> "teens"

Attached: teens.png (570x491, 279K)

Other urls found in this thread:

oh those british teens

I bet they were asian teens

it should not come as a shock, bin that rock

white people arent surprising they tend to do degenerate shit like this. blacks are bad but its not about them this time.

forget the mystery, bin all history

How do they know it was "youths"? Was there a witness?

Yes, there were several witnesses, yet none of the articles describe how they looked, despite the police asking for leads.

North african Chinese or mudslimes no doubt

You let your enemies into your country, what do you expect Britain? They're just getting "revenge"

>teens destroyed it.
Jew: fucking boomers!

it was probably going to fall over anyways. Think of all the ancient piles of rocks that did fall over. Nobody thinks about those.

>nigger teens

> my 6 year old saw the stones and yelled out "that's a merchant: head nose hands!"
WTF has I done.

Attached: merchant.gif (504x566, 12K)

>eternal anglo

soon every "beautiful things" in the west will be destroyed like the good ol days

Apparently they scribbled their names at the site: Siona, Lee, Chez and Aliyah.


kill yourself

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Not like it was going to be there forever

yeah. 'asians' alright.

Holy shit they're right!



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your new citizens just cleaning off the kafir religious symbols to make room for a mosque.
Part and parcel I guess.

Why should I give a f*ck about some quirky naturally arranged rocks?

See my last post. Did 'someone' destroy the rock formation bc they thought it was "antisemitic"?

Attached: 1525154424571.jpg (1100x795, 71K)

The worse part is that if and when the police realizes who those "teens" are, they won't do anything to them

Attached: fuck_this_I'm_out.gif (223x200, 1.47M)

just millennials doing millennial things.

>ice age
>320 million years

Sounds very vibrant.

you sound like you're semitic

>Muslims called Lee and Chez
>Amerimutt deductive reasoning skills

>my 6 year old

If they're teens, they're le based gen Z.

>Muhammed A. Lee

It surely isn't chav scum

Why is Asians in inverted commas?

Because they're not Asians as in people you generally think of, i.e East and South-East Asians, they're Arabs or Pakis

Arabs and pakis are from Asia? It's a big continent

Yet when you think of the stereotypical "Asian," you don't think of an Arab or a Paki, you think of a Chink, Jap, or Gook. The British media purposefully uses it ambiguously, to detract from the fact that it is, in fact, the Muslims who are the problem; "Asian" child rape gang is intentionally misleading, for instance.

Kikes destroying ancient pagan holy sites. Nothing new.

jesus christ

Attached: wojak_dumb.jpg (645x729, 41K)

East Asians tend to commit a very small amount of crime so by using the term "Asian" they can disarm negative stereotypes against Negro and Arab immigrants

People used to just say pakistani or indian, generally, everyone brown was a 'paki' wherever they came from.
Asian is like calling brits european, technically right but socially incorrect.

>this is Trumps America

100 bucks says it was inbred hooknoses

Attached: 1528512371343.jpg (726x572, 157K)

Those damn Vandals are at it again.

Attached: vandals.jpg (868x900, 451K)

They were white chav trash

unpopular opinion: it's just a buncha rocks

I can get upset about the destruction of historical relics and statues by ISIS but some rocks piled on top of another? who gives a fuck

What kind of uproar would there be if some niggers pushed over stonehenge?

>R*mans vandalize every culture they come across
>So Assmad when it happens to them that they immortalize the tribe that did it


lmao how small do you think stonehenge is?

With a truck of peace and a few chains it'd be pretty easy.

Brits have used "Asian" for people from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and more loosely and lazily extrapolated to Middle Easterners for decades you fucking idiot. It stems back to colonial days and was largely cemented in the mid 20th century when there was a large influx of immigrants from these areas settling in the UK for the first time and there was comparatively small numbers of people from Eastern Asia, such as the Japs and Chinks. So the stereotypical "Asian" in Bongistan does have brown skin, and when a Brit refers to someone as Asian, other Brits assume this. It's nothing to do with the media trying to play down rape gangs you spaz. It's more that Amerilards are so fucking stupid and ignorant and think the whole world revolves around them don't understand that they only refer to their Eastern Asian immigrants as "Asian" as they are predominantly from that side of the world. Fucking 'ell mate, embarrassing to explain this to a Brit.

None, they could use the site for immigrant housing then.


looks like it was the jews.
>aliyah was left carved into the rocks

They didn’t point out that it was whites, which is what they usually do when it’s whites, so you do the math...


why does a slovene understand british english better than an actual brit?
at this point we might aswell just apply for US statehood.

I made one of those.

Attached: DSCN9204.jpg (3264x2448, 1.59M)

Considering I'm in bongistan, and have lived here all my life, I think I'm in a better position than you to know what we consider to be the stereotypical "Asian."
When a Brit refers to someone as "Asian," we don't mean Middle Easterns or Pakis.

part and pebble.

its a fucking rock boo hoo

are you sure they werent youths? or perhaps juveniles

What a shame. I bet it was someone of enriched culture, them being a common sight in UK.

That's cute, user.

where do you live? cos where im from asian means paki and chink means east asian.



...but why?

No. You’re a LARPing American. Everyone in the UK knows ‘Asian’ = ‘Paki’. Everyone. And it’s meant that since the 19th fucking century.

Eastern Euros are the niggers of Europe.

>the jews did it

Muslims who were pro-palestine did it you fucking retard, they do this shit all the time.

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>implying 60IQ cultural enrichers could figure that out.

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Thank God for diversity. Those rocks were a symbol of white supremacy

if a few teenagers were able to topple it then it probably wasn't going to last much longer anyway

Banning capital punishment was a mistake.

Attached: Brimham Rocks.jpg (450x600, 48K)

We said the same thing on 9/11

Thats an Asian name Rasheed

that confirms it's pakis

This it's 100 percent pakis i just read the articles it was probably an exercise in destroying idols or something

I've seen a lot but this disturbs me so much

I don't know who would would do this.

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Never before have I seen Bible verses taken so out of context.

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The term "British Asian" is recognised as exactly what I said. Individuals whose ethnic backgrounds are from the Indian subcontinent but are born and raised in the UK. I have worked closely with official government audits in the UK whilst living in the UK, predominantly NHS audits which drive a lot of decisions in regard to treatment strategies.

If you are a Brit, and you don't think the vast majority of other Brits and general British common parlance use the word "Asian" to describe what I said then you are deluded and have been Americanised.

Satan is a good guy. t anyone who has actually read it.

Let's be honest. It is much, much more likely this was done by shithead chavs than anyone else. Pakis don't leave the towns and cities.

t. Paki

Siona, Lee, Chez and Aliyah
Not a single one of these sounds Paki, Pakis have ethnic as fuck names. These all sound like new age Anglo chav names

underrated post

Aliyah isn't an English name.

Attached: EFE2908D-335C-4371-A7CE-C5AC11358852.jpg (1242x1404, 467K)

Its Hebrew buts its actually been a popular name among Brits for awhile now

>320 million years old and teens just destroyed it and that's a good thing, here's why

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based poo

is this loss

Might be Bosnian. Also this looks like it was done by Chavs, Pakis usually are illiterate.

I don't understand. Why?

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>The British media purposefully uses it ambiguously
don't be this dense dickhead

Also popular among the German Unterschicht.