Hi guys! Inquiring lefty here.
I feel like free speech is an important value that ought to be upheld, but how do you justify it when abusing this right to degrade and destroy an entire race of people? It is not like they had any say over the race with which they were assigned at birth. Doesn't this seem unjust?
Asking for liberal friends on Facebook who are curious to see what you have to say. Please explain yourselves, I want to understand what you actually believe.
Hi guys! Inquiring lefty here
Other urls found in this thread:
How is that abuse of the right?
>degrade and destroy
Implying niggers don't do this to everything they come in contact with.
because there's no such thing as hate speech in the us.
>entire race of people
>Status: Destroyed
Censoring free speech in the name of hate speech is the first and certainly not the last step in abolishing the right to free speech period.
I believe in my fellow man and their ability to discern between good and evil. The hateful minority will remain a hateful minority as it has in the past, but I do not trust you, myself, and certainly not any government to only ban "hate speech" as the United Kingdom has so wonderfully demonstrated. I would sooner die than have to fear for my right to life, self determination, or right to work because of shitposting and banter I made in jest with friends that just so happened to get recorded or overheard.
tl;dr eat shit Commie I'll kill you if you try to take away my 1st Amendment by using the 2nd Amendment.
>It is not like they had any say over the race with which they were assigned at birth
If we sterilize all the untermensch everyone will be perfect upon birth and this problem will be a thing of the past.
OP is a faggot
>I feel like free speech is an important value that ought to be upheld, but how do you justify it when abusing this right to degrade and destroy an entire race of people? It is not like they had any say over the race with which they were assigned at birth. Doesn't this seem unjust?
You obviously don't think free speech's that important then if minuscule shit like racial slurs upset you
Why don't you think of what true free speech actually means instead of worrying about someone's feeling faggot
>1 post by this ID
Only Whites were ever supposed to have political power in this country, the 3/5ths compromise, the 15th Amendment, and the 19th Amendment were all mistakes.
Nice meme flag.
It's not personal. It's just what needs to be done.
They have no place in a functional society.
No feels
>*bumps thread*
everyone point and laugh at this brainlet
Ahh liberals, the individual does not exist since they cannot think for themselves.
Aka puppet who pulls your strings? If you actually observed society you would see your statements are meaningless.
>how do you justify it when abusing this right to degrade and destroy an entire race of people?
If you do believe that superior people can be bred according to the same principles by which superior corn and cattle are bred, then using free-speech to argue for the long-term destruction of those you think inferior makes perfect sense. You can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs.
Degrade or destroy?
For example "I think blacks are dumb and jews are untrustworthy" is degrading. But it does no actual harm. It may be unpopular, but that's exactly why it's speech that needs to be protected.
"Destroy" .....well I'm curious how speech could do such a thing. Unless I'm already in a position of power and ordering a genocide me saying "Kill all the blacks and Jews" will not result in the death of all the blacks or jews.
If you can't use speech to degrade and destroy, you don't have a right to free speech, so stop pretending you are.
Look at this liberal... "Free speech is great, but you can't have it because I disagree".
And that, boys and girls, is why the founders created the SECOND amendment, because retard wouldn't understand the concept of the 1st.
The principle of Free Speech is so important that it warrants protecting even the worst, most intentionally hurtful comments imaginable. This is not an endorsement of such comments, but an acknowledgement that they must be tolerated to protect Free Speech itself, because ANY infringement is the thin edge if the wedge that leads to the slippery slope of totalitarian speech codes. This is necessarily an all-or-nothing proposition. Any censorship, of any kind or to any degree, is a bridge too far.
>Therefore, however peculiar the speaker's point of view may appear at first glance, we must absolutely prefer it to the empty, nebulous and blurry arguments of those German liberals who think freedom is honoured by being placed in the starry firmament of the imagination instead of on the solid ground of reality. It is in part to these exponents of the imagination, these sentimental enthusiasts, who shy away from any contact of their ideal with ordinary reality as a profanation, that we Germans owe the fact that freedom has remained until now a fantasy and sentimentality.
>If the German looks back on his history, he will find one of the main reasons for his slow political development, as also for the wretched state of literature prior to Lessing, in the existence of "authorised writers". The learned men by profession, guild or privilege, the doctors and others, the colourless university writers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, with their stiff pigtails and their distinguished pedantry and their petty hair-splitting dissertations, interposed themselves between the people and the mind, between life and science, between freedom and mankind. It was the unauthorised writers who created our literature. Gottsched and Lessing-there you have the choice between an "authorised" and "unauthorised" writer!
