Why do nerds and introverts exist?

Why do nerds and introverts exist?

I mean from an evolutionary standpoint. Shouldn't they have gone extinct millions of years ago?

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We invent shit for you, without us you'd still be in the stone age.

To pass genes on you'd need to reproduce and nerds all die as virgins even in modern times
Back in caveman times when the alpha male had a harem, and other men were just slaves, they even had less chances to reproduce

Humans are not social, humans are tribal and the only people who they converse with are the tribe they are in and relatives.

Mods for videogames isn't an invention.

They are further along on the evolutionary spectrum. Further away from the primitive beast form, and closer to enlightened god mind.

Popular people are normie plebs who live insignificant lives and die leaving behind nothing but shit, piss, kids who will leave behind shit and piss, and so fourth and beyond.

In part because at some point both women and men, for their own reasons, selected for introvert traits.

introvert doesn't mean shut in, and it's not a genetic trait.


But a tribe with no nerds would lose to a tribe with nerds due to internal strife between the alphas and a too-small beta underclass to gather and cultivate food and die in border skirmishes.

Invented at most 3000 years ago, which is nothing in the grand scale of things

i dont think humans were like us a million years ago and the social structure was different
think of it like animals more, yes there were alphas, but "nerds" were not as we see them today

Danger picks off the most extroverted targets.
Introversion is probably more common in areas of warfare etc.

Introverts create stability and heal social drama. They create tools for the tribe to use.
It makes sense for the so called "alpha" male to have some introverted offspring to increase the chances of survival for his more competetive offspring that will further pass on the genetic material. Can't have a tribe that is one big battle royale for the top position.

Maybe it's just a consequence of how human brain works. If you make a stick, it has to have two ends.

>at most 3000 years ago

Dude...remember that once book written about 3500 years ago...
What was it called?

wtf? Are you retarded?
Introverts/ nerds create civilization.
In a matter of fact, in our current stage of technological achievements, extroverts are literally obsolete.
Most low IQ jobs will be taken by robots/AI and the rest will be taken care of by introverts who are smart enough to handle data well.
Relax and enjoy your life as long as it lasts, 'cause extroverts are a dying species, in regards to evolution.

Meanwhile Abdul and Tyrone make 16 kids with your sister, as you are playing videogames downstairs

Sorry to blow your bubble, but extroverts generally achieve more success.
Charm and open personality will never be outdated. Larger social circles create more oportunities.
Also, it's data handling that AI will automate. Jobs based on human interaction and empathy will never be automated.

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If you find yourself struggling to talk to people in office not because you are (((introvert))) but because most of them speak lies and seem like a useful idiots, you should know the reason you don't talk to them is because you have better rational functioning brain than them. Society calls you introvert, that is just namesake. You have simply leader like mentality. They has followers like mentality.

But again in order to become leader or lead the followers you must prove that you are best among in terms of your productivity.
If any gay faggot with blue hair is able to do same work better than you then you have lost it. You have become too stoic and egoistic.

"Live on the edge of your fear and failures and keep breaking the boundary"
This is from The Rational male.

>no error bars
Show me the error bars.

>leader mentality
Leaders are generally extroverted.

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>but extroverts generally achieve more success.

>how does being quiet and keeping your head down help you to survive?

Extroverts (so far) just make more money on average.
Although this is indeed personal success it has nothing to do with creating civilization.
Ideas & inventions push civilization forward, something we all know extroverts are shit at it.
Even regarding your chart, nowadays nerds have more social & fiscal power than before due to the more tech-oriented nature of our modern civilization.
Just like most programmers are male, similarly, most programmers are introverts.
It might be a slow process but eventually evolution will push away extroverted genes as they are no longer that useful as they used to be.

Similarly, this will happen with ESFJ personalities (referring to the MBTI typology). xSFJs are literally bio-bots, a "YES SIR!" bio-entitity that exists only to follow orders.
Nowadays, they are obsolete. I can order around my programs (and in the future AIs)

Lastly, Introversion will be a must for any future space expansion / colonization programs that might happen.
It's been proven (google it) that introverts fare much better when it comes to spend bit chunk of your time in small rooms/spaces and since all future colonies will surely lack excess space, extroversion will be considered a bad attribute for a colonist.

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Also nerds and intelligent people are not about genetic nature. It's nurture. I have been living with my best friend since my early childhood. My parenting was very different from his parenting. Their parents regularly fought and ignored their son, buying them expensive things thinking that would make them happy.
My parents would always question my requirement before committing.
For that same reason he is working in consultancy firm and I work for Microsoft.
While he reads quora non stop I lurk /lit /g and /pol.
While he always watch TV and probably is watching fifa now, I don't have TV and only youtube channel I follow are computer science.
While he go out with groups to feel some sense of acceptance. People visit my house to taste food I cook.

