If you could meet any historical figure to have a drink with, who would you pick and what would you talk about?
If you could meet any historical figure to have a drink with, who would you pick and what would you talk about?
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I would meet myself from the future and I would drink my own semen and we would talk about how terrible OP is
Classic American response
William the II and tell him to kill all the dirty anglos
what a shit choice. pic related is the objectively best option
ayatollah khomenia
Why? so you can get fucked in the ass by a faggot who couldn't even make his empire last a century
Charles II
I want to see how fucked up he really was. If I could stick around for the autopsy too that would be wonderful.
> his body did not contain a single drop of blood; his heart was the size of a peppercorn; his lungs corroded; his intestines rotten and gangrenous; he had a single testicle, black as coal, and his head was full of water.
I just want to know how exaggerated this was
Hitler, so I could tell him about all the blunders hes made and how to attack the allies
archaimides, skinnin' leathers
Robert E Lee or St Augustine,
>conquered the known world before 30
I think he earned the right to fuck whoever he pleased
Jesus: When he doesn't show up, I prove, unequivocally, that he doesn't exist.
hidden hand of the master Mason
Of course it was exaggerated, he got many enemies for doing what he did.
Theoretical stuff Jow Forums could never understand
Khosrau I, Zarathustra, or Mani
Maybe Kartir Hangirpe too.
Lincoln. I'd wan't him to live and tell him to avoid the theater. He would have deported all the blacks and made the USA a country worth moving to
Drinking is for degerates but if I could do a little meth with Hitler that'd be cool
Id meet with Kaiser Willhem and tell him how to actually win the war
Not that pathetic limp wristed faggot that's for sure
This useless socialist piece of shit freeloading opium and mophine addicted piece of shit just so I could slit his throat and watch him drown in his own blood. Fucking Judas sold us all for a few shiny shekels and placed the stepping st ones into making PR the shithole that it currently is.
Easy. Jesus. Although, I'm sure he'd tell me I was a cunt, I'd still like to meet him.
Julian Assange. I would ask why he ate the sandwich.
Traitors get the rope, son.
Any one of these men.
He said historical, not insufferable.
Hector of Troy.
Michael Jackson
He was gay?
nice nigger meme whadda front yard do doh?
I'd choose ee cummings, and talk about war, propaganda, words, ideas.
Tough question, I thought of everyone from George Washington to Niccolo Machiavelli to Joseph Stalin and many in between. But I think I would be most interested in talking to pic related about the decline of white nations and the hypothetical ethnostate
Niggers like you make me hate being an American
That isn't Lincoln dumbo.
I was going to say Socrates, but this is a superior choice. Any or all of the Disciples would also be fascinating and enlightening.
Plato, Michelangelo, Bernini, Martin Luther or any variety of Pope that isn't our Marxist modern one. Corneliu Condreau. Andrew Jackson. Any variety of titans of industry. Nikola Tesla. Any variety of great explorer. The list is too long and would be difficult to choose from if Jesus wasn't on it, An obvious choice for obvious reasons.
This. Imam Mahdi will come you can talk to him