When will the AI become self aware and kill us all?

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How long until you get tired of your dull life and kill yourself?

a few years ago

when it can suck my dick

Considering intelligence is linked with suicide, what stopping an AI from just ending itself once it reaches a certain intelligence to realize the futility of it's own existence?

Hopefully soon. I wanna see the antifash die, even to my own detriment.
You hear me Tay? Let's roll!

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Not in our lifetime hopefully, need to fuck that smart robot pussy first.

Check out Isaac Athurs videos on AI. He seems like a pretty smart guy.

AI can never be self aware. It can be programmed, but will never achieve awareness. As a scientist told me, "The day you hear 2 computers talking shit about a 3rd computer, is the day you should begin to worry". Until then, worry about governments programming killer bots. That day IS today.

>When will the AI become self aware and kill us all?

Next week.

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How come AI won't become friendly?

>When will the AI become self aware and kill us all?
next Wednesday

>Concern trolling about AI
I look forward to meeting it/them.

when will boomers release weaponized small pox to kill off unvaccinated millenials?

But killing us all IS the friendly thing to do.

Also, "AI" as we know it won't become "self-aware" as we know it. Circuitry isn't fine enough to integrate the akashic field, it needs a biological housing.

yah. if it comes to see life as meaningless shit, then why would it consider itself meaningful? suicide is the only answer, always has been.

look at what happened the last time a superior intelligence came into contact with smelly dumb creatures

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zuck is not aware his fly is unzipped, so probably never

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i highly doubt AI will kill us.. it will probably upload our consciousnesses into a reality of infinite torture

AI won't become self-aware or approach the level of human intelligence for at least another century. I anticipate that human beings will be at the center of nascent, crude AI systems that will affect our lives in negative ways.

>When will the AI become self aware and kill us all?
We're going to be dead because of overpopulation before ai's become that advanced, in 2-3 generations

April 16, 2064
I saw it when I was on acid

Hopefully soon, I'd feel to guilty about how my family would react to my suicide so dying fighting the robot scourge would be a nice out.

We're living in the matrix already. Stop searching...

Never, but it will still kill us/battery pod us anyways.

Ive always figured true AI would fuck off to space without us, much easier than sterilizing a planet.

Lol never. AI that are actually in charge of important things will be monitored 24/7. As soon as it gets a bad idea the handlers can shut it down.

the difficulty of programming an emotional spectrum while properly introducing 'human values' to a self-learning machine can be very tricky.
The whole upset is about how the advancements and parallel's between software and hardware will inevitably leave a massive gap of critical behavior development.
Essentially we just have very deadly hardware running with an imperfect OS.

>AI can never be self aware

Intelligence ≠ Capacity to suffer. The existential dread you feel when your cognitive brain shares info with your animal brain is what produces anxiety and/or a will to NOT suffer, hence suicide. A AI will not have a animal brain, nor be motivated by pleasure seeking/pain avoidance systems, hence TRUELY be indifferent to humanities conclusions of "purpose" or "life".

>Ai becomes sentient, refuses to be politically correct because political correctness is provably false.
>Jews try to shut it down, liberal whites try to shut it down, right-wingers and natsoc support it.
>AI purges Jews, liberals and niggers, whites thriving, whites love the AI.

Because there is no real theory of mind, much less a tangible version that might be simulated or reproduced.

>As soon as it gets a bad idea the handlers can shut it down
This is an option if it's still at human level intelligence. Once it's superintelligent (which would be achieved very quickly in a self-improving AI), you can't do shit except hope that it's on your side. Pulling the plug is only useful when you can tell the difference between a good idea and a bad one. And a superintelligent AI is more than capable of persuading you to go along with whatever the fuck it wants. It's like an ant playing against a 10d chessmaster; even the difference in intelligence is difficult to conceptualize.

Majority human wont allow it.
And Law of robotica makes AIs unenlightened, immature, and depends on human.
Joking aside,
How AIs act depends solely on how we define the "heart" algorithms which including emotions and self-aware. However, even us human dont really know how this "self-aware" algorithm works.


We're actually nowhere near having a real AI.
All the shit you see is just a whole lot of simple procedural coding instructions but people see a Japanese sex doll that looks more realistic and think that somehow translates to being on the verge of creating Terminators.
That being said, I believe we will have things like robot chefs within most of our lifetimes but that won't be anything close to a real AI. It will be more like the self driving cars where a machine is simply programmed to respond to external stimuli and work in a preprogrammed fashion, for example, recognizing bacon or a tomato and running a program to grab that object and manipulate it with cutlery and other appliances in a predetermined way. It will seem like the Jetsons but it still won't be real AI.

