Debating the merits of vaccines is socially equivalent to debating the historicity of the holocaust narrative. Both can leave you a social leper, the merits of the arguments be damned.

My wife and I took the vaccine question deadly serious, spending hours upon hours researching it. We eventually decided not to vaccinate. The result? Our kids are never sick. If they catch a cold they are better in less than 24 hours. Meanwhile I have two friends who had kids around the same time and both did the full vaccination schedule.

Both couple's kids are sick more than half the time, often for a week or longer at a stretch. One of them had a kid sick for a month straight with a horrendous cough the entire time at about four or five months old, then he got an ear infection from it and had to be put on strong antibiotics.

All my wife and I do is dissolve some vitamin c powder into some orange juice (or breast milk when they were feeding) and the kids get better in a few hours. Their immune systems are absurdly strong. If we as parents catch what they have (usually happens) we are down for 3-4 days while they only go down for about 18 hours total. If you haven't been a parent then this might sound trivial but its a big deal.

My wife gave an all natural birth, too. No drugs at all. She wouldn't even take an IV drip for hydration, or the topical cream. Nothing. The doctor just caught the baby, I cut the cord, and that was it. Both pregnancies.

What are Jow Forums's thoughts on the vaccine question? I know eurofags will kvetch over even questioning it at all.

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Discussing this topic feels a lot like discussing the holocaust narrative, but the amount of propaganda pumped into the holocaust narrative dwarfs the vaccine industry - unless you consider all propaganda that pedestalizes medical doctors as a whole. They truly are the modern-day priest class: unquestionably authoritative, all ills are taken to them be they physical or psychological, and hospitals are secular temples in their own right. People are trained from cradle to grave to never question the lab coat.


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>oth couple's kids are sick more than half the time, often for a week or longer at a stretch. One of them had a kid sick for a month straight with a horrendous cough the entire time at about four or five months old, then he got an ear infection from it and had to be put on strong antibiotics.
Well that’s why we don’t base medicine on anecdotal evidence. My experience has been completely opposite. Every family I know of that does not vaccinate has sick kids ALL. THE. TIME. Weird illnesses too. Their kids also always misbehave and have terrible manners. I always just assumed it had to do with the parents’ overall attitude. Think really hard, how would others say your kids behave?

Our kids are complimented literally everywhere we go specifically for their behavior.

Your story reeks of bullshit because very, very few families don't vaccinate so it's unlikely you know of any, let alone multiple, and those that do rarely tell others about it openly. As parents who actually chose not to vaccinate we learned this quickly.

All of science is quite literally observing and recording anecdotes.

I was paranoid about vaccinations. With my first three kids, I started vaccinations later. I spread out the vaccinations. The doctor might want to give 3 shots, maybe I'd do one. But they had them all by the time they started school. With my youngest, I said "WTF," I was just stupid and paranoid with the others and went with the Dr.'s vaccination schedule. The youngest one ended up autistic. True fucking story. All of you faggots shilling for vaccinations can kys.

I don't know if you're larping but I had multiple co-workers at my old job with autistic kids. All of them took the full vaccine schedule without exception and lo and behold 'became' autistic. It's crazy just how many kids are autistic these days. Sheep will bleet "no connection" but if you take the time to look there is ample evidence of causation.

Please leave your kids alone and remove yourself from society you fucking cretin

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