Expands your creativity

>expands your creativity
>Has been scientifically proven to enhance your complex problem solving abilities
>Consumed on a regular basis by nearly ALL of the great minds in the fields of art, sciene and philosophy over the passed 100 years
>Boosts libido and sexual stamina
>Actively demonized by (((them)))
Is marijuana the most red pilled drug?

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jenkem is redpilled

It's great, but if you want the true redpill experience...

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>expands your creativity
>Has been scientifically proven to enhance your complex problem solving abilities
>Consumed on a regular basis by nearly ALL of the great minds in the fields of art, sciene and philosophy over the passed 100 years
What, all 0 of them?
>Boosts libido and sexual stamina
>Actively demonized by (((them)))
Nice reverse (((psychology))) you got going there.

do you really get to talk to elves and jesters and shit?

All druggies will be slaughtered.

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Last time I truly tripped DMT was in 2015, and that is for a reason... It is amazing, but you can only learn so much from watching your furniture (wardrobe, armchair) attain humanlike expressions, and seeing your walls turn into Egyptian heiroglyhs..
Nice pharma jew slavery you got going there. Cannabis is more beneficial, and less harmful than Aspirin.

By who, faggoy? WHo will kill the 1/3rd of Americans on brain retardant SSRIs

>expands your creativity
possibly, but also lower your concentration and ability to resolve problems
>Consumed on a regular basis by nearly ALL of the great minds in the fields of art, sciene and philosophy
not factual
>Boosts libido and sexual stamina
not scientific, it only make it funnier like many other substances

it also drives you crazy and is often consumed in non healthy ways involving the inhalation of combustion residues, only a minority of users vape it which is understandable since it's way more potent and enjoyable to smoke it, especially blended with tobacco.

It's only real pro is the very low health consequences "supposedly" because we in fact don't know

Take sleeping pill for example, we know that it fuck with deep sleep phases and have permanent psychological effect for long time regular user

who knows what going to sleep high every night for years really does to you.

fuck off all drugs of all kind are degenerate, also you forgot
>eats your brain from time to time making you retarded

yes goy we want a drugged population

>Nice pharma jew slavery
I don't consume any drugs.
>Cannabis is more beneficial, and less harmful than Aspirin.
No, it isn't. But you're just a drugged up space-cadet so I'm sure you'll believe any (((study))) that confirms your preconcieved notions.

I don't like weed culture but I prefer it to alcohol. the problem is it smells like a skunk which turns a lot of people off

Yes it is, loser. Cannabis stops speech impediments, panic attacks, cluster headaches, and epileptic seizures. It is prescribed for those reasons.

Drugs are bad ok? The Bible says that you need to be sober. God created you in His image, don't go messing it up. Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.

I will.

Not when it is extracted for edible usage, or in the form of concentrate cartridges.... Can't smell anything

You need to expand your mind by actually paying attention to the world around you and stop listening to (((scientists))) who tell you being a pot-head is healthy.

Dude, bro, smoke weed bro, it's good for you bro. Bro like bro.

i wouldn't say drugs are degenerate, i would say addiction is.
if you need a daily fix of anything, you're probably an addict and a degenerate
having fun with drugs is fine but only occasionnaly

No you won't, you already have a horde of Muslims and have done nothing. What are potheads going to do to one-up the rape of your entire society?

Lmao, have you ever heard of CBD?

Good try, Shlomo.

Yeah but no one is talking about smoking weed. I take edibles everyday before work, which is the reason I am not on disability despite genetic tissue disorders (such as early onset gout, tendonitis) and the idea that Cannabis is such a huge issue when drinking a beer causes more damage than eating 1000 mg of THC (10x the highest dose I would take) is a form of denial.

Shit is poison. Enables me to sit on my ass and neglect everything and be ok with it until I come down. Then I smoke more and neglect more.

You should've closed your eyes

If you take enough your consciousness will be transported to another fucking realm, literally.

>Has been scientifically proven to enhance your complex problem solving abilities
Gonna need a source for that.

