So this happened in my hometown today.
>Be black
>get an Obama tattoo
>walks out and does not pay
Pretty fucking ironic.
So this happened in my hometown today
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I don't understand why any artist starts a tattoo without receiving the money first, but many do
that's why you never serve niggers
Not as though I'd want a tattoo but I'd not want to pay them until the works done. Like anything.
It's racist not to do business with niggers. And by racist I mean smart.
I think half up front half on completion is fair in This situation but It depends on the job being performed.
let's play a game. name business outside of fast food that, if congress repealed anti-segregation laws, wouldn't take exactly 0.000001 microsecond to slap "no blacks" signage on the doors
did this cuck give him a free phone too?
tattoo artists are degenerates and deserve everything they get.
im kinda disappointed the nigger didn't sucker punch the employees before walking away.
in case Jow Forums didnt know, 99% of tattoo shops are run by meth head bikers and will tattoo underage children for an extra $50 or so.
if the parents complain that their 14 year old daughter just came home with a fucking tattoo, they will usually be threatened by the staff.
lmafffo, can't make this shit up
"'Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.
Leviticus 19:28
>college football player
no surprise
I doubt he walked in and he had time, they must’ve scheduled it and then he should’ve taken his number and name in case he needed to cancel the appointment.
Shit translation
What part of "New covenant" do you not understand, you kike rat?
You broke the old one.
>quote jewish law on Jow Forums
Fuck both of them, they were probably chatting about how much they hate Drumpf during the inking.
Yeah I am pretty /pol but this looks like a multi session tattoo. Granted I could be wrong as I am not a degenerate that gets them
I mean, he wanted an Obama tattoo, what the fuck did you expect.
the Amish grow bears because of Leviticus. you better have a beard.
>Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord.
try that one stupid
you retards buy this shit? does that look like a fresh tattoo?
kfc, cash marts
How can anybody look at Obama and see a black man? Look at that ricey mother fucker. Look at him!!
or a bear
Dirty sideshow freak go. Tattoos are the mark of low class.
You here for the job interview? Sorry, the circus is over there.
Car dealerships
He didnt build that... or tattoo that
Jewish snake.
You broke the old covenant, it was annulled.
The new covenant isn't with you anymore.
Fucking juden.
You use dirty needles on niggers right?
niggers killed malls. they loiter and never buy anything and harass paying customers
gib me dat for free
Around Obamas children, never relax
t. parents wouldnt let him get a tattoo
I think that's fair too, but in most anything people say pay at the end in case there's a problem.
They make me never go to certain malls, like the majority of them. AND. EVER A MALL MOVIE THEATER
I dont know why they hang out there I'd they never have money to buy something
lmao niggers will forever fulfill every stereotype ever made, they are a literal meme.
>giving service to a nigger without money up front
that's even more retarded than giving service to a nigger
This. Tattoos are blasphemy. God gives you the greatest machine in the Universe and you deface it with shitty idolatry.
>I dont know why they hang out there I'd they never have money to buy something
because it's somewhere inside with air conditioning they can use for free
and there's a bunch of shit around to steal
Debt collectors.
To steal cell phones
I do, I am also a Levite by blood, Jesus is Lord, we are freed from the death the Law brought , but the Law is still a gift, tattoos are degenerate in every reality.
I dont think liberals understand how many businesses would turn on them if the pendelum swung the other way. Look at Netflix and Starbucks they are embracing the leftism and losing money business and the original talent that got them where they are. Any business that embraces the political jew deserves nothing short of death.
Chuck E Cheese
It's Jon Aryan Jafari everyone.
Ironic would be if it was a bernie tat.
This is the truth. My mom told me that your body does not belong to you, it belongs to God. Thus, your body is God's temple and it would be blasphemy to scribble graffiti on your body, just as much on a church.
Tattoos... if you already have them, cool. No more though. Your body is God's temple.
I have to agree. I can't for the life of me figure out why someone would permanently ink up their body. Only exceptions are military tattoos.
I am a degenerate so, I had triple sittings for mine, should’ve been 2 but my skin eventually couldn’t take anymore ink as it was too swollen from 8 hours each so we had to book a 3rd.
With that said I still had to give my name and phone number when I booked it the first time and it was 6 months waiting for the first one and he had to cancel one and rebook it so I very much doubt he just walked in and got a skilled artist to do an entire arm in one sitting.
Enjoy cleaning urinals for the rest of your life, sideshow freak.
Yeah, just accidentally walked out without paying... OK, sure. Are you a Canadian on vacation in Sweden or a degenerate retarded nigger?
wow, imagine getting a tattoo of a pedophile
Niggers. Not even once.
