Anarcho Fascism

Just learned about Anarcho Fascism. Is this actually a thing? Its the biggest oxymoron i can think of

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I'll clear it up for you guys.
Anarcho Fascism is not actually what it sounds like.
It does not want a Fascist and an Anarchist society to be in place simultaneously, much to what people think that it is.

Anarcho Fascists believe that the current political system and infrastructure makes it impossible for a Fascist society to arise so we must destroy it (bring about anarchism) and then rebuild society in a Fascist spirit

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Anarcho Communism is a thing that some idiots support, this shouldn't be any different.

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Well that's not necessarily wrong.

It's a misnomer though. Anarcho-Fascism would just be regular Fascism through destructive means.

And that's without addressing the fact that fascism isn't a single form of government, it's a method of governance that can be backed by a plethora of economic systems.

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so basically how any government gets created?

Actually it is.

Anarcho Capitalism and Anarcho Communism both involve no state. Fascism involves a powerful state. Therefore, it is not a thing.

So a revolution? I still don't see why the Anarcho part is needed.

So its the opposite of Hoppeanism, ie using fascism and/or monarchy to purge society until we’re left with only people who support minimal government?

No, more like posadism.

no, quite the opposite.
destroying society so we can build it anew into Fascism

those are the two dumbest halves of the equation put together.

How about....

National Capitalism? (i.e. Trump)

Drop the 'anarcho', drop the 'socialism', and you are left with the two best parts.

One step further, keep the 14 words at heart when making laws/policy, and you've got an awesome system.

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Sounds almost as fucked up as anarcho-communism.
That is just regular fascism with a different way to implement it.

>That is just regular fascism with a different way to implement it.
yes, essentially


This is like being fat and slim at the same time. Short and tall.

Ancap is the polar opposite of facism.

Reading comprehension, m8. That’s what I said.

hmm. im expecting another one of these to pop up

I prefer CapCom, honestly

>Hoppeanism, ie using fascism and/or monarchy
Nope Hoppe is an anarchist

This post just gave me fucking cancer. Holy shit. Thats just a revolution and you are a fucking dipshit.

Anarcho Fascism is an Oxymoron. However, you could have a fascist country with a great deal of personal liberty and enshrined rights. For example the state could exercise extreme dictatorial control to suppress ideologies it finds damaging to personal liberty like communism.

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Hoppe thinks anarchism is the goal, but physical removal of communists is neasesary to archive it.
It is kind of complicated...


user, if you feel like this doesn't make any sense, remember there's also anarcho-authoritarianism.

Also all anarchists must be buried 7 ft underground.

Anarcho-communism is a bigger oxymoron.

Someone explain fascism to me. I'm hearing some libertarians and anarchists say that far left = fascism and that far right = freedom. But weren't fascist states like Nazi Germany very traditional, isolationist, hyper nationalistic, and believed racial purity was important? I have a hard time believing fascists would welcome left wingers with open arms.

Germany wasn't fascist, we had national socialism.
Italy was fascist.
However nowerdays some people that have no idea about either of those systems use the word to describe totalitarian systems they dislike.

They called it national socialism, but what about it was socialist? Businesses like Fanta Cola weren't controlled by the workers, labor unions were busted, Hitler was entirely against egalitarianism (he was influenced by Nietzsche's anti-egalitarian philosophy) What part of Nazi Germany was socialist?