The end is coming Jow Forums. buckle up. i have inside info this is gonna be something big

the end is coming Jow Forums. buckle up. i have inside info this is gonna be something big.

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Killis over a THIRD of those who contract it, and here's why that's a GOOD thing!!!

Ebola chan has been around for a while now and is far more deadly than 33% mortality rate. why is this disease more dangerous?

The virulence far exceeds ebola. If 3 of your coworkers who work right next to you contracted ebola, 99% chance you're not going to get it. If they contracted bird flu, 99% chance you're going to get it.

cuz with ebola you needed direct, fairly long term exposure directly to bodily fluids to get it. people in africa kept getting it because they had rituals where they hugged the dead bodies and they refused to stop them.

its about fucking time

this is a good thing, I've been suicidal for a long time. this is my meal ticket out of this rock while sparing myself the shame of actually an heroing

Give your energy to MadCowDisease8.0!!!!

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The spanish flu scenario is much much worse in modern society thanks to the more often used public transportation and airports. Should a strain mutate to something similar we're in for a really bad time. The spanish flu took out ~5% of the world population back when few people even owned a vehicle.

>600 people died from awful shit in china
oh it must be a slow day