Is he the ben shapiro of the left?

Attached: benshapirooftheleft.jpg (701x663, 42K)

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looks like Edward Snowden with rickets

Is this that manlet who debated that retard mutt venti and made us all look like FOOLS?

Ben Shapiro is actively kiking and being subversive as part of the wider jewish strategy.

Destiny only plays devil's advocate and doesn't present an actual coherent position so it's impossible to take him seriously. Doesn't matter what your argument is, he just wants to pick it a part because he views debating as a video game, where the point is only to win, not with any particular goal in mind.

Ben Shapiro is the Ben Shapiro of the left
Anyone who thinks Ben Shapiro is right wing is retarded. The only ''right wing'' thing about him is that he might like a few percentage lower taxes and maybe reduce the immigration by a small percentage.

Attached: MV5BMTg5NzMzNzU3Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjgwOTkxOA@@._V1_UY317_CR2,0,214,317_AL_.jpg (214x317, 13K)

They're both manlets, they both have high pitch nerd voices, they both talk extremely fast because they're afraid no one will listen to them

Only difference is Destiny is way less successful, I mean he plays video games for a living

Destiny isn't jewish and doesn't have extremely rich Israeli donors.