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canabidiols in themselves are not efficient, in the same way thc only engineered drugs are innefectives
the full plant with its terpenoids and other chems is needed for optimal medical and recreational usage
cdb rich strains are mostly a "medical caution" or a way to go around drugs laws
>cdb stuff and non potent weed available in france currently is mostly gay bs for hypsters and faggots

countries should just let people grow what they want

For me the opposite happens. I get given an X-ray machine to my life. If I'm feeling bad about something, I will be forced to face it. Perhaps deep down you don't feel like you are even neglecting anything that important. You just know that you "kind of" should do something.

>less harmful than aspirin
Holy shit this x1000

I used to have headaches EVERY SINGLE day until my cousin invited me to smoke weed with her a few years back. Didn't have a headache for a whole week after that (keep in mind, I used to be extremely anti-marijuana).

Now I smoke a few times a week and have never had another headache since.

God made it for a reason: to heal and edify people.

That's just a leaf, does nothing

>burnout stoners actually believe this shit

For most people, habitual use will lead to stunted working memory, apathy, delusional rationalizations for being a literal drug addict, etc. How can you really dupe yourself into thinking it "isn't a drug" and using it daily isn't an addiction?

You know what's red pilled? A healthy mind, body, and moderation of what goes into your system, ie, the polar opposite of most drug users, including le weed

All bullshit. All the weed smokers I've seen were legumes.

It's a shame that in the street market everyone sells high thc bombs. I would much rather smoke something like 8-10% thc that really only mellows you out a little, than some trippy opioid. The best weed is the kind where the high itself does draw any attention to itself. Everything simply becomes better.

7 days fast is one of the best way to clean up the body. No food for seven days, only water and vitamins/potassium/magnesium.

then you are a fucking addict even if it is for legit medical reasons, that make you some sort of crippled and unreliable individual
and everybody knows that weed is better than alcohol

Just smoke less

DMT would be the true answer if it was possible to remember your experience on it
As it is now it might as well just be a time travel drug

After 2 puffs of the marijuana I was turned into a bat


Its just a convenient escape to actually live life. Not like it's hard to quit or anything, but honestly, I don't miss it.

that might be the case... but honestly I'm too stoned to argue the opposite

It doesn't change the fundamental problem, which is imbalance of cannabinoids. A strain with 20 THC is not going to have sufficient amounts of modulators like terpenes and other cannabinoids. THC in itself is very dysphoric.

I weigh 135lbs so if I didn't eat for 7 days there would be some hell to pay

Well it probably depends on how long you have been doing it. Eventually the internal nagging you are trying to escape will probably push through the high, and then the high will amplify the intensity of the urgency tenfold.

>Actually live life
>Instead of artificially stimulating your brain with dopamine via a drug, do it "naturally"

you should take a look at what high dosage of CBD can do for certain ailments

in fact, there's hundreds of conditions CBD can essentially cure, even cancer to some extent


>smoking cannabis is good for you

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>Consumed on a regular basis by nearly ALL of the great minds in the fields of art, sciene and philosophy over the passed 100 years

The same people who gave us modern art, post-modernism, feminism, fag acceptance and mass immigration? The greatest minds (the actual ones, not those Jew fags) have always been alcoholics. It's booze that's the true redpilled drug. Weed is for niggers.

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you sound like a potential addict, also considering buying some potentially altered drug from the black market/street is retarded

i don't see the problem with highly potent stuff, people should just being faggot wanting only pros and no cons.

people who want to use cannabis should be forced to grow it themlselves instead we will end up with retarded hypsters prentending they have a legit reason to buy some expensive "cdb" bullshit liquid to vape all day long when the patrician choice would be to grow some natural high potency strain from time to time for occasional use for special occasions

It's the smoking part most people do wrong. I vape it or a make edibels.

>expands creativity
Western art, music, science and craft have turned to shit since its use became widespread. Fuck off.

yeah, this. ban sale, legalize growing

I've been trying to find dmt for a long time but im paranoid of making it myself and getting the ingredients from ebay

That is not what redpill means you dumbfag.