Do you understand the meaning of a word "generally", mutt?

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To be honest, in order to lead you need to role play extrovert enough to larp as a group unit. But when they do something bad or degenerate you should be able to take control and turn their mind. I am introvert as well as extrovert. In office I can larp hard as extrovert but I know my limit, how much time to spend, what topic to talk about and rest.

The only reason you'd think that is if you started from the position that it's inherently bad somehow.

Any trait that's normally distributed has some evolutionary benefit to exist as a spectrum. That's most of the personality traits including the introversion/extroversion scale. Even things like neuroticism has some benefit to appear as a scale.

The very general principle is that while we exist is societies, especially complex and specialized ones, we get benefit from a mixture of traits, none are inherently better than the other.

It's why the left wing and the right wing are necessary and this far right circle jerk is just as bad as the far left circle jerk. What matters is the dialogue between the 2 and the ability to constantly be able to adapt to a changing environment.

>extroverts generally achieve more success

Only because modern society is a popularity contest circle jerk.

So your personality is fluid..? Okay.

Oh boy. There always is that one Jow Forums bogan that creeps out of a hole to moan about how unfair life is.

>Only because modern society is a popularity contest circle jerk.
I also wanted to mention this.

>Why do nerds and introverts exist, I mean from an evolutionary standpoint?

That's not really how genes work. Women don't have to be extroverted to get married off or raped, and those women can be introverted, meaning the children they have to an extroverted Alpha male can still be introverted.

Not to mention all of the greatest discoveries and inventions were made by introverted shutins. Introverts would definitely be more productive, while extroverts HAVE to socialize, introverts don't, so they spend more time working.

Besides, being introverted doesn't mean you're autistic-levels of social capacity, just that interacting with people drains your energy, they can still get pussy.


Forget about space colonization. It has no benefit apart from scientific pursuit. It's a net minus.
Those "bio-entities" will always be needed. Not everyone is comfortable with a machine performing a task for them.
As to the personal success vs development of civilization: it depends on your priorities. Extroverts tend to be more down to earth compared to dreamer introverts.

Look up Newton, dumbass.

parents cant make their children in social butterflies. you are your own person

Introversion is obviously inferior though. How can you contest that?

Pros - Easier time making friends. Easier time forming relationships. Easier time getting to know new people. Seen as friendly and more fun to be around.
Cons - None.

Pros - None.
Cons - More difficult to make friends and form relationships. Annoying and/or stressful meeting new people. Seen as unfriendly and boring to be around.

no they're just broken/unnurtured

if given the correct environment many of them would thrive

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Not everything is genetics. It's simply a special combination of mental illnesses like schizophrenia and narcissism.

Outgoing types are energized by being around people all the time. It's like being a character in a soap opera. Introverts are more sci-fi and fantasy genre.

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Introverts tend to focus on their personal pursuits more than appeasing people. It has cultural benefits.

Ah so that is why all the other boards are full of mentally ill faggots. It makes a lot more sense now.

We are Weaponized autism when it comes to trying to figure out how to improve society and make it more convenient
We are the inventors of tomorrow
One time chad ugg was in cave rocking woman ugg while introugg was putting dick through hole in rock and twisting it
He then introduced his invention and got no credit for it. Because he was an introugg that didn’t want the attention he just wanted to be left alone with his rock

Phenotype adapted to a different lifestyle ... still useful due to increased visuo-spatial skills.

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>Weaponized autism

Weaponized KRAUTism!! :DD

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Genetic drift. Chad and Stacy can produce nerds. You guys are really idiots for believing in the simplest concept of breeding. Too many anomalies for eugenics to work, it might work over a very VERY long time scale, but the social structure needed to insure that would already be the product of an advanced society so moot. Basically humanity will likely never get "better" in any sense other than technology and even there we are buttfucking retarded.

Quiet achievers get the big things done.

*any society

Oh fuck off you disgusting affirmative-action H1-B shitskinned, shitsouled, street-shitting ape. You will never be Aryan and we don't want you here.

Do you have any proof that shows that it's more likely for the pursuits of an introvert to be more beneficial culturally/societally/technologically than those of extroverts?

you're assuming that evolution is "finished". if you believe in evolution, you should know its always evolving. you're an idiot basically for even asking this question.

Pretty sure that means the nerds are the offspring of the alpha males.
Fucking retards, all of you & the 1 post OP.

Because due continuing negative happenings trough life in social relationships one has realize it is more beneficial to be alone. It simply takes more than gives. Identity builds up from data around, so certain kind of "way to be" code is implanted in person, this is why we Finns are how we are.

