This is fucking hilarious

Attached: screengrab139124134.png (1221x750, 1.21M)

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And people want to pretend Trump isn't a kike. At least he's working for us.

and then he ribbed shinzo and said
>NAH HAH im just joshin', dude. You shouldda seen your face, you wuz wicked scared, dude. you started sweatin'!

They did the same shit with Trump joking about Kim's people sitting at attention during discussion. Media has selective since of humor.

Do people not understand jokes in 2018?

"Trump's dissenters take him literally but not seriously; Trump's supporters take him seriously, but not literally."

The only “jokes” lefties get in 2018 is, “ha ha pee pee poo poo muh dick fuck blaumps.”

theres a lot of autism in modernity m8

>they're actually running this story
this will subtly redpill people I hope

F-ing Mexicans. Nobody wants them.
But think how good the yards would look in Japan.