boomer here, seriously let's sit down and talk what went wrong with our society
Boomer here, seriously let's sit down and talk what went wrong with our society
Other urls found in this thread:
You charged your lifestyle to the credit card of your progeny
Boomer here as well.
I'm pretty sure the problem lies in the current generation Z.
Bigoted, intolerant and xenophobic kids.
You believed a single word that a politician uttered, you absolute FOOLS!
Everything we're doing now is what you should have been doing, motherfucker. We'd have already won the war by now.
You did. You deserve what happened to the folks in the great depression.
>what went wrong with our society
Garden of Eden.
Sinful humanity.
Lack of Christ.
The Jews used your freedoms against you, and you were to good-hearted to believe it was true.
Frig Off You Pre Existing Condition Having, Q TARD
#millenial here. your father was right.
What is that webm from? It's familiar.
You abandoned God.
>Bigoted, intolerant and xenophobic kids.
Stop pushing today's problem to us. Our generation has no smartphone
And I don't see you kids attaining Church faithfully every Sunday
you have no brain either.
>60's: lets play in the mud
>70's: disco, yay!
>80's: cocaine, yay!
>90's: where did this family come from?
fucking belt dodger.
just kidding, love you dad
You pissed away the greatest economic empire in the history of man for values you abandoned the first chance you got.
My biggest gripe is that you fucks didn't elect Pat Buchanan in 92. Everything else was pretty unavoidable considering the media powers you old farts were up against.
You went wrong with it. My mom's a boomer and my dad's greatest generation and, boy, you fucking shitlords and your crypto-libertarianism is fucking cancer.
"muh muh if somebody isn't bothering you personally then why do you care?"
Fucking dumb, shortsighted horseshit. I might not care or be impacted by others' degeneracy, but SO MANY dumb people are, and it's entirely destructive to society.
Anyway, yeah. Fuck you, boomers. Now we have to do things the hard way.
Boomers are proof why eugenics are needed. Every moron boomer was able to secure a high paying job outside of highschool. These morons reproduced en mass.
What are we going to do with all the twenty-something boomers and their Nintendo Switches?
> what went wrong with our society
>And I don't see you kids attaining Church faithfully every Sunday
because you destroyed teh Church.
>And I don't see you kids attaining Church faithfully every Sunday
I get up ass early every weekend to make it to Mass despite working every single weekend at a shitty janitor job.
I wonder why kids don't go to church... Maybe it's because their coke-head marijuana smoking "I experimented in college" faggot parents never took them to church, never prayed as a family, used the Simpsons as their babysitter, sent their kids to re-education public schools, let (((doctors))) drug their kids into oblivion, and generally lived spiritually void, hedonistic, self-indulgent, weakling lifestyles. Who knew that being a godless narcissist would have an effect on your kids spiritual well-being.
The so called elite told you you could be like them
>Fast cars
>Big houses
>white picket fence's
and you fell for the lie.
Though to be honest; I've seen the inexperienced youth fall for a much harsher lie.
>Woman should be on a pedestal
>Men are weak, and know no better
>White man are ebil, and you should be ashamed
We honestly need to be working together, but idk how.
Thanks for flooding our country with immigrants and now we have to compete with their millions of children.
Fucking snob ass boomers.
Boomers aren't doing fast enough. We need to commit genocide on the boomers across the globe. It will be a net positive for all generations. Maybe then intellectual conservatism will make a comeback. Arguments like those of Ayn Rand will actually make a comeback, instead of just sounding off "Muh religion, muh founding fathers, muh whaboutthem's"
That webm is actually pretty deep, unlike the leftist trash that is typically posted as OP on threads here with the comment "she has a point/deep/made me think".
What is this from?
I already tried asking; hopefully you get a proper response.
It's part of the new Cuphead DLC.
maybe we would if our boomer parents weren't such degenerate faggots.
ronald reagan got rid of the fairness doctrine. right wing media slowly pushed the american people fascist.
>durrr tegnology is bad becos we look at screens
Total brainlet argument, considering there has been countless studies that prove that the problem goes far deeper, all the way down to changing our brains due to neuroplasticity.
You need to leave
Why are women turning into whores then?
>gook thinks he can respond to my post without my permission
last mistake bitch
The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
cultural marxism
Smart phone. A simple Nokia phn with ability to call and sms was enough.
Talk about this:
[ARCHIVE OF PAST THREADS(take the time to read all OP's)]:
We need organize to fight the filth, it's the only way.