of the US, there's literally no reason for 2 white countries next to eachother to be separate countries.

>You'll never have what we have over here.

Nor do we want it. Go fuck yourself, Satan, and good luck dealing with those tariffs.

Literally doesnt affect me personally, I buy all my products out of the states for my Company lol. I can weather it also, so whatevs.

Not enough people know about it yet

You realize we are just fucking with you.

do you know where you are by chance faggot?

I'm down 100%. the population boom would be intense. The meme that most Canadians are pussy soi bois is a stereotype, come to Canada, go anywhere and men are men. Just stay out of T.O. and Vancouver lol

we actually tried that with part of Canada it didn't go well

Obviously, I'm playing the part brah. Isn't that what we do here? You broke the 4th wall.

Try by non hostile attack. we should get a canada-us merger meme campaign going.

Trump offered 100% free trade. Cuckface Trudeaun't turned him down and raised tariffs. Now feel the pain of knowing US does not need cuntaida

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I'll give you that, user.

That's a problem everywhere

Fellow rural Canadian here, you've got to realize that statistically almost all Canadians are big city faggots. Country folk are based, in every western nation people that live in the country are the best. But we are few. We are at the mercy of the city s()yboys and their voting power, despite having nothing in common culturally and vastly different ways of life.

JFK supported the 1965 Immigration Act.

So fucking stupid of Trudope, He extended the olive branch and spit in his face.

We need a politician who will run with this platform -- and this slogan:

Northern border wall now!

Extra high, Extra Thick, Extra Razor wire.

Missed me with that one eh, but I didn't miss you.

I (we) know that because that's true for US too. I sympathize with you but Trudeau is so infuriating that I feel nothing when I hear about these tariffs. Canada is so cucked, the people need massive discomfort to wake up to the doggy blowjobs and Muslim appeasement. Unfortunately, the socialists imported too many voters for you guys to ever come back around

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>You'll never have what we have over here.

Awesome. Thanks for keeping all that shit on your side.

Speak for yourself. Fuck them.

I'll try to give you a rational answer here as a burger that has lived in Leaf-Land.

First off, there is no question that you have exploited the USA economically, both directly through highly predatory trade practices, and indirectly by neglecting your military under the probably correct assumption that the USA will back you in almost any case. So there is resentment about that, as you might be able to understand.

Secondly, Burgers see the Canuks as having this unearned sense of superiority, which burgers being burgers, they find infuriating more than just amusing. So in the mind of most Americans, Canadians are irritating grifters putting on airs of superiority. Not a good look.

Finally, nothing positive comes out of Canada. You don't have an interesting culture, or a distinctive cuisine, or anything that makes you stand out from Americans. We don't benefit from having you as a neighbor in any way, really. So if all our interactions with you are mildly negative, and we never get any benefit from our relationship with you, it shouldn't surprise you that burgers have a low opinion of canuks