>Actively demonized by (((them)))
Good goy playing the kike's game

>you sound like a potential addict
Go on

> considering buying some potentially altered drug from the black market/street is retarded

You are not that familiar with the drug scene, are you? It's easy to recognize weed. It's literally dried flower, often fully intact. 90% of street weed is locally grown here, there are no niggers or gypsies involved.

>i don't see the problem with highly potent stuff, people should just being faggot wanting only pros and no cons.

It's not as straightforward as beer vs vodka,. Old school weed, or original landrace strains, tendd to be a disticintly more pleasant experiences than many modern varieties. It's not even a matter of correct dosing. It's a different experience, caused by changed ratios of psychoactive ingredients from decades of artificial selection.

>people who want to use cannabis should be forced to grow it themlselves

I agree

It is demonised because of its economical potential in anything wood-industry related (clothing, tools, paper, etc...)

Tesla didn't use it.
Many brilliant minds "demonized" it

>Actively demonized by (((them)))
Fucking junkie retard.

I'm with this leaf.
I can get stoned and tcb but slamming whiskey is how I change the world.

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trip s confirms, endlethread

i agree the plant have potential for various treatment but precisely, TREATMENT as in your sick and actually need it, as opposed to making rationalisation and mental gym for being degenerate which is probably about 90% of people

like any other medecine, it have pro but also cons, especially psychological and especially for someone using daily, prentending tha's its neutral or even positive is a fallacy

occasional usage of any drug is fine thought if you're willing to take the risk

Does alcohol energise you? When I drink I get 15 min buzz and then I just want to go to sleep.

Well considering CBD actually opposes the effects of THC (what makes you feel high), you can take very large amounts and actually feel very refreshed while it is doing amazing thing to your body and mind.

drugs makes u useless, drugs & gambling are 2 things jews push at max when attacking. dumb sedated whiteys & nignogs & gays & shemales & feminists & anything non straight male cannot oppose jewishery

Show me one single fucking Jew that ever demonized marijuana. Kikes are the ones pushing this shit and I guarantee you're a goddamn like yourself.

As for it making you more creative, sure, it does. However, that does no fucking good when it simultaneously destroys your short term memory. You won't be able to remember any of your "good ideas" when you sober up and if you could, you would realize they only seemed like good ideas because you were so damned baked. Weed is an evil, insidious drug that weakens the body and mind and slowly turns you into a submissive moron.

>drugs makes u useless
Sometimes that's the point. Half of innovation is accidental.

weed shit drug expensive too when with that money you can buy speed, 2x200mg xtc 2x100ug lsd blotters or 2x15mg 2cb pills. very overhyped drug

>go on
"that really only mellows you out a little"
"Everything simply becomes better" etc

>You are not that familiar with the drug scene, are you?
derp, growing correctly is an almost an art and most people do it wrong and wont tell you about
best case scenario
how they fucked the curing, added dirty fertilizer or had red spiders, mold etc during the grow
worst case scenario
disgusting street stuff full of seed because it's from a dirty damp cave where plants full of herma
the shit is sprayed or contaminated with sand glass and other dangerous shit like paraffin

Yes, but only hard liquor. Beer makes me sleepy too.
I just take shots of whiskey (while pacing myself), crank up some metal, get down to business. Works every time.
Bonus points for doing it all in boxers.

Because it's more enjoyable. Save the weed for when you're an old fucker, and can't go climb fucking mountains, hike thousands of miles, and fuck everything in sight.

>Has been scientifically proven to enhance your complex problem solving abilities
>Boosts libido and sexual stamina
That's funny, my personal experience with druggies point in the exact opposite direction

or ~300ml of ghb

>expands creativity


sad but most of the weed and drugs u have on street comes from estonia which comes from latvia-lithuania-poland. its been like this for years since bringing stuff over to finland with ferry is almost risk free and prices are 1.5-2x higher there

>"that really only mellows you out a little"
>"Everything simply becomes better" etc

Not sure what you are getting at. Are you calling me an addict because of my preference for a mild buzz over being completely fucked up?

