Holy shit

>So why is she lying this much?” Scarborough asked. “I know children are being ripped from their mother’s arms, even while they’re being breast-fed. I know children are being marched away to showers, marched away to showers. Being told they are — just like the Nazis — said that they were taking people to the showers and then they never came back,” he said.

>“You think they would use another trick like 'Hey, got a slurpee room over there.' 'We’re going to take them to get a slurpee,'” he continued. “That would be better than 'We’re marching them to the showers and we’ll be right back' and they never come back.”

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It’s the cocaine.

joe is joe

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Fuck I wish we were actually Nazis like they think we are.

The day of the rope is near. Don’t worry.

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And yet they could easily avoid all this trouble by simply staying the fuck in their own country.

Wait, are we actually not gonna shower people?

>children are being ripped from their mother’s arms, even while they’re being breast-fed. I know children are being marched away to showers
this is gold

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Just a reminder, the jew has Scarbourough by the balls and he will sign when squeezed. Jews not only pay for his bacon, but hold the keys to his potential prison cell.

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there's no way he said this but I wouldn't put it past him