Let's face it...

Let's face it, Elon Musk is based to high hell and he is in the right for buying Pravda and letting people decide what is or isn't credible. However, that is exactly the problem. ((They)) will just shill on Pravda and upvote the goy journalists while downvoting anything based or wrongthink. The people can only go so far before ((They)) just use it as a tool to trick the Goyim.

So much for credibility. Rip based Elon.

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He’s from South Africa.
Whites in South Africa are either the biggest cucks or borderline nazis

another reason to be concerned for the sake of """"journalism""""

So the joke here is that musk is leaving out the word "national" right?

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Snow the full chain of tweets. He was making fun of socialists

Musk is confirmed based

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hes Trump but with youth and Vigor, I enjoy this mans thoughts.

Musk 2024

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