What would the world be like if nukes did not exist?

What would the world be like if nukes did not exist?

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More war, less fear of terrorism but likely more terrorism and proxy attacks.

Aren't most terrorist groups tribal by nature? I feel like the main threat is they'll obtain knowledge and/or direct access to nukes, so wouldn't the abstain of nukes make them less of a threat?

No, most terrorist attacks against the west are in retaliation for an attack or a perceived attack. Because there's more war in general, there are a lot more splinter groups from all over who would attack western civilians.

Is there main goal not to dominate the entire world with Islam? Therefore it would, theoretically, make no difference if they were or were not revoked beforehand? I'm no expert in this area but it seems that no matter how you look at this situation, it's literally kill or be killed

Different timeline. In this timeline the super powers just conquer the middle East for oil and none of that money goes to Muslims who then fund "Islamic purposes," so no Islamic terrorism here.

Side note, did you know environmentalism is a subtle anti terrorism tactic? Most of these groups can be traced to oil money, no oil, poor middle East and they go back to being irrelevant dirt farmers.

Instead of ending in 1945, WWII would quickly become an open war between the remaining European powers and the United States against the Soviet Union. Another 100 million men would be killed by 1950. Europe would finally collapse entirely. Worldwide famine caused by the disruption would kill tens of millions more. Imagine the Western Front in WWI, but permanent.

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What would the world be like if Jews did not exist?

America would rule the world.

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lots and lots of war, leaving the earth more of a shit-hole than it already is.

The only thing bringing "peace" nowadays is the understanding that everyones weapons are so powerful, war would be disastrous for everyone involved-including aggressors.

This point basically shits on Steven Pinker's "Better Angels" theory that the world is getting less violent because of "moral progress" or whatever nonsense.

One horrific war after another. WW3 would have been going on within a few years after the previous one. Maybe some Orwellian state of constant warfare between the superpowers where neither side ever wins

I guess pretty bad, apparently wed be too retarded to understand atoms and nuclear physics..

no anime less degenerates?

They would come and share their technolog with us. Enlighten us beyond imagination and propel us to new heights. That is the barrier to the next step humanity takes. Nuclear weapons must be gotten rid of.

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do people that they dont exist? if not it would be just like it is now complete with failed launches. every one assuming some jew made a super weapon because history books say he did

My bet is that alien life would've made contact with us much quicker. I feel like the whole reason they haven't bothered is because they saw the nukes being launched from space and decided we were too dangerous.

nukes don't exist

You're already living in it because nukes never existed to begin with. Nuclear arms is a psy-op.

*falling noise*

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>shills in this thread saying things would be worse if the nuclear hoax never happened
Right, cause the world is so stable, healthy, and violence-free today, but only as long as most people believe that the top gangs will mutually kill everyone if their collective power is being threatened.

Other means of mass destruction. Chemical weapons can be as damaging as nukes, bioweapons can be so spooky nukes are toys in comparison, memes can subjugate and destroy whole nations without firing a single bullet. Nukes are great because they're overrated, you wouldn't want Israel to have weaponized Ebola instead of nukes, trust me.

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