How to stump a liberal quickly

What is one or two sentences that you can say to a never trumper or libtard that will baffle them or make them rethink their hatred of Trump instantly?

Attached: Jew_scare_crowd.png (1466x981, 1.86M)

the lines have already been drawn
also youre a fag

Name one great thing that Obama did

gay marriage after a 2 second pause

no u

>Name one great thing King Nigger ever did?
Yea I'll use that.

What is the story of this picture?

I have no idea. Basically a jew went on a stabbing spree.

Pride parade in Israel so Rabi McSTabbers goes on a stabbing spree. Police let him out and he does it again. Generally he had wide spread support form Israeli's online and barely got a slap on the wrist for it. Israel has made it clear that they will not prevent, not protect, and not really punish violence against LGBT activists in Israel.

You don't have to say anything, Trump is already living in there head rent free.

I want to convert people.