What are right wingers like in your country?

What are right wingers like in your country?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>be radical right
>lose your virginity in your 30s to an escort
>be radical left
>lose your virginity in your 40s when Tyrone finally says it's ok
>be radical Centrist
>lose your virginity at birth

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>22 year old mixed-raced man that hasn't even kissed a girl

We're not wrong about a thing, and virginity escalates with intelligence.

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I voted Trump too

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Potential traitors spreading their ass cheeks wide open towards right-wing Americans. Begging to be fucked. Like abused housewives wanting to live with their abusers.


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I have profound respect for the mulatto race.

Just find a mulatto girl to wed, and you'll have a nice life.

Evolution is a motherfucker, and the Nazis were right because of it. The races were never supposed to inter-mix.

This is why we're "ugly" and unwanted.
It's not because we are, but it's because we're in the wrong place with the wrong people, and we need to be with our own people.

>Albertan separatism
For what purpose?

fuck off ottawan

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holy cringe. I'm also mixed race but I don't hate myself like a pathetic bitch. lmao

>Supporting your mixed-raced identity is self hatred

The Alt-Right is not white supremacy.
That is media propaganda.

It is racial segregation.
It is love for the human species.
This is why it has so many people standing behind it.

I support this movement tbqh

what would be radical centrism?

too lazy to read the wikipedia article


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Either identitarian retards or liberal conservative power grubbers.

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yeah, buddy, hey, just try not to do to much embarassing shit. That way when you look back you won't die of cringe

If you truly believe the stuff you're spouting, I hope you're packing your bags for brazil lmao


nothing wrong with a bit of cheeky liberal conservatism

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I'm packing my bags for Puerto Rico, Cuba.

I intend to live with my race.

And, by the way, my Pardo race is in South Brazil.

Could be just having rhetoric that is very loud and calling for action and change but being just more of the same neoliberalism in policy.

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The mutt memes are real....

If you are genuinely not bullshitting me, I respect your committment to your beliefs. But something tells me you're going to stop by these poorer places and turn tail. gl

I'm glad we both have genetic IQ's of around 93-95.

My mother is a Nicaraguan immigrant, so she's smarter than the average person in her country.

We're probably not geniuses, but we're not stupid either.


I haven't even lost my virginity

If the entire country was my race, it would be better than poor, but this isn't the case in Brazil or Puerto Rico, and Cuba is a fucking island.

I have no clue how to survive in any of these places, and both island countries struggle to sustain a functional economy due to lack of resources.

I don't even speak Spanish.
I'm fucked. I should've been born down there, but I'm up here instead.

I live the life of Randy Stair, Chris Harper-mercer because of my blood. I wish I never experienced first world life. This country has ruined my life because I was born into it.

I will never be happy on this earth.
The best thing for me is to die in my sleep.

That's a bit gay.

dios mio


they are football hooligans banned from attending football games

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Most great men were virgins

Honestly I try to be nice to people feeling down, but so much of this negative horseshit you're spewing is self-inflicted. You choose to believe so much of this race theorizing bullshit by a bunch of 20-something shut ins that you become pathetic in mind, and this subsequent mindset fucks with your actual life, and the whole thing becomes a self-fufilling prophecy

Stop acting like a helpless leech feeding off the imaginary "merits" of your race. You have the chance to live in a first world country and you act like your were born into a Delhi slum. Fucking block pol on your browser so you stop shooting up this mental shit. Have some self respect. You are what you accomplish, not what you look like. There are plenty of pure race people who I know going around doing fuck all or harming others.

>I don't even speak Spanish
Download duolingo. Right now. Do it.

>This country has ruined my life because I was born into it.
I don't get it. You are american. Why are you holding on to some self destructive attitude that tells you that you should be something other than american?

But there's nothing I can accomplish.

There's no one to accomplish anything for other than myself, and I'm not white, so I don't care to do that.

I see Muslims laughing and smiling harder and brighter than I could ever hope to, and they're supposed to be miserable. It's because they have people that matter to them. I've noticed I can sweat for hours and not care. I don't need air conditioning if I'm not used to it.

It's a frill on an empty life.
If I didn't have an A/C, a computer, I would probably be close to committing suicide because there is nothing else for me.

You don't understand racial isolation because you're white and have always had white people that you care about propelling you. But this is the truth


Because I do not have my race in America.
If you pay attention, most mass-shooters are racially isolated. They are upset with their life, and they can't understand WHY they live the way they do.

Elliot Rodger is the prime example of this.
You combine western Male SUICIDE society with race-mixing, and you get hell.

what sort of person cares about a blog article like that?

what kind of priorities does this fucked up world have?

The American Left vs. the American Right

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I'm an American, I don't like em both

>you're white and have always had white people that you care about propelling you. But this is the truth
You know jack fucking shit about me. I'm mixed race, 50/50 down the middle line. I've been physically assaulted several time by racists. It fucked with me, I isolated myself, and I got slowly dragged into pol and the redpill. It feels good because it places the blame on an external source. It's not you, it's your genetics, or your height, or this that and the other.