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Poor Little Whte Guy

Yes most introverts are sociopaths
Most sociopaths are leaders of countries.
These leaders are feeding you right now

There is always desire to be something more within human. Usually it manifest itself trough materialistic ways, sexual ways, trough drugs or parenthood example. It is endless chasing, rat-race that leads nowhere but keeps you busy trough own creation that people calls as life.

We can't remember our time as toddlers because we didn't exist in that time. We had no identity. Only when years has gone while we gathered data from our environment we created identity. When we have our identity, we decide what matters to us. Then we experience impulsive feelings when things didn't go as we wanted.

We are piece of life that creates own image and plays it (Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image). We get so tangled to our own creation that it can kill us and bring us into hell. We think that something or someone causes our misery even when we alone create everything within.

We have all this mysterious desire to do something, be something more. It usually manifest itself trough sexual ways, materialistic ways, trough parenthood, dating, drugs, games, food, alcohol.. you name it. Trough that it leads nowhere, it keeps us happy for a moment and then we need more. So where we are now? We are piece of life that want to experience bigger part of it. Trough physical ways it finds not that part and when that need to expand finds no expression we create this pain within. So what to do? This is what meditation is all about. We wan't to think nothing, be nothing because that is just the data we gathered from the physical and created self from it. When we learn to be still, just be as piece of life, something start to happen that seems to expand you into everywhere. It seems to that consciousness, awareness is the basic that exist and everything else it is manifest of it.

I think that what ((they)) wan't is to bind us more and more into physical, sins, into that rat-race i wrote about above, so that we wouldn't learn or even think about this.

i should add, the end game is hypernerd turbochads with 2 pairs of bifocals and 10.5inch dicks. 6'4 220 lbs lean with a 200 IQ.

>Those "bio-entities" will always be needed. Not everyone is comfortable with a machine performing a task for them.
Society does not care about those that use outdated systems due to inability to adjust or nostalgia.
It's like saying "pencils will always exist because not everyone likes to write on a keyboard". Irrelevant. Statistically insignificant.


Back to your containment continent!

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Most of the individuals that created large breakthroughs were introverted.
Extroverts provide a more all around benefit while introverts constitute big breakthroughs. I'm not saying one is better than the other. It's the nature of the benefits provided that is different.

Chads are kinda nerds with a higher potential for aggression ... both phenotypes are controlled by testosterone exposure of the developing brain of the embryo. Problem is that test is a double-edged sword in this ... it can make you a genius but in the wrong dose and timing it has a negative impact on intellectual ability.

In the end, both are an old hunter-gatherer heritage as compared to the more 'tame' agriculturalist-adapted clades of humanity.

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tesla died poor and got his shoot pushed in constantly. he was retarded and though he had transmissions from mars. a typical autist. died a virgin too.

Altruism as a survival strategy is fine, if everyone breeds by 14 and dies by 24.

It does not translate to our modern world.

It's not genetic though introverts especially exist because of the shitty corrupt low trust society we have these days and they didn't really exist even 30 years ago. It's the same reason people are abusing so many drugs now and suicides are up. Becoming introverted is just one way that people come up with to cope

And you will never be anything else than a low IQ mongrel.

Introverts tend to be smarter (intelligence correlates with introversion, especially on the top of the bell curve)

They are more sensitive and more observable.
They are able to resist peer pressure and stay alone and independent for a lot more time, introversion is required for being a genius because you will be isolated with your ideas anyway.

I am strongly introverted and i would definitely not change it in.
I am able to work a lot on my own, to improve my surroundings from and independent position and to cut ties when i feel not appreciated enough.

Evolution does not select what is best, it selects what will do. Back in caveman times aspie rage, or neckbeard unga freakouts resulted in rape.

one thing wrong with this, is that blue eyes are seen as the most feminine and welcoming. had to stop reading there. green eyed master race. brown are seen as the most violent and uninviting though, its just science.

Nobody in hunter gather societies had to socialize outside of their tribe whom they had known since birth idiot. The modern world is an extremely abnormal environment, it wasn't a bad trait to have before.

>most introverts are sociopaths
>Most sociopaths are leaders of countries
citation needed

>These leaders are feeding you right now
Politicians don't feed people. That would be the the agriculture/food processing industry, the workers in which are roughly 50/50 introvert/extrovert.

>Most of the individuals that created large breakthroughs were introverted
Still waiting on a study or analysis of any kind that proves this.

>most feminine and welcoming
But isn't that false if they are all evil racist white devils?

Easy. The introvert invented things and concepts that gave them power in other ways. Alphas may have controlled women, but the intellectuals were the one that had the foresight to build farms and control the food. So Civilization naturally sprung up around these people. People eventually started selecting more for intelligence rather than alphaness.

