Here's an idea. Stop denying the Holocaust. No, wait, I'm not a kike or a shill. Hear me out on this one.
The purpose of right-wing holocaust denial isn't to prove whether or not X number of kikes died almost a century ago. It's about denying the heebs their persecuted minority status. It's about denying them their victim card.
Now, regardless of what actually happened in Nazi Germany, the public BELIEVES that six million were gassed. They believe this so fervently, so ardently, that any claim to the contrary instantly puts you in tinfoil hat territory. So we need to deny the kikes their special snowflake victim card in a different way. Deny it by putting it in context:
"Yes, the holocaust happened. Six million died, and it was a tragedy. But so were Stalin's purges. So was Mao's Great Leap Forward. Pol Pot's mass murders were tragedies, too. The holocaust wasn't anything special, brah."
I wonder why Europe has been attempting to censor Holocaust denial since the end of the WW2
Luis Nelson
Personally, I like to double dip. Not only did it not happen the way they say it did but even if it did it doesn't mean we have to take in infinity brown 3rd worlders because of it or owe kikes anything at all other than bulldozing them into mass graves as punishment for what they've done to us.