Conspiracy FBI cabal wanted to take down Trump

>Conspiracy FBI cabal wanted to take down Trump
>Same alleged cabal doesn't leak to the press and instead announces reopening of Hillary investigation

Drumptards can't explain this

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you are far too stupid to ever understand so why bother

I know this is a slide thread but have you not read the news faggot op?

I actually only made a bait thread because I can't find any answers elsewhere. I'm assuming it's because leaking to the press about a baseless investigation into Trump when they're supposed to be investigating Hillary would look asinine, rightfully so

Pedo Cabal is not under the control of the Donald. When he is finished with them, he hands them back to the Pedo Cabal. Hence, the suicides and accidents.

Comey tried to run his own game but overstepped and no one had his back.

Explanation is Comey was sure 99% like polls that Trump was losing and had to follow protocol so he doesn't get fired.

Only Comey knows intension. It could be anything.

You have got to go back.

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>obvious strawman
I can't remember the last time I've seen honest trolling.

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comey's hand was forced by the nypd
they threatened to leak the entire contents of wieners lap top if the fbi did not announce they were looking into it..

They did leak it to the press before the election:

Billionaire George Soros plans on making the New York Times an even louder mouthpiece for his globalist propaganda by buying up another $3 million in shares.

Yeah but the top Dem talking point is
>well if they wanted to damage Trump so bad, then why didn't they leak the trump CI to the press.

I think it's probably because it took time to establish the Russia narrative and if they just out of nowhere said
>oh yeah we're actually investigating Trump not Hillary lol
it would've made them look very bad

It would require logical reasoning abilities. If they had those they wouldn't be trumptards


Comey is a GOP establishment cuckservative, globalist, diversity cultist moron that tried to play both sides, hide behind Democrat senators, and didn't have an IQ high enough to pull off his power play to "rein in" Trump.

He was only able to get Rosenstein to hire Mueller as his "revenge."

> probably tried to blackmail Trump
> tried to buy enough time to get shit on Trump
> thought Trump owed him
> thought he was gonna be "shadow president" and neocons would love him.
> kissed too much butt on the Hill, during hearings
> hid behind Senate Democrat allies
> played the media

He should have just indicted Hillary, thrown Democrats under the bus. He would still be FBI director.

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Comey had to do a lot of tough talking about Hillary to get in front of potential leaks from below in the FBI. If he just said, "We ain't charging shit" and left it at that, i.e. by the book, then someone could have gone to the papers with information about the servers, the destruction of evidence, the sweetheart deals with defense counsel, the Wiener laptop, etc.

What's absolutely batshit is Hilldawg continuing to blame Comey for turning the election. Hillary was publicly exhonerated FIVE times for her illegal server, President Obama, Candidate Sanders, President Obama again, Comey in July and Comey again in October. Are we to believe that there were 46k voters who hadn't made up their minds about Hillary's illict intelligence sharing scheme by the end of October that were swayed by re-openning and re-closing the investigation in 72hrs?