No more white men in film?

Is the age of white men in film over Jow Forums? Is she right? What does this say about the state of white people? As a fellow white man it makes me worried!

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Other urls found in this thread:

that's a jew writing an article about a jew-owned franchise that made a product starring a jew
and saying he's white
the fucking guys name is seriously like goldblattenstein or something

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She is correct, and further proof that white men are culturally insignificant can be found in a book titled "Culture of Critique".

>((( Sharon Slicerbaum)))

Look at that ugly kike face as well

If white men are culturally insignificant then why are these movies flopping?

DotR can't come fast enough

Star Wars is culturally insignificant.

(((Hollywood))) is culturally insignificant unless you are a bluehaired obese non binary potato.

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I can't wait until Episode 9 flops and see how they try to rationalize it. Probably by also blaming white men.

"his ancestors were Jewish emigrants from Austria, Hungary, Russia, and Poland, and he was raised in Reconstructionist Judaism."

His name is Alden Ehrenreich, his dad was Spielberg's accountant.

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>fans wholly reject SJWars: The Last Menstruation and boycott the following film
>say it's because white men are present that your film flopped and not the propaganda of the previous film that turned off millions of die-hard fans

They refuse to accept or acknowledge their failures or the tyranny of their philosophies and instead unleash a diatribe upon those who have propped up the series for decades. Jow Forums should be using this failure to convert for dissident Star Wars fans towards the Reich Side of the Force. Because Disney is pushing the Rebels/Resistance as a proxy for the cult of multiculturalism, we should be pushing for the Empire as being the harbinger of order, stability, and homogeneity. Their beloved cultural icons should be used against them at every single turn. Whether or not you were a fan of Star Wars at some point, it is still symbolic of what these people do. They take whatever you love and distort or destroy it if they can, whether today it's Star Wars or tomorrow your family.

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What does Infinity War's $2B gross prove?

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hahaha yes
good god in heaven

Cmon now

They are all Jews anyway. That's the only way to get a Hollywood role.

>dont pander to white guys
>your movie fails
>its the white guys that are insignificant

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Anyone above the age of 15 who watches star wars is a manchild and needs to grow up.

What about black panther?

Episode 8 made like 700-800 million less than TFA. Yeah it was still a profit, but instead of making 10x they only made 6x or whatever

The movie didn't really fail, they just didn't make as many millions as they had hoped. Probably because nobody really cares about some fat pretending to be Han Solo.

Here's a lesson that you should learn instead getting sucked into the drama. The writers of these articles dont believe what they are writing, they simply know that everybody will click or at least share the article. Then they win

>The movie didn't really fail
Oh no it did
>three fucking reshoots
>three directors
>absurd amount of marketing

Fake news.
>sharon silverbaum
You expect me to fall for such an obviously fake, jewy name screeching with glee at the demise of white men? You didn't even post a fake link to really sell it.


Gladiator was a good film

They still made more than the budget, how is it a failure if they turned a profit? It did not meet their expectations but it didn't fail.

Think about how they reshot the entire fucking movie. It cost 400 million to make at the least.

Because they didn't get as many shekels as they would have. So that is why, Jew directors hunger for the Shekel.

>white men

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>that's a jew writing an article about a jew-owned franchise that made a product starring a jew
>and saying he's white
>the fucking guys name is seriously like goldblattenstein or something

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>Wrote the sad middle aged Jewish slag who really wants to marry a rich white guy

Yes yews have succed but they dont have built and alternative even if they roleplay as jew the whiteness is too high


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Fuck off. These are the very faggots that ruined Star Wars to begin with by making it a meme to their soi boys fans to hate on Lucas until he was driven off and by telling people that Jew Jew Abrams should take over.

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What if Disney did this all on purpose just to keep pushing the anti white agenda?

These people get paid to bait and troll professionally.
It's nuts

>jews make jew movie, staring jews, promoting "progressive" jew ideologies and agendas
>White people abandon the jew train in droves, and the jew movie is a financial failure
>"White men are culturally insignificant"


"Oy vey, it's getting harder and harder to extort guilt shekels from these people! It's almost like they think they have culture and values of their own! Quick! Someone remind them how important we are to them before they get the gas chambers ready again!"

So we don't have white privilege now?


Alternatively, star wars is dying, and the expectations of Solo were set so low by Ep 8 that nobody saw it.

>piss off white men with SJW bullshit
>revamp a beloved series by white men
>take a big old diversity shit on it
>say its a white characters fault they do bad
>add even more diversity
>do even worse
>still somehow blame whitey

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When will people realize that Star Wars has been shit since the Return of the Jedi.

just watch the vid, the point is Disney spent over 500 fucking million on this movie due to reshoots and marketing. Only Disney could take a billion dollar movie and toy franchise and turn it into a failure

>ruined starwars
how can you ruin something that's terrible to start with?

