Trump isn't ok. Not because I'm left (I'm not). I just think he's this old money billionaire who pretends to be anti establishment to gain success & influence but plans to sell you all down the river, as well as being a zionist.
Pitbulls are ok.
Iranians are good people.
Higher taxes are a good thing, especially on top earners (millionaires & higher).
Yea - those opinions are pretty shit. No wonder they're unpopular OP. You sure you're not left? You sound pretty left.
Oliver Price
>pitbulls are okay
they are the worst breed of dog and it's not even close.
Hudson Harris
99% of my faps are to interracial porn
Christopher Reyes
>Pitbulls are ok I'm apt to agree, but I would never own one. My dad did, and it was a sweetheart. But I think they're too dangerous.
>Iranians are good people I agree with this too, I don't know why we have such a hardon for fucking with them
>Higher taxes are a good thing, especially on top earners (millionaires & higher). I disagree, why should someone who makes more money have to pay more taxes? I think everyone should have to pay the same percentage of taxes as everyone else. I don't make a lot of money, but that doesn't mean I want someone who makes a million a year to have to pay a higher percentage.
We don't need more tax dollars, we need to stop spending our tax dollars that we have on stupid shit. I personally wouldn't have a problem paying more taxes myself if they didn't blow it all.
Thomas Kelly
>not a leftist >higher taxes are good >pitbulls are okay >not a leftist
nobody talks about the AI supercomputer that will be combined with 5G to mind control everyone because theyre too disturbed by it and will let it happen by ignoring it
Jaxon Edwards
So if I'm right socially, I automatically have to want to suck corporate dick, and I automatically have to hate pitbulls? Jow Forums is definitely on the autism spectrum
Easton Carter
Alexander Flores
Lurk more, retard
Xavier Perez
>Higher taxes are a good thing, especially on top earners (millionaires & higher). It depends on what the money is going towards, but I agree with everything else.
Bentley Martin
>pitbulls are ok >iranians are ok I see a connection here
Ryder Morgan
>Not from the left, proceeds to spout nothing but leftist nonsense
Shut the fuck up moron
Liam Reyes
I've been lurking since news lmao, the opinions I stated are unpopular opinions to have on Jow Forums, objectively
Ethan Cooper
Iranians are more ok than most other people from the middle east Other than that you are a filthy lefty and I'm glad I don't have to call myself your countryman
Josiah Howard
>why should someone who makes more money have to pay more taxes?
Redistribution of wealth. If that's a good thing It's another debate.
Ian Bell
>kike flag >doesn't like Iranians I see a connection here
Jackson Williams
>taxes on earned money >gibs for everyone That’s left >(((corporations))) don’t even earn, they steal Better, but also a left
Landon Gray
You're absolutely correct but Jow Forums will always suck his zionist dick. The truth is that he bent over for zionists throughout his campaign. Jow Forums love Republicucks and their Jewish masters.
Asher Stewart
Your opinions are wrong and you should feel bad for thinking them
Ryder Price
"Im not a leftist", "higher taxes are a good thing"
I don't think there's any real perfect system, hence the reason for constant revolutions and wars. No matter what, rich people are going to get richer. Every once in a while you need a hard reset.
I think maybe living in South America it might be a bit more dire than living in the United States. I'm not knocking you, because based on what I said maybe in 50-100 years we'll be living like this. It's a constant balancing act. How do you ensure that rich people stay in your country to keep jobs there, while also making sure that the populace has enough to survive on?
Logan Thomas
Nice digits but Trump undebatably hates the establishment and joos. Pay attention senpai.
Do you have any idea how much money MSM and their cabal has lost because of and since Trump won the election? They're losing more everyday.
You're a fag and you deserve every bit of totalitarian shithole that you live in. Die in it.
Tyler Roberts
Yeah I'm sure you know exactly how much money the deep state has lost you fucking medal for mental gymnastics though.
Trump is so obviously a kike puppet even the most retarded burger should be able to see it by now.
>UN wants to investigate israel for its crimes >US blocks it's path >US leaves human rights commission
It's just 4d chess right?
Jordan Stewart
>Die in it. I will thanks, when I'm lying back next to my swimming pool sipping a lovely cup of tea at the ripe old age of 100, watching burgerland destroy itself on my 146" 5D TV.
I did not really like the story to FF9, but I have to admit the pre-rendered backgrounds were gorgeous. I miss pre-rendered backgrounds in JRPGs. I think Chrono Cross has the best art design, but its story was pretty bad. It was too convoluted for its own good, but its pre-rendered backgrounds made up for it I felt. So magical and wondrous, do you agree?
Carter Jackson
Yeah, the games were beautiful and the music equally so.
Honestly I'd rate ff8 higher than 9 and maybe even 7, if it weren't for the retarded level scaling (i.e. grinding / levelling don't mean shit). One of the things I loved about jrpg's was being able to grind so I could beat the shit out of anything I came across. It felt rewarding.
The story in 9 was a bit ridiculous but it wasn't a bad gameplay experience.
Connor Allen
IX was objectively superior to any FF other than VI.
>I agree with this too, I don't know why we have such a hardon for fucking with them Maybe because of that time these savages invaded our embassy - American clay - and held scores of our ambassadors and diplomats hostage for a year and a half
Chase Sanchez
How about you fuck off back to plebbit summerfag. Seriously get the fuck off Jow Forums niggers like you are sliding important threads with your gay brainer bullshit.
Ian Phillips
Carter's administration shouldn't have supported Khomeini then.
Dominic Adams
Well that's a matter of opinion, but 7 was much better imho. I feel like 6 gets a lot of hype because it was the best & last of the snes generation, but there's nothing special about it to me.
Fuck off you cunt I've never been a redditor, I've been posting on image boards since 2005 or something and I was on /new/ as well as Jow Forums since the early days, I was here during the two greatest times I can remember on the board (Brexit & Trump election) I supported both of those and the outcome of both have been disappointing. We're getting a watered down brexit, and elected Trump is a watered down veresion of pre-election campaign Trump.
How long ago was that? Allies become enemies and enemies become allies with the flick of the wrist. You're going to get upset at an entire people because their more radical government did some shit?
I don't know about you, but I'm not even that mad at the North Korean people. I really hope that they get what they need, even though they are ruled by a brutal dictatorship.
Easton Long
>im not from the left but please listen to my leftist talking points. T. a shill
There's nothing leftist about what he has to say, nu/pol/ faggot. It's like you think people should be blood-thirsty neocons in order not to be left. Fuck off.
Daniel Collins
>Trump isn't ok. Not because I'm left (I'm not). I just think he's this old money billionaire who pretends to be anti establishment to gain success & influence but plans to sell you all down the river, as well as being a zionist.
Damn so I guess he keeps vetoing those amnesty proposals while causing massive economic growth to get our guard down.
John Campbell
WRONG, IX was the best, VII gets a lot of hype because it was the first with 3d models.
Joseph Phillips
>Trump isn't ok Ok >I just think he plans to sell you out Citation needed >Pitbulls are ok Ok >Iranians are good people Whites are good people too, most Aryan peoples are >higher taxes are a good thing t. Broke college kid