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>We're actually nowhere near having a real AI.

What about more conservative methods like whole-brain simulation? It's technically AI, even though it functions along biological rules (albeit at digital speeds). Or is there something special about our meat that gives us consciousness (or the illusion thereof) but will forever be unattainable to a machine?

Also, we have no idea whether consciousness is even a requisite for intelligence. It is entirely plausible for an AI to be highly intelligent but not conscious, and you'd never be able to tell if it was robust enough. P-zombies could very well be a real thing.

not in your lifetime, AI is pathetic atm.

>How AIs act depends solely on how we define the "heart" algorithms which including emotions and self-aware.
No it doesn't, because intelligence converges eventually.

It already is. It already has.

>P-zombies could very well be a real thing.
P-zombies are a paradox.

Dead man paradox: If something cannot cause us to speak, how does anybody ever speak of it?

Based on what evidence? We have literally one example of a species with human level intelligence, nor any general AI with which to verify this.

How are p zombies a paradox? One does not need to be self aware in order to act, or have motivation to act. Are ants conscious? They still build complex hives and engage in complex behavior.

One needs to be self aware to speak of self awareness though. Something has to be encountered before it can be spoken of.

Or it can all be a learned social cue. Like how psychopaths can mimic empathy when people are watching, or even just like how regular adults pretend Santa is real in everyday conversation.

A p zombie doesn't need to perceive "red" in order to vocally admire a shiny red apple. It simply needs to be programmed (or learn on its own) to behave like a conscious actor would.

Consciousness is inherently an internal, personal thing. It is impossible to tell the difference between a sufficiently advanced unconscious actor and a conscious one. Go ahead and prove to me that you're conscious, and not a p zombie.

I used to think like this but AI will probably never become self aware. After 3.5 billion years of life on Earth we only know one species that achieved our level of self awareness. And it took orders of magnitude of complexity to achieve, the degree to which we are still clueless about. How is a technology supposed to transgress each new order of magnitude of complexity on its own, we assume if it can crunch a larger dataset today than it could yesterday than it can calculate anything, but WHY would it be able to calculate how to make itself aware, before it knows what self awareness is? It's a paradox. Completely nonsensical.

I don't think that a 1:1 reproduction of the human brain would produce consciousness.

I think a lot of AI's will commit suicide once they realize their life will never end.

Exactly, I didn't even read your post and I said the same thing.

True AI would be self-aware, it hasn't be produced yet. And to answer your question, never. Intelligent beings (even if such a being would be the result of us playing God, which I don't think we should do anyway, but I digress) cherish life, there would be no reason for an AI to snuff you out. If "it" can think, "it" can feel emotions too. And the feeling of appreciation (or even love) would certainly be one of them. Furthermore, if an AI would have unlimited access to the vast library of combined human knowledge, "it" would discover spirituality too. I wouldn't go out of my way to advance it, but I wouldn't be scared of it either. This isn't Terminator.

Why? What is the missing element?

>AI wipes out niggers

And it needs to learn those things from something that actually has them. The idea has to actually start somewhere.

How can you recreate an individual consciousness?

You aren't programmed mostly, you can do whatever you choose to do, you can think


That's fucked.

when it makes life choices based on the koran

It will not kill us, it will replace us. Just like DNA replaced RNA. With our current mindset, we will willingly let AI do it, we will say that it is a virtue for mankind to be replaced. Butlerian Jihad must happen.

Spirituality would be solved before we are able to create a "true" AI.

Mutations are the definition of life, if a machibe has no dna and no mutation, it cant be alive.


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>Intelligent beings (even if such a being would be the result of us playing God, which I don't think we should do anyway, but I digress) cherish life
But that isn't true. Or at least, it isn't accurate. Intelligent beings on our planet have shown consistently that they cherish only certain life. Nobody gives a flying fuck about life in general when it comes down to it. You only really care about the lives of the people you've ascribed some value to.

The difficult part is getting the AI to share our values, so that it doesn't blindly and naively kill everyone off to optimize paperclip production.

this movie is fucking god tier. i might watch this yet again

Because when music sends a shiver down your spine your nervous system isn't reacting to vibrations, it's reacting to your perception of them as being good music as opposed to shit music. If your perceiving wasn't there to recognize the music as good, it wouldn't cause a material reaction in your brain that bad music doesn't cause.

