Is there any hope left?

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Yeah it's called total war, you black pilled kike

Attached: deep-net-iron-pill-2.jpg (1920x1080, 588K)

Yes not fuck off with your defeatist nonsense spam.

Attached: Comming backlash.png (1296x6328, 905K)

No this century is going to be interesting

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Attached: End of Globilization (For now at least).png (1570x872, 308K)

with leftists and political correctness all over the place? no

I think so too
Do you know the mouse utopia experiment?
I think that is currently being done in Africa

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Hope for what?
Diversity is our greatest strength.
Israel is our greatest ally.
Didn't you go to school? That's the first thing they teach you baka...

I just hope that they convert to christianity

Based. That and teach them about the American constitution.

can i get a source on africas projected population growth? so i can show the family

It's the UN projection
here more info

There never was much hope. Only a fools hope.

Don't worry
the Magatard Civicucks on t_D will be okay with this aslong as the niggers MAGA all day and all night long.

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do you think that would prevent this behavior?
not really

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But we're the good guys.
The democrats are the real racists.

why is africa still allowed to breed like rodents?

If we all farm enough weed in Africa, niggers will want to stay there forever. Weed would be the only plant they'll wanna grow until they get hungry so they'll either learn agriculture to adapt or die smoking weed out of a rock.

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You just have to keep in mind that they live on the raw material richest continent
with the most fertile areas of life.

what do you want here? exactly gibs


Almost all of the information here is either false or based on false asumptions, like chinese supplie lines needing (((protection))). I mean come on, niggers are making WE WUZ infographics more convincing than this, you really need to have 0 education in geopolitics and economy to believe that.

The US having interests in the middle east doesn't mean they are holding the world together, they are just courting the ragheads for cheap oil without depending on their own ressources. Don't get me started on the migrant thing either, migrants imported to pay taxes ? How clueless do you have to be ?

genetic socialism (this is the end stage of cultural Marxism)
we should almost mix with the whole world

think about it logically
we are the only race that the press suppressed the racial consciousness.
We are the only race that has to accept a worldwide migration.
We are the only race against which you can discriminate.
We are the only race that they want to take away the culture.


simply stated that we should give up any ethnic awareness so that the others can mix with our genmaterial

Cut off all african aid. Close borders. Watch their population decrease by 80% in a matter of a few years.

Idiocracy the movie is a true story. Mike Judge is a time traveler.