Can someone tell me how Bill and hillary got so many people to be so loyal? They even got control of the FBI/CIA...

Can someone tell me how Bill and hillary got so many people to be so loyal? They even got control of the FBI/CIA. They were most obviously corrupt and evil.

its pretty amazing how much support they were able to build, even while out of office

Attached: bill-clinton-me-too-movement.jpg (2405x1603, 709K)

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they represent the rockefeller branch of the elites, trump represents the rothschild branch

Here’s a start
It’s really interesting because this is really old. I think this was made at the end of his presidency.

There's a reason people talk about bad apples spoiling the bunch and stopping cancers before they metastasize. Corruption spreads.

because Bill is a pretty cool dude, the kind of guy you'd smoke a cigar and share some booze with. His wife, on the other hand, is a different story. She kills people.

>feed subject massive drugs and kiddie porn
>keep drugs and kids within reach of subjects
>photograph them as soon as they take bait
>hold photos over them to do their bidding

You never accept a cigar from Bill. The fuck is wrong with you?

The dumb peons are swept up in their cult of personality. Those in the know simply fear them or know they can count on her to help their profit margins

All politicians on their level are part of a Plot.
They're feigning opposition against other politicians, like Conservatives. Both sides have believed the Zionist lie of Utopia.

Chicken is code

Attached: WikiLeaks-Sacrificing-a-chicken-to-Moloch.png (952x915, 59K)

You think he still has some Monica dipped Cubans?

>trump represents the rothschild branch

Attached: brainlet1.jpg (645x968, 47K)

He probably has an entire humidor of pussy dips.

>t. Lynn Rothschild

Attached: 1515057183165.jpg (750x843, 504K)

>not killing yourself instead of being 'forced' to fuck a child

It's not blackmail when you let them do it.

you seem to be forgetting the long list of people close to the Clintons who've committed suicide...

Good question user. Not every Tom, Dick and Harry ends up becoming a Bill Clinton. He's probably got a helluva lot of moxie, the kind that makes your opponent into a one-term president.

As for why they are evidently corrupt to Hell and back, they're probably just the most visible specemin in the enormous underground of Occultism that infects the world and makes spiritual principalities of darkness the rule rather than exception.

Dealing Cocaine from their Mena Arkansas hideout.
Hell Its easy to assume trump was their NY pusher since he wont put that bitch in jail for her crimes.
Most coke went to Miami. Safe to assume DWS and Sheriff israel are those connections.

read about filegate
boxes of juicy FBI files in WH during Clinton pres

many bodies related to mena

With lotsa pizza

They run a political mafia by using blackmail.

The same reason anyone allies themselves with the corrupt.

In exchange for supporting the corrupts, they will get opportunity that they would not normally have in a non-corrupt environment.

It's not even that complicated. Have you ever talked to boomers? He is the epitome of the boomer mentality, dodged the draft, smoked a little pot, womanized, complete hypocrite with no foresite. He also let them in on the massive scam of fucking over future generations so they could keep the party going, and they knew that was the deal. They are all going to die off in the next 20 years and Clinton made sure that they could clear out all the tax dollars of the USA before their time was up. He was just a personification of the 70's.

This is the most true thing I've heard all day. well done!

Why were the Rothschilds emailing Hillary and Podesta then?

>they represent the rockefeller branch of the elites, trump represents the rothschild branch
was talking orders directly from Lynn Forester de Rothschild, look up the wikileaks mails.

baby sacrifices

it all started in Arkansas: Drugs and the CIA.

After a few deals there you started to gather and keep friends who have information.

Whenever you are doubled crossed you either come back at them that doubled crossed you or find a way to make them your new friend, cut a deal

You also make friends with people who can expose your friends and enemies.

When your friends don't do what you need them to do or they become a risk, you get more or make new friends to kill them.

To see who owns the Clintons and what friends they have or had, just follow the money.

One very good friend to the Clintons is Jeffrey Epstein. Can you imagine the dirt he has on everyone?

Obama is trying to move in the same direction as the Clintons, but he's black so he won't ever get that kind of power.

Kinda funny when you think about it, Bills real last name is Blythe.

I reckon this was a huge kill for them, no turning back after killing him.

Terabytes of politicians fucking children

The same way a tech with a minor foot fetish gets promoted to producer of children's shows.