Read it all OP
hey dipshiot read what you wrote...it describes the constant anti-white racism that comes from the left, you are just getting it shovelled back at you is all.''
how bout this you stop being a commie faggot and you wont hafta be killed
They never did it to me.
>tl;dr eat shit Commie I'll kill you if you try to take away my 1st Amendment by using the 2nd Amendment.
I sure as hell plan to.
What causes you to believe this?
Yeah, sorry if I don't spend enough time talking to racist cowards online to have a credible opinion.
>Only Whites were ever supposed to have political power in this country
>the 3/5ths compromise, the 15th Amendment, and the 19th Amendment were all mistakes.
No, they were the results of good people trying to rectify the mistakes of their past.
When, if you do not mind me asking, is the last time you've left your grandmother's basement?
Good night Jow Forums, I have a cause to fight for. I have something I believe in and I am going to make it happen. I know it hurts to remember the glorious Battle of Berlin, when all the racists killed themselves, but it is going to happen again.
I guess I hope you losers find enough time to spread your racist propaganda before you are destroyed by the stronger camp of people, the inevitable victors of the future, the communists.
Because free speech isn’t about popular opinions. It’s the protection of the exact opposite. This is so one day if your beliefs are the unpopular ones, you can still have the freedom to express them. There are lots of other more complex reasons as well. If for example some dumb ass nazis are blabbering on about their beliefs everyone else can learn from their mistakes, and present rational counter arguments that fuel the evolution of humanity. The fact that I have to explain this at all is a very serious problem.
>If for example some dumb ass nazis are blabbering on about their beliefs everyone else can learn from their mistakes, and present rational counter arguments that fuel the evolution of humanity.
Oh my god, I forgot! You're right!
Free speech in Nazi Germany was a sacred ideal protected at all costs, and not at all the opposite of what the Nazis claimed to be advocating for!
Do you think we are stupid?
Is this bait? Commies are pathetic and disgustingly outnumbered. You can never get enough people to believe the blatant jewish propaganda. It's honestly sad how delusional you societal rejects are. Have fun LARPing, I guess.
This is of particular importance when considering the concept of "prohibited speech". It is in the interests of TPTB to prohibit anything which may serve to challenge or undermine their power. Thus, it is guaranteed that giving government the power to censor speech necessarily authorizes the suppression of any dissident voices.
For now, the Left imagine themselves to be TPTB, and that the government works for them or represents their ideals. However, this can easily change, and power once used to suppress "homophobia" can easily be used to suppress voices for gay rights in the future if the composition of government changes from mostly Left to mostly Right. As always, the problem is authoritarianism itself, not whose hand is on the wheel.
Just because I post on this board doesn’t make me even remotely sympathetic to or in agreement with nazis. That’s why you will forever epic fail. You can’t argue about anything without bullshit straw men that have no basis in reality. I would be better off conversing with a tree. At least they have some idea of objective reality. Or in other words you need to actually put in the effort required to have a clue what the fuck you are talking about. Otherwise you are wasting everyone’s time, and need to shut the fuck up.
>it's not like they had any say over the race which they were assigned at birth
Then why is it degrading? They aren't insulting you, they are insulting some genetic/cultural aspect of you. I think our maturity as a society has gone down. If some guy says "tall people are the scum of the Earth" when you pass him, and you are tall, wouldn't it seem pretty silly to want action to be taken against him as justice for his words?
nice trips. amen
Leftists have no problem mocking people who are stupid, yet they were born that way
I believe you misunderstood. The Nazis were highly authoritarian and did suppress free speech rights (as did the similarly authoritarian Soviets). This is not a good thing. We want to prevent the same mistake from being implemented anywhere else.
>Whereas the mover of the motion sought to impose restrictions on persons, the subjects of the press, other estates want to restrict the objective material of the press, the scope of its operation and existence. The result is a soulless bargaining and haggling as to how much freedom freedom of the press ought to have.
>One estate wants to limit the press to discussing the material, intellectual and religious state of affairs in the Rhine Province; another wants the publication of "local newspapers", whose title indicates their restricted content; a third even wants free expression of opinion to be allowed in one newspaper only in each province!!!
