Good evening pol, my name is Kristoff Offenburger head of ODIN
My organisation has enough blackmail and influence over the paedophilic lucifarian key elite and institutions of power to spark arrmagedon\and risen revolt. I use this to hold your world hostage and craft it into my image. At this point world domination is an inevitability. AMA
Good evening pol, my name is Kristoff Offenburger head of ODIN
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill yourself nigger.
Post tits or gtfo
Will there be miggers and mudshits in this new world of yours?
does gamergate make you cry
What's your plan for them?
A more peaceful world
Is that you Jacob?
So many questions. I struggle to understand domination.
Why is holding the world hostage better than status quo? Why are you suited to judge Luciferians or otherwise? Why not release what you have and save the kids without worrying how you'll benefit? What is in your image worthy of molding the world to it?
Sorry, our guys have it too. Now get lost before Trump put you in gitmo too
I would love to but I am not fully in control, I am more the face of the organisation. Besides it would cause widespread panic death and chaos. What I can do is use to subvert and improve upon the things they use it for and release people from their control. And I may as well change for the better
>pic related
Ooh whats his full name?
>when buy vix?
Go fuck your self larper
>pic related
haha your last name is offenburger
Admiral Rodgers
Do you swallow?
Adam Rodgers former head of NSA
payday at the synagogue too it seems
slide thread
off yourself offenburger before I unleash the Gestapo on your ass
Are we doing make belief again mommy?
>Hi I'm a larpfag
gas yourself
Was getting caught part of your plan?
Actually, yes
Mr Offenburger. One question. Will you be providing henchmen positions?
1. Because. 2. Cause me. 3. Why save 3 kids and have millions more slaughtered. 4. The world must become worthy.
What becomes of the jews?
What will you do with red heads?
Tell me your plan so I might help or defeat you, Bond Villain.
Yes we are, we'll contact you. Don't worry we know who you are
look at his fucking nametag you scrub
Post proof, otherwise you just larp.
to be completely honest, i would totally join a secret organisation/evil personal army if they had cool aesthetic uniforms
That's Evelyn De Rothschild, Jacob is the shorter one with glasses.
Two state solution
Personally I'm a Jedi but I have no intention of spreading a religion
Whites go extinct by 2060!
What about the gingers?!
What would you equip your henchmen with, and how would you ensure their loyalty?
spared but far from favored
What's the next step of your master plan?
Telepathic drugs and whores, and power, their brains will have chips in them to ensure loyalty. Also money for certain people but the government could stop me if I openly paid my people
that looks suspiciously like me, Corbyn general election victory
They all need to fry
Are you a big guy?
I see your point except I have heard that exact justification used over and over and over to keep things 'hidden'. The fact is, so much of this lives now in plain sight. Most people know. It is a slap in their faces every day someone with 'privileged' information assumes the truth cannot be handled. This fallacy perpetuates inequality and the illusory nature of this world. Power transfer is not changing the world. If you truly want to change, do something that is different. Save the kids. Anything less is just talk and sad.
>telepathic drugs and whores
my job here is complete
Ill fuck you with my big dick, Overseer!
Do you have dirt on the bogdanoffs?
Can I join?
>Personally I'm a Jedi
i would like to see the combination of a gas mask and high neck coat kind probably, with black and red colors
for the loyalty part, the promise of a better world (for them)
and money
i just remembered a fallout game has something like that in the cover, but i don't like the style, doesn't really fit an uniform
Sounds familiar