>white men in 2018
White men in 2018
That's not a man.
Do these people realise you can't genetically change your gender? so cutting your dick and making a hole in there wont make you a woman. Do they simply deny science/nature?
Fucking degenerates I swear I can't understand these fuckers.
It's a mentally ill woman who cut her tits off and poisoned her child with testosterone
So do leftists not find this disgusting? Serious question.
How in the world does ""he"" breastfeed when he has no breasts?
>"He gave birth."
>First time that sentence was ever written.
>Affirming and celebrating mental illness.
That's it. Everybody who ever worked in the media gets the rope. No exceptions. No chances taken. Journalism degree? Rope. Call yourself a writer? Rope.
Nuclear winter doesn't seem so bad
I just wonder what they think cells are, like do they believe being male or female is just about having a dick or a vagina? jesus christ you can't fucking change your gender you can only pretend to be the gender you'd want to be.
It's got to be a FtM tranny who just didn't get a fake dick. Theyre just using this dykes preferred pronouns in the article. Probably took hormones and shit to seem more manly or grow some hair but still had to get knocked up. Still completely retarded, degenerate, and against nature. We should not be encouraging the obviously mentally ill to have children.
The thing about FTM trannies is they always look more manly in photos. But they’re really like 5’5 or 5’6” small boned people with feminine features. You can put on all the fake ding dongs and cut off your titties but you’re still obviously a woman or a small weak man.
that's no man, that's a jewbot.
Buck angel?
You mean white women
Poor kid.
This is the MtF woman he married. Progress really is #beautiful.
Who will commit suicide first? This deranged fucking mental patient of a human being or the poor innocent kid?
If I had to lay odds, murder-suicide.
Same thing.