>it's against gods word, except this one thing that I like
christcucks are inconsistent to the extreme, just like real kikes who try to jew god with special mechanical lightswitches etc to get around the word of god regarding sabbath shit
bail bonds
scumbag lawyers
payday loans
I active gang member and even I know tattoos are retarded
>tattoo artists are degenerates and deserve everything they get.
True, but criminal niggers don't get a pass either.
How do I repent?
If as a youth I inadvertently made a pact with Satan or a demonic entity - How do I break free of said contract without angering said entity? The standard Christian approach tends to anger the spirit, that is not what I wish to do and even Satan himself is deserving of empathy. You do not fight negativity with negativity.
Soul food kitchens
Not memeing or being ironic, but this guy's face would be really hard for facial scanners to trace. So there's one advantage.
>the Amish grow bears
I've heard some charge $50 or so just for opening ink, even if it's a one letter tattoo.
Genius. No facial recognition software will ever be able to ID him now.
That's why we used to go to the mall in the 70s and 80s. It was glorious too. De facto segregation. In my city blacks were basically not allowed out of a couple-dozen block area. All 3 malls were absolutely clean and pristine.
Arcades were just hopping, crawling with kids, and NO crime.
>packed with kids, no crime
let that sink the fuck in
You could drop your kid off at the mall and they'd stay for a few hours. A few simple shenanigans but no real bullshittery. Maybe some of the teenagers had mixed drinks in their coke-cups, and people would get high in their car then play vidya for quarters.
>Pre-forced-MultiCult, America was a paradise
>a paradise
>reading comprehension
I see you’re still struggling with that
I can't quite put my finger on why, but I'd wager he did not consider that when the work was done.
>citing old testament
contact a traditional catholic priest, the ones that hold traditional latin mass
also for more info on cases like your, watch on jewtube the vids you find that interview the late father Malachi Martin, a very experienced exorcist
Satan has only as much power as God allows him to have (mystery of iniquity), so you can break free, it will require full confession on your part for one
and indeed, you cannot go to one demonic force to protect against another, that would be like Richard Spencer paying antifa to be his bodyguard
>cool hatbro
tattoos are faggoty. There are a few people who do them right by 99.99% of them are shit.
Automatic Roastie-alarm tho.
Through the blood of Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 1:7 In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace
Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
John 3:16
you should be grateful for that, unless you like having infections?
It's got to be tough to be so fat and alone
Check Cashing
Payday Loans
Title Loans
Any business owned by an Asian
non-sickle cell anemia blood donation
Bob Marley is the armpit of Obama? Seems racist or something.
>even Satan himself is deserving of empathy
no, not at all, he is the entity that demands these child abuse and sacrifice from the elites
again, you need a traditional priest, only they have the necessary authority
moloch demands them, satan punishes moloch worshippers in the afterlife.
>Pre-forced-MultiCult, America was a paradise
Multiculturalism leads to low-trust and observably low-functioning societies.:
>The study, the largest ever on civic engagement in America, found that virtually all measures of civic health are lower in more diverse settings.
>In the most diverse communities, neighbors trust one another about half as much as they do in the most homogeneous settings.
From a biological standpoint, multiculturalism is unsustainable. Eventually the disparities between groups will cause shifts in demographics. Lower birthrate groups, which are lower because they are K-selective compared to others, will eventually be demographically replaced in an egalitarian society, or even worse, a society that puts the economic and social interests of the r-selected above the K groups, which is what we have now. This is only amplified with infinite immigration-based economic expansion policies that the west has.
Plus a whole host of other problems:
increases Poverty
decreases voter turnout. Study of 650 elections around the world.
lowers charitable giving within communities, creates problems for fundraisers and policy makers
strong negative impact on economic growth
lowers innovation
immigration, a factor of wealth inequality in the USA
associated with civil wars
You typically pay by the hour.
this is the correct answer
Mechanics and lots of places are similar. Blacks should have to pay up front but that would be illegal in (((America)))
I have 4 kids. I've got a bit of a gut but that is the sign of a mature alpha.
I went on a safari through Ferguson after the riots. Never would have guessed how many Asian restaurants were there. I felt bad for them almost.
At least she didn't dodge or flinch
Can we also get anti gay laws too? Unless it is listed in the anti-segregation laws. I'm sure more people would use the no faggots allowed signs.
Satan, or rather Lucifer made his decision when allowed himself to become so filled with pride that he attempted to dethrone God himself. He was created with free will as humans were, the only difference is he was brought into God's perfect government in the spiritual realm, or heaven.
"Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee".
He made his choixe, there is no repentance for Satan. One of the main reasons he despises man.
bail bondsmen