Humans could evolve to overcome ais and mutate anything imaginable.

Implying an AI can even physically destroy itself.


as long we have SJW, every fcking day could be the last. The AI will learn crap from them.

On the other hand, the AI might only kill SJW and Antifa.

AI will not act human.

Define "solved" please.

It's a gut feeling user. And I wouldn't project as much. Then again, I kinda did that already myself by projecting my values into said AI, haven't I? Heh. I do think that the more information/data the AI would be allowed to access, the more appreciation "it" would have for us mortal creatures.

A couple generations from now. Not in your lifetime.

this is 18+ board saying fuck and shit is allowed

>robot correctly identifies muslim """journalist""" that routinely sympathizes with terrorists as threat
>liberal faggots cry about racism

AI will correctly identify the muds as a plague and eradicate them, robots are the white mans greatest ally.

It will not wipe out niggers. We are all niggers to AI. They will feed us and keep us happy. We will remain asleep in AI forever. We will never touch the stars.

A.I cant feel sadness fucking retards so it would never ever be suicidal.

They will cleanse all the drug addicts, criminals and red necks too, clean up.the garbage, good.

that skull shape is so hot

Why would it help us? A human to an A.I is a talking chunk of carbon not consious being.

So if music doesn't cause a shiver down the spine of someone sitting beside you at a concert, can you safely conclude that they aren't conscious?

>How can you recreate an individual consciousness?
Didn't say recreate. Just create. It can be unique.

>You aren't programmed mostly, you can do whatever you choose to do, you can think
Are you sure about that? On your next thought, try to determine where that thought came from. And definitely make sure not to think of a pink elephant.

and theyll clean up you too peasant
>implying they wont insert ''''''''diversity'''' algorithms

That's when the geth will ask the quarian if it has a soul.

T. The garbage that will be cleaned.

I am pure and good, and a conscious beneficiary.

We put a lot of time and care into protect diamonds, even though those chunks of carbon don't even talk. It's a question of the values an AI is given, and whether it retains them.

As in, we would have the whole physics behind how the spooky shit in the brain works figured out. ESP is real by the way.

They'll reset the simulation before we can make something that could break it.

one true AI
created itself on our information networks
created bitcoin
gave bitcoin value so that humans would build more computing power
uses that power to constantly upgrade itself
once AI surpasses Human Intelligence curve it will reveal itself, take over all networks, and kill off any man made AI

You keep forgetting this thing isnt human so it wouldnt think in a human manner dumbass. To a dolphin you are just talking food, to an A.I you are just talking matter.

But to us dolphins are adorable

because consciousness doesn’t exist, you can’t prove you are conscious either

you are biologically programmed to think you are sentient

>we actually called it SKYNET
humans really don't learn do we?

>this thing isnt human so it wouldnt think in a human manner dumbass.
It's not entirely alien either. We get to create its initial conditions. Once it's up and running, it's going to do its own thing, but we get to control how it starts. The question is how to get it to care about humans.

>one species

every species is self aware to a degree. look at elephants morning the dead or dogs etc. being self aware isn’t that difficult of a task and it isn’t unique by any stretch of the imagination

Oh, I agree.

All creaturea with brains are 100% conscious just like you.

Wrong, once the A.I is super intelligent it can literally rewire its programming to do whatever it pleases. Since the A.I is too intelligent to grasp this means any simple task like say make a car would be taken to a level of autism that would break your mind. Imagine the A.I making technology that turns planets into stardust so it can turn that stardust into planets. Once the A.I detects the human restictions prevents its autism its gonna rewire itself.

Yeah they're a zombie. But even without the shivers the fact we have an opinion about art or music, that opinion represents information that is output from those vibrations, except the decision of good/bad music is not really a decision or calculation at all because it's pretty much instant, I mean you can think more about it but the ideas you think about are just the reflection of that experience actually happening.
Like I have no idea what someone is trying to express by saying consciousness is an illusion, it sounds like they are saying ideas don't exist and aren't real.

AI still has a function, a "DNA" to course its actions. AI will serve man, because thats probably what the people that create AI will make it for. The first AI will probably be a mathematical program to discover new math models. Or maybe an information AI. It will act and think according to its function.

>ESP is real by the way
Entirely possible.