>All these attempts remind one of the gymnastics teacher who suggested that the best way to teach how to jump was to take the pupil to a big ditch and show him by means of a cotton thread how far he ought to jump across the ditch. Of course, the pupil had first to practise jumping and would not be allowed to clear the whole ditch on the first day, but from time to time the thread would be moved farther away. Unfortunately, during his first lesson the pupil fell into the ditch, and he has been lying there ever since. The teacher was a German and the pupil's name was "freedom".
You still haven't read it have you OP?
Fucking ding, ding, ding.
>It is not like they had any say over the race with which they were assigned at birth. Doesn't this seem unjust?
Take your own advice when you criticize white people for being oppressors even though all we did was be born.
Wiemar Germany had hate speech laws, the communist OP is just a retard.
You know damn well that the filthy centrists will inherit the earth. Why don't we just join up and genocide them all before we fight each other again?
Just replace white with rich and they aren’t wrong. What does that fucking tell you? Always a scapegoat to pin shit on. Just move from one to the next.
Twitter should be shut down though.
Kill yourself leftist faggot.
That’s different. That’s pure propaganda. You can’t claim to be a bastion of free speech while suppressing it. Ludicrous.
True but Twitter censors free speech all the time especially when they don't agree with your opinion.
> I feel like free speech is an important value that ought to be upheld, but how do you justify it when abusing this right to degrade and destroy an entire race of people?
Do you have any links to justify the claim of people being "destroyed" by speech?
Is this just some lazy hyperbole?
>First of all, who is to grant authority? Kant would not have admitted Fichte's authority as a philosopher, Ptolemy would not have admitted that Copernicus had authority as an astronomer, nor Bernard of Clairvaux Luther's authority as a theologian. Every man of learning regards his critics as "unauthorised authors". Or should the unlearned decide who should have the authority of a man of learning? Obviously the judgment would have to be left to the unauthorised authors, for the authorised cannot be judges in their own case. Or should authority be linked with estate? The cobbler Jakob Böhme was a great philosopher. [B] Many a philosopher of repute is merely a great cobbler.
Still having trouble figuring this out OP?
All social media should be subject to constitutional protections. Simply inform them they will be subject to prosecution for civil rights violations and that they are no longer responsible for what is said, only for suppression of the right to free speech.
>I feel like free speech is important... But...
Kill yourself fascist kike.
It is never the speech that the majority agree with which needs to be protected. It is the speech which is controversial which is prone to be censored. It is the speech that goes against your government which needs to be protected. If the government is able to censor speech, then it will censor speech which goes against the government. Haven't you ever heard of Voltaire anyways? Who is being satirical? You don't know, but in all gets censored anyways. The ability of the government to censor speech would give them much too much power, no checks and balances.
I agree, antiWhite speech has no place in a modern society. As a White rights activist i look at ways to empower ppl in our community who have been marginalized by the rise in antiWhite speech. If you want to be an ally "Stand Up For Whites When The Speech Aint Right", we all can make a difference if we do our part to stop this senseless acts of hate. Rise up!
That is what I just articulated.
The msm doesn’t metaphorically go to war for freedom of speech either. That tells you exactly where their loyalties lie.
>Asking for liberal friends on Facebook who are curious to see what you have to say.
So then OP, what do they think now?
So back fragility is real, niggers can and will be destroyed by the utterance of the word nigger.
Justice is a social construct.
Those who are incapable of wielding power will always be subject to the capable.
Choice doesn't exist, it's merely a byproduct of nescience.
You are a commie faggot.
I am going to drop some real talk in here if you don't want to read just watch this, all of what I wrote is from him
This is the issue OP, it's not one side or the other, it's people lacking identity or even a healthy ego. What do we all have in common, well this is what we are told
>you are a smart animal that has inconsequentially appeared here for no reason and there is a fuck ton of you, so unless you build your idea of who you are using your opinions or random shit you see in the mirror or what things you like to eat, without those things then you don't represent anything
And not everyone is a nihilist but everyone laughs at nihilist humor, for fucks sake look how big Rick and Morty is, now the cynical nihilist is an identity too if you want it. We have LGBTs, political parties, optional flags on pol, internet cults, on and on and on. There is an entire community for every small little thing, we didn't used to care this much about ourselves. It is unnatural to care so much about yourself that you stay up at night arguing with people on the internet and yet all of us do it. All it is is vulnerability. Once you tape a label to your body you take all of its weaknesses too. People who want to be proud of being black, set themselves up to be even more hurt by the word nigger than they would've been otherwise, because their identity distorts it into a knife instead of what it is which is a word.
