How would you define your political views?

Me personally? I’m a Deep ecologist, Nietzschean dissident, Platonic conservative, Evolan traditionalist, Huxleyian cosmicist,Eckhartian transcendentalist, and Malthusian eugenicist.

Attached: 93081AB9-3929-4487-86EE-DDD955276F4C.png (246x205, 8K)

I just want everyone to chill

and to stop demographically replacing white people in white countries.

Don't have any.

Classical Conservative.
Not a NeoCon/glorified Liberal, but an actual Conservative like in the 19th century sense.

>I’m a Deep ecologist, Nietzschean dissident, Platonic conservative, Evolan traditionalist, Huxleyian cosmicist,Eckhartian transcendentalist, and Malthusian eugenicist.
All that but Jungian and pagan


You can just say retard

I'm an anarcho-homicidalist

Those are long words just to say you're a fag.

>I just want everyone to chill
>and to stop demographically replacing white people in white countries.
Same. I wish it were this simple

I'm a post-Spenglerian Yockeyist

>He's the master of 'I am very smart'

I'm just a nigga with a rocket launcher

i dont believe in praxis at all, everything is just happening the way it had to happen, and my awareness of this is itself part of the process

And you have a wicked sense of humor right?

Fuck off mutt

im an ecologically-concerned libertarian minarcho-feudalist

I have entirely normal, conventional and uncontroversial opinions - just for 1890

Attached: The-Battle-of-Rorke’s-Drift.jpg (1600x680, 197K)

Attached: natsoc-v-natsynd.jpg (531x752, 368K)

Political non-euclidean
I associate primarily with Gnostic Aryanists

Ultra right