White Pills

My cousin just announced today that she's pregnant with twins. She and her husband already have a blonde haired blue eyed son and daughter. Both my cousin and her husband are race-aware and redpilled. How about a white pill thread?

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Are the rest of ypur close family blonde haired and blue eyed?

On my dad's side, my mother is Sicilian so I didn't get my dad's eyes or hair

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You're still carrying the genes.


that's unfortunate but at least your cousins kids have a shot

I'd rather not risk ruining a blue eyed woman's chance of having blue eyed babies.

most non-leftist white women want white kids with white features, they just can't say it in public but behind closed doors they all want aryan children

when did wn become fedora tier?

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Well like I said she already has two blue eyed blonde haired kids and are about to have another pair of blue eyed blonde haired kids.

great then its true white pill

Exactly! I thought we could have a white pill thread but it seems like no one wants to post anything.

Yep, this one's going in my shill collection.

Crazy mormon polygamist.

19 white kids.


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Yep. Thankfully I farm or I am not sure how i would feed them.

My wife is brown, brown and I am blond and blue and both our kids came out blond and blue. So don’t worry too much user.

Congrats, OP. The tribe grows.

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You talking like Mestizo brown or brown haired brown eyes?

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United states is a blessing for the whole world

Thanks. It's funny she and her husband said they didn't want to have kids but she's basically been pregnant since Trump's victory

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Most white women are only interested in white men, period. It's a meme that leftist women love dating blacks.

Source: I know many white leftist couples.

I keep saying this but Jow Forums doesn't believe me

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Sadly I know three white woman dating spics and another one dating a gook. None of them are bad looking either

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NM/OK its most likely White native american

may many more white bumps follow

We're going alright, race realism is moving up, nationalism is starting to rise, the left is eating their own at an accelerating rate.
It's so easy to get stuck in the shit. We're persevering. There might be a race war at some point, but we will do what we've always done, win.

They said that they're done after these twins but four kids is above replacement rate.

is this girl huwhite or bean

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I'd say either Spanish or Portuguese, maybe she's got a non-white grandparent.

at least 90% white I believe

just make sure they dont mutilate their son's dick goy.

I doubt it, I'm not cut and neither are my male cousins.

>Tfw entire dads side is Pennsylvania dutch and came over from gernaby in the 1700s.
Got mutted by a brit.

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Real talk, are east Asians (provided they don't show insect qualities) worth dating? They seem like the only non-white race that can be bred without compromising the genes

Don't even think about it, you filthy race mixer.

better than getting mutted by a pole like me

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