I just saw a thread today about people fantasizing about killing minority children. What the fuck is wrong with you people?
This is an evil board
Other urls found in this thread:
Sounds like good bread, got link?
No, look it you yourself. You are monsters, freaks, and unironically the same type of people who would rape women in wartime. The dregs of humanity.
> killing non humans
I don't see a probably here OP.
>This is an evil board
people speaking their minds draws all manner of disreputable characters, charlatans, opinion makers, hucksters, snake oil salesmen, professional liars, and those who wish to keep secrets through clandestine means.
Also, the occasional basement autist who knows too much.
Just the beginning for you.
In 1 month or 2, you'll join us.
Oh and remember : you are here forever. You will never leave.
You're just being edgy. You would never say these things in real life because you know how you would be seen.
>I was only 19 years old.
>I loved Žižek so much, I had all the books and films.
>I pray to Žižek every night, thanking him for the knowledge he's given me. “Žižek is love” I say, “Žižek is life."
>My dad is Jordan Peterson. He hears me and calls me a cultural marxist. I knew he was just jealous of my devotion to Žižek.
>I called him a pseudo-intellectual.
>He hits me and sends me to sleep.
>I'm crying now and my face hurts.
>I lay in bed and it's really cold. i smell something...
>It's Žižek! I was so happy.
>He whispers in my ear an obscene joke.
>As I laugh he grabs me with his slavic hands, and puts me on his lap. I'm ready.
>I am all ears for Žižek.
>He penetrates my mind and expands my view on the current predicament.
>It hurts so much, but I do it for Žižek. I can feel my neoliberal illusions shatter and my eyes starting to water as i am picturing future authoritarian regimes in the west.
>I want to revitalize the left.
>He sniffs a mighty sniff as he fills my young mind with his wisdom.
>My dad walks in.
>Žižek looks him straight in the eye and says,
>"Capitalism is approaching an authoritarian phase."
>Žižek crushes him in a debate and leaves through my window.
>Žižek is love. Žižek is life.