Aliens? Any anons ever worked here or any CIA niggers have any alien stories to tell?
What happens here?
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I've never seen an alien, but I did fuck an illegal alien once
Did you get AIDS?
>le amerimutt conspiracy theorist
Oldfag here. I worked there for EG&G Special Projects between 1997 and 2000 but I left for greener pastures. It's R&D, test and evaluation stuff.
I worked for EG&G Special Projects.
Fuck I hate Vegas.
So no ayys?
Nope. I'm not saying what is there but I will say that there's no aliens. However, there was a bartender there that wasn't human at all.
Does CIA actually handle alien shit or is that just DIA?
Also how much of a pain in the ass is the polygraph? And is the psych-eval tough to pass to work for them? Also is there anything else that might not be obvious that might make it hard to be employed there? Finally is there a way to work there without moving to Langley?
Asking for a friend, obviously.
Special Products Operation
Compartmentalized Classified Defense Work
Been around it I'm smart so you spend enough time you understand the broad strokes of what's being done, we rarely ever use black technology because our country is filled with soft cunts.
You can take your clearance and shove it up your ass.
Not worth having.
idk because I have had nothing to do with intel.
I don't have a clearance anymore because I moved on to greener pastures.
no you didn't
oh really. Did you?
The technology I was around isn't very sexy just newer versions of shit the soviets have....are you not doing defense related work in any fashion?
I got out of it because of the post Cold War drawdown. I now am self-employed and don't miss it.
It’s where they keep the gay inducing bio weapons.
I'm living in the ashes of a place that once employed 21k people now maybe 6 or 7....working on building a shop so I can do my own thing...mngt is running the company straight into the ground lost 90k in my 401k...millenial trash roaming the halls nepotism is rampant. ..
Sad. The world just isn't the same. If I lost my business and family, I would go out like Michael Douglas in Falling Down.
Only a ET cutout in a closet.
We had some dickhead hide 58 , 20 million dollar units to pad last yrs numbers...fucker should be in jail.
Company just sweeps it under the rug....did I mention how diversity was rammed down our throats....women and minorities are cancer in the workplace. ...women fuck and scheme up the ladder and minorities play the system or threats of lawsuits and discrimination keep any from discipline. fucked.
It just needs to last a few more yrs ...the older I grow the more I see and understand the more I hate people. hard to find solid ones. ...thank god for the few I have.
Lmao that's hilarious.
>We had some dickhead hide 58 , 20 million dollar units to pad last yrs numbers...fucker should be in jail.
That's absolutely insane. Isn't there a way to report that shit?
I used to live near a guy who was a whistle blower on my company is now an ex employee but works for the govt checking deals done with our company i see him alot he works in same bldg, he's lucky nobody busted a cap in his ass from what I understand. .....he's a late fifty something fat fuck loser with no life and no pussy....being a rat gets you nothing in life.....unless somebody is hurting kids, old people or family it's not worth getting involved, the whole world is a fucking scam.
One day you have to grow up....the world's ugly you make a place to protect you and yours and arm yourself with knowledge and weapons and god help the poor bastards who try and fuck it up.
White knights are really pathetic attention seekers.
>the whole world is a fucking scam
Wise words. Honestly more like government work is a scam to be honest from what I've seen.
I'm assuming you're a contractor for the company, so if what your saying is true then they're just as cucked as the rest of Northern Virginia is what I'm assuming. I'm beyond glad I moved out of there, literally living there is asking to be a cuckhold and turn your daughters into mudsharks.
I try to remember terry's words in this case, you just run them over, that's what you do.
double spacing heaps a lot
not hurting my boomer vision
Aircraft testing projects, lots of aircraft testing projects. No aliens, but some of the black budget craft look years ahead of any jet.
Very cool place, they are expanding the underground hangar area's and creating more space for skunk works on site building and research.
Area 51 is also a big tourist attraction, and the security guards in the trucks get more attention then the aircraft flying out of it every few hours.
[ARCHIVE OF PAST THREADS(take the time to read all OP's)]:
dude chemtrails lmao
take your retard shit back to /x/
The base that nearly the entire population knows about, and is regarded as 'spooky', would not actually store anything valuable or significant.
also aliens are propaganda, the illuminati are just jewish populist organizers, Masons are autistic roleplaying faggots, and Hitler was right