We’ll guys I finally made it. I got a gf she’s hispanic and cute. But she recently told me she’s illegal. What should I do?
We’ll guys I finally made it. I got a gf she’s hispanic and cute. But she recently told me she’s illegal...
Marry her, pump out 56% face kids and watch her transform into a Goblin.
Call ICE after she breaks up with your sorry ass.
all illegals, including female, have mustache
Sorry, but an illegal is illegal.
How about you get yourself an aryan qt instead?
Call ICE on her without a single regret.
Also, I've always wondered... do Hispanic women's pussies taste spicy?
Damn OP, What do you have to say for yourself?
Call ICE on her if you want to be with her you can be with her in Mexico
because he's probably a spic himself
Bad news OP.
Latinas are like the opposite of a grenade. They explode once you put a ring on them. Just look at the mestizo-fat women and you will see the future of this girl within five minutes of marriage.
Marry her
Probably this.
I have been a hardcore Trump supporter since the beginning. But now I don’t know if I should follow through with my ideals.
>Latinas are like the opposite of a grenade. They explode once you put a ring on them
>I got a gf she’s hispanic and cute
Better check if she's not underage, my friendo. Otherwise you may get yourself fucked once you call ICE (because you're calling ICE, right?)
step 1: hot and heavy
step 2: put that shit on ice
don't support degeneracy and call ICE on her
nah idk. bang her.
Enjoy Trump literally ripping you away from her breasts
Kek, this.
I was in the same boat as you, just be with her until you two break up, then ou call ICE on her for revenge
If you really care about this grill, then let it be.
Call ICE on her if she ends up being a thot or cucks you or something. Break it off, call, and give her the biggest shit-eating grin ever while you sit in a lawn chair watching her being Carted away by ICE
marry her and make her legal, just like trump did with melania.
Was the quacamomma ever not a goblin?