Our IRL Tony Stark's opinion on Socialists
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commies btfo
the most-subsidized man in the west
Elon Musk is a time traveller. Trust me.
Meme flag slide thread
I wonder if elon would sell nukes to israel
"I look at the future from a standpoint of probabilities, it's like a branching stream of probabilities, and there are actions that we can take which affect those probabilities"
He's a time traveller.
>receives $5 billion in subsidies
>is literally insured against unprofitability by taxpayers' money
Teslacucks and military fags are the worst. Both are eager to claim socialism this, commies that, when their two organizations are the world's best(worst) examples of socialism gone wrong.
Oh great, now we're going to flooded with threads from reddit cucks
>socialism is when the government gives money to people
>reddit cuck
Listen up you pedo fuck, your words have no fucking meaning. Go suck another cock you fucking faggot.
you cant spell elon musk without nukes
Fucking die you stupid jew
Dumb flag. But if real that’s great.
>winning competitive government contracts and receiving funding for it is the same as free subsidies/socialist gibs...
Based Ellen
you'd think an educated man like him would know the difference between Socialism and Marxism. guess he's just another propaganda spreading kike tho.
>those who proclaim themselves "socialists"
He's implying they're not even true socialists
the elongated musket is NASA in an uncucked timeline. i have no problem with him sucking the tax payer teet. at least he is contributing to humanity.
>tells anyone they're from reddit
Musk calling out the (((media))) for once doesn't suddenly make him better you know.
>socialism is when the government gives money to people
taking from the people to fund a bloated, inefficient mess of an organization that leaks money and would go bankrupt within a year if it wasn't propped up by the state? sounds like your typical socialist company.
you're a retard. the $5 billion is the amount of subsidies received by Tesla, Space X and Solar City. income from government contracts is a different source of income you dunce.