Morning pol. I just had master idea how we can troll dice. As everyone knowns battlefield these days has gone full sjw. But we can use this. I wonder what the devs do if people start sending them feedback going something like "thanks Dice for adding diversity. We don't have enough games where I get to shoot niggers" or "finally I get to shoot women". If we send 1000 of these what would happen?
Jason Price
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Juan Edwards
Ryder Mitchell
it will be all over the news for 2 days and increase the game's popularity.
that's all it.
Nicholas Wood
isn't it past your bedtime
James Robinson
*snap* and underage
Ian Ramirez
fair point. They would somehow try to turn that around
Owen Torres
go away cucks if you don't have any input
Matthew Cook
nothing. your feedback would be ignored by an underpaid staffer who goes through 99.9% garbage feedback all day.
Wyatt Butler
>I just had master idea
>master idea
Elijah Lee
I work in the industry.
Best you could do is not buying it. That Solo movie bomb is what is causing Disney to re-think its SJW strategy.