In caveman days it probably was just alphas and a few clever people making weapons.

I belive that you are looking too far out into the future. Such approach ignores the fact that many different paths might diverge in history. We might run out of resources before achieving a highly automated society.

But even assuming that your vision does align with the future, machinery requires maintenance. Seems to me that those "bio-entities" "YES SIR" kind of people would be perfectly suited for such tasks. At least they'd be certainly cheaper that a full diagnostics AI thats capable of coming up with and performing a fix.

you could be introverted and autistic in a small society as well. take a look at your own household.

Ask Bill gates and Elon musk or John Carmack

>Still waiting on a study or analysis of any kind that proves this.

>About 60% of gifted children are introverted compared with 30% of the general population. Approximately 75% of highly gifted children are introverted. Introversion correlates with introspection, reflection, the ability to inhibit aggression, deep sensitivity, moral development, high academic achievement, scholarly contributions, leadership in academic and aesthetic fields in adult life, and smoother passage through midlife; however, it is very likely to be misunderstood and “corrected” in children by well-meaning adults.


the human genome, and the expressions that it can make is vast, and huge. "introverts" like many other things exist because of environmental factors letting those things express, but also random genetic chance.

Do you sweetly-suck poo-in-loo dingleberries while your female family members get gangraped by mudslimes?

Alphas can create betas... there are plenty of beta-minded females out there, that alphas won't hesitate to fuck.

Also Betas, Omegas do have a role in society... they are capable of procreating with hand-me-downs or girls that alphas won't touch.

You're just listing positive traits which some introverts possess. Guess what, there are plenty of introverts who lack all those traits and there are also plenty of extroverts who are intelligent, empathetic, and independant. You have to make a case why evolutionarily and practically it would be preferable to have significant portion of the population that is introverted as opposed to extroverted. Obviously all the qualities you described are good, why why wouldn't we want the best of both?

Introversion and capacity for abstract thought is highly correlated.
Niggers are unable to think abstractly, they are also almost 100% extroverted.

>Nigger tier Chads and Stacies invented the modern world

>Still waiting on a study or analysis of any kind that proves this.
This is sad, to fall this low.
Being extroverted have merits. Cherish them and accept any differences. Acting like a WE WUZ nigger only makes you look pathetic.
Extroverts may not be inventors but are still high achievers.

No, they actually correlate with introversion, see It does not mean that there are not extroverts who don't posses them, it just means that they are more likely to be possesed by introverts.

Introverts' brains are wired differently, they are far more sensitive to stimuli which means that they need less stimulation to feel satisfied and take in more information.

we are social animals. More than one alpha, in one social circle, leads to conflict. So when one Alpha dominates, other men pick roles that create value for their group, without upsetting the power balance. Nerds have always existed, and for most of human history, they served the Alpha. It's a recent trend that the nerds have achieved dominance, and it will take humanity a few generations to fully adjust to the shift in power balance.

Introversion is just an evolutionary survival tactic, that is triggered when faced with social trauma at an early age.

>and nerds all die as virgins even in modern times
i would not bet money on that, brother.

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No shitskins this far north.

How is it on your end?

They're correlated but abstract thinking isn't exclusive to introverts. Assuming an extrovert and introvert are intellectual equivalents, explain why the introvert is valuable in that scenario.

Just remember Evolution is typical about Women choosing the best dick to hop on.

Imagine back in caveman times you have dozens of chad hunters all the women love them, sure. Strength, speed, good social network surrounding them etc.

The virgin gatherer however exhibits less strength, fewer social connections etc. BUT they do however have time to kill. they can spend time working on a new spear head that he can trade for shiny rocks for cave girl. He can use his autistic analytical mind to study animals, plants, etc to give the tribe better tactics or farming techniques.
Cave bitches also love a man that spends time with them that isn't just always out with his friends.

Haha, true ... btw green master race reporting in too ;)

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Genetics aren't univocally accurate and cultural background plays a part too.
You're retarded.


Introversion =/= Beta

Some of the most alpha people I've met are introverted, though they have the capacity to larp as extroverts.

What do you have against the highly successful german people?

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You do realise that women can be nerds and introverts too. So a chad mating with such a woman has a chance of producing such males.

Not sure what you're getting at with this post at all. Intellectual capabilities aside, I simply want to know why anyone would want a personality that favors solitude over sociability when all normal people desire human interaction regardless of personality type.

I've seen 2 niggers in the last year. Weird that you're here sucking 4-inch shitskin dick while using words like shitskin. Jewdemon detected.

On average they aren't intellectually equal.
Even in a scenario with an extrovert and an introvert with the same IQ, the introvert will be more likely to innovate, simply because he will dedicate more time to cultivating ideas.