There's even a trapito challenge. I think it's over, fellas. The Jews are going after us once white people are extinct.
Has trap culture gone too far? It's presence in the hispanic community is off the charts
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Look at this cute boy. How is it even possible for a guy to be so feminine?
it could get the dick desu
This is your loli (male) for today.
I don't understand the whole cover-up the mouth thing with traps.
Is it like they don't want people to spot their man-chin?
This is depressing. Why can't cute girls (male) become dilf traps?
Here he is without the mask. I think he's cute.
why do spics and Orientals make more passable traps than whites?
I don't know, they just can.
id fuck this guy desu
>Looks like the local druggie
Fucking kek
Its not degenerate if the boy is this cute
That may be true, but what about those guys who aren't born with a nice feminine body and decide to get surgery? The degeneracy will keep growing until civilization collapses. I believe.
The minute surgery or drugs is involved is where it crosses the line and becomes disgusting.
I would
We all would.
You're a moron. White trannies are very rare. Black and Mexican ones are and have always been a dime a fucking dozen, literally. You're race was already gayer bean boy
>Anime profile pic
Sorry Fidel, your time-bomb boyfriend gets the bullet
>Blocks your path
put the damn mask back
What anime profile pic? I'm not Cuban, I'm a US citizen.
Jews have nothing to do with cute boys being better than girls. All great civilizations loved boipussi.
That's a Peurto Rican flag, user.
no manjawed beast women like white women
At the lower right corner of the screenshot you can see an animu dude.
how do i find a cute girl(male) ?
Strange. His profile pic on the main page and below the video shows up as himself, and not that anime guy.
>TFW your mestizo origins lack masculine facial features.
Why does Florida Jr. get its own flag here?
g-give a name please
Diego supposedly, the spics in the comments were on a wild goose hunt to find him.
so this is what you do pedro ?you sit there and do the cam whore thing in drag while your brothers are out working and buying drugs?
it's not the jews, i've been saying this for years, but the modern trap movement is 100% the fault of anime. there is not a single "trap" that isn't a fucking weeb.
You'd prefer they blend in with the rest of the border runners?
>Still looks like a dude
user, that's pretty homo. Why can't you just find a pretty little girlfriend?
This thread is gay as fuck
They've been working on that for some time now, we are just now starting to see it normalized more and more.
>Implying trap lovers don't have girlfriends
I have a boyfriend (female) !!
Checked and kys homo
if you don't feel aroused by passable traps that means you have low testosterone
it's scientifically proven actually
I do and she wants to see me fuck a trap while she masturbates to it
Abuela's gonna be pissed
Why is Reiko's trap harem raiding Jow Forums
But who would they need to? You're already the perfect slave class they're seeking: smart enough to operate basic machinery, stupid enough to be happy doing that, shitskinned for working in the sun, no spiritual side that would compel you toward rebellion against tyranny, etc
low T
Yes. Yes it has
If she ever found out, yes. Mi abuela would be very pissed off
Checked and kys homo
I am color blind what the difference
To eliminate masculinity as a whole.
But why? Hispanics are supposed to be traditionalist as fuck and hate all that faggot shit
To be fair wearing cute clothes feels super nice.
you need to lay off the carbs and start dosing pic related
is this you?
cause i would like to play with your butt as my wife watches :***
You can cite what ever mainstream and popular examples, but he speaks the truth. There are TONS of feminine and tranny Hispanics, then blacks. Less Asians and whites but yes they are there.
reminder that during the point Jews were most oppressed in the Roman Empire, it was considered normal for men to have a feminine sissy slave at his side
so this is not the doing of the kikes, it is the inherent nature of the white man
That isn't their goal. Their goal is the destruction of the only race that could oppose them: humans (whites), in order to create a world populated by obedient, shitskinned subhumans beneath one world government, religion, and language.
They do, but ever since gay marriage was legalized in 2012 shit has gone downhill. The leftists keep pushing gay propaganda and there are gay bars in San Juan.
Thanks but you are on a different continent, bud.
the weakest humans will cull themselves, and this preserves the species. To stop this natural cycle, you destroy anything they might have sought to achieve.
Hans, you're beautiful. No homo.
Would eat that peachy boopy out as if it were and ice cream cone on a hot summer's day!
From your posts itt I can't tell if you're for or against this. Thanks anyways
p-post feet pls
I'm kind of in the air about it. I don't like the degeneracy of the left, but I'm also bi.
>the weakest humans will cull themselves
>[]niggers still exist
>[]"buh muh wh*te genocide!"
I'm kind of in the same boat then. If only we could have cute traps without all the retarded tranny bullshit non-issues they keep pushing on us.
my wife is polish and she is in poland right now.
i can fly over there visit her and then go to germany and fuck your butt a little
And to stop this natural cycle.
Less hair on facial features. Low T, skinny.
>trapito challenge
God fucking damnit, it was supposed to be a joke fucking degenerates.
Also, you challenge the primal law? You have no authority, there. We all can only obey those laws.
because they're mimicking women, and women age like milk
Post thighs with socks pulled up pls!
>more passable
Bullshit, being ugly as fuck and short goblinos does not make us more passable. Whites are on par with Asians on passableness. Only Arabs and Niggers are less passable than us.
Not like the entire planet hasn't been losing T at an alarming rate, thanks to the plastic jew and monsanto.
You are a desperate man.
What law? I don't see any laws written down by nature.
Thought Jow Forums was better than Jow Forums
Guess not.
A man who cannot support his own lifestyle must perish.
"homosexuality is the last stand of white identity"
-richard spencer
What's worse, a tranny or a trap?
Even further up?
Sounds like a lot of hassle for a bit of buttfuckery.
men who sexualize their own bodies to meet an ideal female form that doesn't exist in real females.
Notice how they are always narcissistic and obsessed with their own self-image?
alright, then just send me some more pics of you to jerk off to.
Where do you stand politically?
Tranny no contest. Traps at least put effort into their looks and presentation
>age 30
Top fucking kek
Surprisingly accurate, though.
Why are Germanics such such faggots, here's a German boy with fake tits who fanticises about fucking niggers.
>men who sexualize their own bodies to meet an ideal female form
>Notice how they are always narcissistic and obsessed with their own self-image?
huh, almost sounds like... ah fuck whats that shit cal-- women!
Yeah, this why kako culture in PR has overtaken everything, because it has, an air of masculinity in it, like gang culture even though it's fucking retarded.
de que pueblo eres?
I don't really have anything explicit enough to be fap worthy.
I shitpost on Jow Forums; Where do you think?
no they are insane
trannies put a shit ton of effort in their looks to appeal feminine, while real women only apply as much effort to meet the competition of other women in their league.
The good trannies that make you look twise require a shit tone of hormones, vocal training, and surgery just to fool straight men. That's why a lot kill themselves sin the end, because they finally realize no matter how hard they try they will never be a real women. Also why almost every tranny is obsessed with sex and porn, they need a return on their investment, yet they will never find true love.