So the jews have built a world withou a crefible positeve archetype even if they try to give theroketo blacks not credible at all
Your existence is a mistake kikes


It should be taught at school - journalists need to constantly churn out material to get paid, and in order to do so will write whatever they can to get clicks. It's obvious, right? But we know that the average person see's a "reputable" news source and unquestionably believes it to be an authority.

Im with the movile


>just watch the vid

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>Is the age of white men in film over Jow Forums?
The niggers and faggots can have the movies. We make our last stand at vidja.

>our film failed because of fucking white men
>white men are culturally insignificant

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Yep and that's a good thing, now step aside and let the flamboyant black gays take over.

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He is right whites has lost the credibility to lead thst role after being humiliated agsin and again and again
But who will gill the void?

>Google headline
>no results
>no one bothers checking it
>memeflag jew OP

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>Only Disney could take a billion dollars and turn it into a steaming pile of failure

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its obviously shopped you retard (the article is real tho)

This may be the jewiest thing I have ever witnessed.

>writes an article about another jew
>who stars in a movie franchise owned by jews
>to say that their jew movie made by jews and starring a jew, proves **white men** are insignificant.

This is peak hebe.

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These idiots will bitch all day long about how horrible white men are, while staying as far away from black countries and neighborhoods as possible. I hope they keep it up, they are creating more white nationalists than they could imagine.

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oy vey

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White have lost the power if you want to recover it you must reclaim your throne and expulse the impostors

Sharon Silverbaum

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Jow Forums is beyond stupid. A split second of google shows this is fake

What does the failure of Ghostbusters 2016 prove? Women are culturally insignificant?

What does the failure of Hilary Clinton to win the 2016 US presidental election prove/ Women are politically insignificant?

Just because something fails doesn't mean every abstract thought related to it is suddenly insignificant.

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tbqh, Solo was the second best of all the trash Disney created. TLJ was much more cucked than Solo with it's nigger and asian romance and the powerful woman moments.
The worst part of the movie was that droid but someone actually smart working at Disney decided to kill it off rather early saving the movie. That fucking droid was the Disney equivalent of Jar Jar. It was unbearably retarded and some people in the theater actually clapped when it died. I'd say it did more to turn people off to feminism than anything.

Fucking THIS

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>Russell Crowe


I hope they succeed with this narrative, and crash Hollywood into the ground hard.

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And yet, you faggot still reply to this shit, insignificant thread.
Remember to sage and report.

Yes, put a jew in the lead, the movie flops and its the white guy's fault.


What a shocker, another fucking kike.

These people are beyond delusional

what really pisses me off is there are so many dumb people in this world that have nice things than me. That must mean I must be equally retarded. I just don't feel it

Of course, it's because han solo is a white man that it failed, not the trite screenplay trying to milk every last ounce of goodwill from the fanbase and the scads of sjw bullshit no one gives a shit about.

the film industry doesn't earn the full ticket price, ya know?

>Han Solo

Obviously if a trainwreck of a cash grab movie fails, that is significant of greater sociopolitical trends and has nothing to do with it being a shitty trainwreck of a crash grab movie.

But sure, its some feel sorry for white guys bullshit reasoning.

How did we go from
>Solo is a huge success
>Solo failed because racist white men hate it
>Solo failed because (((white male))) protagonists can't draw huge crowds anymore
What are the Jews going to do once they run out of white myths to reboot and subvert for the 20th time?

>Don't worry about it, goy, that's not a Jew nose at all.
>It's statistically impossible!

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noice, keep pushing this crap, I want to see right wing death squads roam the street to hang thots like that in the article.

>and saying he's white
he's not saying that he said it's over for white men in movies
learn to read and understand your langues ffs..
unless you're a jew trying to poke up a fire that isn't there and turn every meaning of a word around.
fuck off

after the jews we come for you
be cautious what you wish for

the actor isn't white
learn to read my language: kill yourself

where does she say the actor is white? nowhere she is just stating an open question to the world about the cultural relevance of white men.
learn your language you imbecile mutt.
jesus fuck your (scholar) education is showing..
why don't rather you go kill yourself

This (((article))) was written long before the movie. (((They))) lie in wait to deceive.

She says solo failed because the lead is white. However the lead isn’t even white.

Sharon Silverbaum does not show up in google search. Does anyone have a link to this article?


Please tell me this is a shop

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This movie has heart user, it does Have those intentions

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>churn out bullshit movies every year with decreasing results
>make your next one about a WHITE MALE
>purposefully tweet to your fanbase that you hate WHITE MALES and are creating a new fanbase which they are not a part of all before your WHITE MALE movie hits the box office.
>it flops, as you intended
>show the articles you wrote in advance about how insignificant WHITE MALES are.
They create their own narratives and play them out. There is very little genuine in the world today, almost everything you see and hear is being scripted by the combined Gov/media establishment or "deep state."