I'm not going to lie, I'm a bit of a loner, but I still have friends with people who aren't my race and I keep myself busy, but I know what racial isolation is.

>But there's nothing I can accomplish
Self-inflicted lie.

>There's no one to accomplish anything for other than myself
Go outside and tie yourself in with your community. Church, a volunteer group, whatever. I get it, not everyone can just live for themselves, but limiting your definition of a community to your people is just stupid. Obviously you'll live a shitty existence if you refuse to even reach out to the people around you

I'm bothered obviously, but I was a lot like you a few years ago (although a lot less self-hating). I hope you wake up one day and realize that this racial shit you keep on going about is holding you back. 2018 America, love it or hate it, is about capable of becoming your best self, no matter what you are or where you are from. If you're lonely like I was, you have to take the first step and try to meet people. If you feel a lack of purpose, you have to step out and find one. NO ONE will hand this to you, even if you are in a country were 100% of the people are like you. YOU have to go out and make your life.

This is probably going to sound counter-productive to what you're telling me, but

What race are you?

I agree that I need to go outside and try to communicate with the people around me, but it has never felt like it was worth my time or attention.

I feel indifferent to others, and I think the only way to not feel this way is to synchronize with my race. Socializing with people that look nothing like me is futile because both parties mutually reject one another whether they like it or not.

It's sad, but it's life.
I know it's holding me back from living anything at all, but I can't stop myself.

It all feels like a vicious circle, and the only way out is to physically move myself from it.

How's virginity treating you?

The nine tailed fox is alt-right?!

white/asian. I'm no looker.

While I agree that people have some in-group preferences no doubt, you're acting like people refuse to communicate or cooperate with their outgroup. We are walking proof that it ain't true. If you put in the effort, you'll meet people of any race you'll get along with. A lot of this sounds like you want personable people handed to you. A community that gels with every facet of your personality handed to you. A people you identify with handed to you. The world doesn't hand shit to you, you have to find it.

Maybe, in a fantasy natsoc society, the government forces you to walk in step with the community, they force you to take up an occupation for the good of the people, etc. I guess in a small way I see the appeal, the sense of belonging, but anyone can attain that in America if they actually put in the work to find people they can connect with. It's not easy. It is a lot of trial and error, and sometimes you'll feel sad, but if you actually want a people, you have to try. No. One. Will. Hand. It. To. You.

You are self-aware though, and you realize all of this. I can't fix you with words. I'm trying to save someone else with just words and it's obviously not going to fucking work. One day, you just have to pull yourself together and make the leap into finding people, or findin a purpose, whatever

You're right, but taking action and executing plans has always been a major issue in my life.

My white dad hasn't built the house we live in in 15 years, and there is still no drywall on the walls. I am his son.

I don't know how I'm going to break away from how I am. I inherited his genetics for conscientiousness. This is my desktop

I don't have anyone I love that I can suffer for, so I don't have what my father had.

I might be doomed to live miserably.

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Taking action is the second step. The first step is actually believing you can do it. Of course you're never going to break away from how you are if you believe you are trapped by your genetics. Of coruse you're never going to get organized if you believe that being messy is just "who you always will be". Of course your life will be miserable shit if you believe you are doomed to live miserably.

To accomplish anything, you have to first realize you are perfectly capable of doing it. That's why this ideological shit pisses me off. It's you and the shit you read online building up a wall in your mind. Creating a barrier you can't overcome, so you believe you can't do anything. Learned helplessness or some shit, I don't know, I'm no psychologist.

I know it's tough. Everything is easier said than done. But Occam really wasn't fucking around with his razor. The simplest solution is usually the right one. No grand political or racial theory will save you, just the realization you are capable, and then the taking action.

You need to get rid of that toxic ideology. I don't care if it means OD'ing on the blue pill. Break down the ideology, then realize you are capable, then do.

It sucks. It is hard. Your life sucks. Obviously. I know it's hard to change, and you'll need to break out of this piece by piece, but just know you aren't really alone. Everyone thinks they're alone, but they're not. You remind me of my friend I try to help. She's white-as-snow, and she dices up her arms and chest over a whole bunch of bullshit over how she's not good enough or something. She's very much like you, stuck in a delusion. Delusions are a bitch to deal with. The only one who can defeat them is yourself

Why is being a virgin a bad thing?

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It's not if you want to remain celibate for spiritual reasons or whatever, but do you honestly believe these losers are?

>kissing a girl

>article doesn't exist
honestly, kill yourself

I knew racialists were pathetic but this is a new low.
Go out and buy some drywall, some drywall screws, an impact driver and some dabbing compound and put them on yourself. You don't even need to skim it most american houses just tape up the joints and wallpaper it.
As for your other problems, stop being a retard.

