M/20 Here, this is a long one but bear with me
>No direction in life
>University dropout
>No education outside of high school
>No friends
>Still live with parents
>Mom constantly berates me for not knowing what I want to do with my life
>Dad is alright, but he drinks every weekend and becomes a pain in the ass said weekends
>Mom picks fights with dad every single weekend because of this
>No hobbies outside of video games
>No motivation
>No long term goals
>Burnt out on exercise in general
I've started trying to learn how to code so I can at least try to make a simple video game before I die.
Although these things pales in comparison to the next part:
>Live in Sweden, rape capital of Europe, run by feminists and leftists
>Everything is going to shit
>It's gotten so bad that the government has issued emergency preparations pamphlets a few weeks ago
>Nobody takes it seriously except me
>Would have kept the pamphlet but my parents disposed of it weeks ago
>Not enough money to leave
>No vehicle either
>Weapons heavily regulated outside of civilian firearms like hunting rifles/shotguns and even then you need a license making me unable to effectively defend myself
>Been stocking up on food, gasoline and other stuff I'm probably going to need pretty soon in the future
>No idea where to go or what to do once shit hits the fan here and in Europe in general
>Ponder on if it's worth it or not
I'm on the fence whether I should end it now or wait until shit goes down. Judging by the sheer amount of immigrants my country has been taking in, odds are I'm going to get killed in the near future anyway. But on the other hand I want to live long enough to see it through to the very end. Write a diary or something and document what's happening. Assuming they don't just memory hole it after I get executed by muslims or whoever is going to be in charge of my country in the future.
I'm pretty sure I'm screwed no matter how I look at it.