Redpill me on Polynesians.
I have never met a Polynesian before but they seem so cool, chilled out and relaxed to me.
What are they racially? They look like Asians but slightly with abos because of the noses and hair.
What are they like? High IQ or Low IQ? Violent or non-violent?
They also seem fat.
What are Polynesians?
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They are Pacific Islanders. Like part Asian but they get their own category for some reason. Most are cool as fuck but also kinda dumb. I know many Samoans and Tongans.
Only slightly better than nigs
There are loads in Australia right?
They're proto-Azn.
Small group of Asians who survived the trip on boats made of twigs. Only the strongest could survive the trip and they were isolated for so long so they all are huge by Asian standards.
Cool asians
I can't even tell if this is a meme anymore.
Cunts that steal your food if it isnt locked down by like 20 locks
Other then that. Pretty chill people
massacred the aryan fairy people in new zealand
They're similar to niggers but a little smarter
Most still have solid communities centered around elders and Christianity
They can't handle alcohol at all and are often violent
They still all get jobs though, mostly things like roading, forklifting etc
They get drunk really fast and turn violent in an instant. They're mostly pretty chill and will respect you if you're not a faggot.
Don't ever drink with them.
immoral people. one was on my football team and his mom fucked 3 of my friends, took their virginity in HS
Chunky ex-cannibals
They look like Dwayne Johnson, aka The Rock so you know what you are in for. Be sure to bring lots of lube else you'll get torn although sometimes they'll just ignore your pleas to use the lube and go in dry.
Bro tier relations with them despite the British kikes that been up Captain James Cook's ass fucking things up for them
They aren't all as fresh as this coconut but many are, especially around south aucklsnd
Abos that like to surf and build canoes
They ate Captain Cook you dickwad. One of the greatest navigators in history, charting the oceans, mapping coordinates, productively benefiting his country, all so some fat, less-than-stone-age islanders can munch on his glutes.
This. Fuck those subhuman cannibal niggers.
The Chads Alphas of the Asian races.
They do beat their women and dogs when they get drunk though.
They are worse than blacks. I've lived in two all black neighborhoods.
Never robbed in all my years.
Lived around small minority of Mexicans and Polynesians.
Robbed a bunch.
Blacks won't clan up when middle class. Polynesians and Mexicans will.
Tribal monkeys the lot of them.
You want to meet Pacific Islanders? Go to a rugby match. It's full of Pacific Islanders as it represent a sort of modern warfare which they love and excel at. Btw, tough mofos who are quick to anger. I was a bartender at place where the security were all rugby players and most were Pacific Islanders. Mostly Tahitians and Somoans
>All mongoloid people are asian
>Whites are distinct from other Caucasus origin people like arabs, turks, and northern poos.