Most of the consquences you talk about come from semi-commercial mass farming, which is almost nonexistent here. Seedy weed is a very rare sight. Tasting fertilizers happens occassionally, but most of what moves here is of decent quality, harvested from homegrows.

Fuck off and stop trying to preach about and justify your private vices to everyone.
Nobody gives a shit and the more you faggot fucking stoners go off about how weed is "totally good man", the less I want it legalized.

me, im a weed smoking computer scientist.

What is "doing it all", if i may ask? Creative work? Excel sheets?

>Smoking something thats made using Caustic soda
De fuck is wrong with you?

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if you've taken an antihistamine or painkiller of any strength then you are a druggie too.
Kill yourself first

>expands your creativity

can you give us an example of how "creative" you are, faggot? Or are you just talking out of your ass again?

not making the difference between how something make you feel, your emotional perception and facts. typical pothead reasoning
>CBD actually opposes the effects of THC
science disagree
>doing amazing thing to your body and mind
science disagree

daily substance usage is called addiction
weed is notorious for making you weak
lower your fight or flight response
lower you ability to focus and solve complicated problem
create mostly unknown but obvious long term physical and psychological consequences
in other word it's a gamble in term of health and you are undeniably altering your person with no clear idea of the actual consequences because it make you feel good

it was consumed longer than society has existed, grow up you retard

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>science disagree

Sorry bud but I'm just going to call you ignorant on this topic and move on then

You should actually try taking a look at the other side fully before making yourself look like a moron.

I did an IQ test recently while being baked af, scored 137

It can be anything. I jokingly refer to it as my "mental laxative" because it lets me bring my thoughts into reality without getting caught up in "perfection." This isn't saying I just shit out some garbage, but I can do anything from knock out accounting work, meet a deadline for a web dev presentation, get creative with video/podcast directions, mapping out timelines for businesses, anything. I'm a real ambitious guy so I will say "yes" to any work that I can learn from and further my goal of global domination.

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>Not sure what you are getting at. Are you calling me an addict because of my preference for a mild buzz over being completely fucked up?

no that would make you a faggot

>Most of the consquences you talk about come from semi-commercial mass farming, which is almost nonexistent here. Seedy weed is a very rare sight. Tasting fertilizers happens occassionally, but most of what moves here is of decent quality, harvested from homegrows.

like i said most homegrown weed sucks in the same way that cofee shop weed mostly suck but im being picky

that being said, using anything daily is degenerate and make you an unreliable addict, even cigarettes and coffee

Finally. Can we get a threat on this specific topic please.

That's what I did, look up cybs salt or q2121 teks up on DMT Nexus.

It's far easier than you'd expect

>no that would make you a faggot
I reject your quip.

>im being picky

Worse: you are a french snob. The stacks for self-awareness were stacked against you, but you came through and succeeded. Well done.

>that being said, using anything daily is degenerate and make you an unreliable addict, even cigarettes and coffee

Most often, yes.

Caustic soda is used to create DMT

Any other board this would've worked

Not really, it's used to extract it and even then you could simply use a Tek that uses white vinegar

>>Boosts libido and sexual stamina
>Not being able to cum because your body is flooded with estrogen

>Has been scientifically proven to enhance your complex problem solving abilities
No it has not. Person experience; most weed smokers are retarded.

Oh there must be other toxic chemicals that are used that should not be for human consumption are required

You would still be consuming the caustic soda chemical

"i willingly did a drug that i knew would dramatically reduce the odds that id be productive whereas i couldve handled my business before doing the drug, its all the drugs fault"

not an argument
sure you're some kind of neuro scientist and not a stonner who read some shit online and already forgot half

current scientific data suggest potential for treatment or relief in several medical condition
that doesn't mean a daily intake of it is beneficial for your health, that's you doing mental gymnastic not science

science actually have very few datas in term of psychological consequences and effect of long term use on the body and mind, saying otherwise is bullshit

truth is you don't know, some consider mdma for ptsd treatment, does that mean it's ok to use daily ? some believe so and a fair amount of the population is on ssri which is basically long term x micro-dosing
sorcerer's apprentice new age bullshit, just like the "weed is harmless" nonsense