I think you are right once again.

Even if the ideology is absolutely true, it is not going to give me a better life. I should just discard it.

I need to just do things and not think about it and just do it. I will never know what life is like until I live it.

Delusions all feel so real, and it's because they all come from the past, the present, and the future. If I listen and do nothing and resign myself, only hell will follow.

>be right wing
>willingly vote against your interest for millionaire orange cheeto
>drumpft gives tax cuts to rich
>vote for him again in 2020

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Losing virginity is a gay thing to do. Taking someone's virginity is straight.

Literally fucking children in general. The Jow Forums brainlet manchild who wants to feel like a special snowflake and just spews buzzwords and bullshit. If you're going to be a Jow Forumstard at least have arguments and do it right.

Same goes for left or whatever. Tumblrina diversity inclusion etcetera following trends everyone else says.

In general we blindly follow things trying to be a special snowflake but can't even fucking do it right

I wish you the best. I might pray for you. I'm going to bed before I start rambling and repeating myself.

>Delusions all feel so real, and it's because they all come from the past, the present, and the future
Delusions come from you and you alone. You imprison yourself. The stuff you read online only enters your mind because you allow it. You don't have to become some rainbow liberal either, just be someone who doesn't hate themselves.

Good luck. I hope the next time we meet, I won't be able to recognize you

They're more interested in the economy than anything else. They're big on throwing people into prison as well.

Retarded American sycophants.


normal behavior for pre-adults lad, its why no one takes the opinions of under25-30 year olds seriously unless they want something from them.

Hey granpa, did you not forget to take your pills?

same here

nope, they are kicking in just fine and i get them free.

Too sad to read this article. MSMs should stop virgin shaming.

the literal embodiment of chads

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90% of that crowd looks like pure soylent

Kys my man

Just realized that's a bulge in his pants
Always thought his legs were on backwards

>the virgin skeleton
>the chad amorphous constitution

Usually poor and lacking tertiary education. Seems to be mostly boomers.

High IQ people on average lose their virginity much later than the average person. This isn’t surprising.

Gee, why are the burger politics so polarized?

Because their political system is designed to keep the country in a two party stranglehold and their culture values winning above anything else.

they are awesome


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>and virginity escalates with intelligence

More like your frustration and urge blame your problems to others, mutt

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They are very strong and muscular but oddly homo-erotic

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Does this surprise anyone?
Do you think people with a good sex life and friends who are socially adapted to society will spend their days being angry about non-whites and feminists online?

imagine thinking this is a bad thing

>Alt-Righters know how to control themselves instead of giving in to temptation

Our country was founded by people considered religious extremists by medieval standards. Our culture is based on extremism, conflict, and more dakka

Illustrating that women don’t sleep with men with conservative values anymore

Just a bunch of boomers wearing swastikas.

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>no source fake article that gets posted every 3 days
>1000 newfags reply

What SJW drew this?

Cause the world is boring and gay and rest of you Cucks put on shitty programming with your little political quarrels.

Least the US one is always entertaining to watch specially democrats losing their shit to an orange.

There aren't any.

Its the same for radicals on the left.
Fake news.

>be me
>be 16yo soph in high school
>have qt frosh 15yo gf
>her mom works and dad passed away
>get braces bj on couch
>”before you put the condom on user, I want to feel you inside me since we’re virgins.”
>be my diamonds kawk
>be inside 15yo qt vag
>how the inside of a garden hose must feel after baking in the sun for a few hours
>”ugh user, it hurts. But don’t stop, put the condom on.”
>fugg for a few minutes until gf can’t take anymore
>can’t get off bc condom too thick.
>gf jacks me off with mom’s hand lotion
Mfw I lost my virginity at 16, have fucked well over 40 girls since then, and am patiently waiting for right wing death squads to purge the US of degeneracy, communism, and most of all, kikes.

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How are they quantifying who's alt-right and who's just a republican?

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However, alt right males lose their virginity to member of the opposite sex 10 years earlier than leftists.

"Potential traitors spreading their ass cheeks wide open towards right-wing Americans. Begging to be fucked. Like abused housewives wanting to live with their abusers"

Kill yourself you ugly spic faggot.

No measure can be taken that will increase your country's collective IQ from an average of 80, so you're all doomed.

Kill all the retarded spics and start over. Salt the land that was once theirs, rape all the females, and toss their headless spicbodies into an unmarked mass grave.

Of all things, why an arrow? Why not at least a pitchfork? What were they thinking? Not even a SWORD? AN ARROW??

Smart enough to not read vice and make passive aggressive gay threads, rabbi.

Why would anyone take a slur from obvious retards seriously?
I dont suffer degenerates to preach morality to me.

>What are right wingers like in your country?

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>Fake news sites write pieces on penis length 3x more than regular news sites

damn what the fuck was going on in the 1700s in your genetic history, it couldn't be any more spread out across the globe

An overly tolerant majority.