It's important for fools to speak their mind so they may be corrected.
No response, sad
Ok, a thought for you OP if your liberal friends had the balls to actually spend time on Jow Forums instead of dismissing it as a bunch of Nazi's they'd either be antisemitic or communists
How does that make you feel? :^)
Why we are and who we are dont exist in seperate vacuums. Purpose is derived from one's own environments, its just that some cannot surpass the initial step of self realisation and thus fail to reach self actualization. youtu.be
This may feel untrue at first, but hear me out when I say you are a leftist ideologue and that means you don't have principles.
You have ideals, but few to no actual principles.
I know, I know! How can this be true? You have so much virtue, right? But it is true. See, principles are things that are true for everybody, with as few exceptions as possible. Quick hint: if you need to know what the outcome of something is before you decide if it's right or wrong, then chances are that you are operating on an ideal, not a principle.
So in your example, free speech for all means free speech for everybody, including people you don't like, and they can say whatever they want, including things you don't want to hear. Now you might think that this is some sort of problem, allowing this may lead to terrible things such as some people might not agree with you. But there are other things to consider...
Here is a place where the solution is more principles! A common principle that many people have is the idea of being personally responsible. Another is that thinking and saying things are not the same as doing things or calling for things to be done. Also a third, very common principle is one that says your beliefs and ideals may not be true, or even good, for everyone, and maybe they are even wrong for you to have them. This is often phrased as "Tough Shit. Deal With It."
Can you think of how applying these three principles to your problem will solve the issues you have?
How do you justify the FBI crime stats that show blacks are murdering and raping and robbing whites at multiple times the rate whites commit these crimes against blacks? It would save thousands of white lives lives and stop thousands of rapes against white women if blacks were segregated from us. Why don't these white lives matter?
>how do you justify it when abusing this right to degrade and destroy an entire race of people?
Explain how speech can destroy someone, physically.
>I feel like free speech is an important value
>now let me tell you what you're allowed to say and what you're not allowed to say
Nigger you need to get some fucking self awareness. Not only do you not understand free speech (because you're a dumbass faggot) but there's no way you could even value it at all. Youre a fucking imbecel and absolutely deserve to be strung up with the rest of your idiot cult member friends. Fuck off and stay off Jow Forums you utter cunt.
sir, i concede that i have not watched as much rick and morty as you have
I think free speech is a goal worth upholding. When racist virgins start advocating for a genocide online, I look back at history and consider that this maybe, much like "yelling fire in a crowded movie theater," this should not be allowed.
Ah, a meme flag troll I see, I apologize, I mistook you for a leaf.
But that hasn't happened. Besides, you can only commit genocide against people.
That race of people can exercise their right o free speech and speak up for themselves. If they're being destroyed, that means they're losing on the merits of the argument.
>It is not like they had any say over the race with which they were assigned at birth.
The stupid and the evil did not ask to be born as they are either. But more importantly, all non-white races stand in solidarity within themselves, and so we must do the same, or be destroyed.
>how do you justify it when abusing this right to degrade and destroy an entire race of people?
There’s your fucking problem, commie. You think that you can cut this kind of stuff off at the root. If you can’t convince people to starve to death under communism, then you should just go the fuck away and stop trying to tell people what to say.
I would disagree with the evil part. I like to think that we are made evil, and that we always have the choice to change that. Race, on the other hand, isn’t something you can pick or get out of.
Do you believe in egalitarianism? Seems like the left is all for it. Would you have a look at this and comment on it?
how has speech ever destroyed an entire race of people?
You, sir, are a fucktard.
Doggo Thread?
"Assigned at birth" top kek
I don’t believe anybody is equal, but I believe in equal treatment until you give me a reason to treat you differently.
>When racist virgins start advocating for a genocide online, I look back at history and consider that this maybe, much like "yelling fire in a crowded movie theater," this should not be allowed.
Comrade, could you convey to your liberal friends that if racist virgins calling for genocide on a mongolian throat singing board is like shouting fire in a crowded theater then worrying about speech controls is like placing a bandaid on a cancer patient