Please stop with glorification of Poland

Srlsly what do these people have to offer politically, historically or culturally anyway? Their economy is a total garbage. Not a single migrant wants to stay there willingly. Even polish people are eager to leave Poland. With regards to their military experience - polish people lost every single war they waged. Even Kalingrad 1v1 would own Poland. Their protests and national marches are pathetic since there is no real substantial threat to their nation nor state. "Poland will save Europe". With what? Mass immigration from Poland? Let's not fool our selves with these Eastern European white niggers. We all know how well they behave in our countries, just like those arabs and blacks.
Poland doesn't care about Europe; Poland is just an opportunist state and nothing more.

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Other urls found in this thread:

> Even polish people are eager to leave Poland
Well then what's bad about making them want to stay?

Considering Poland saved Europe from the Turk during the siege of Vienna Id say we owe thise dumb Pollacks quite a bit.

Poland appreciation thread

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>Please stop with glorification of Poland
You have to understand that in times of desperation, people will exaggerate anything which they find to bring them some hope and optimism. This is the source of all this " LE BASED POORLAND!!!" memes. Eastern Europe is of average importance. Germany, Italy, France etc. are more important, and people should look at what's going on in those countries

Attached: POORLAND_STRONK!!!.jpg (921x768, 154K)

It's the cunts like you who don't appreciate each EU member unique history and culture that ruin EU. Educate yourself bigot.

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Germany holds no importance whatsoever. Just because they made us our slaves though dumb poo-lacks like you voting for Balcerowicz/PO and doing everything to stop the development of local economy in favor of german investments doesn't mean we are dependant on them in any way. It would be even better if we scrapped our partnership with germany, because that would force our companies to do something more innovative than being a supplier of german economy.

Poland is hurtling down the path to multicultural shithole anyway their cities are getting shitted it's only a matter of time before a political shift happens and they are doomed

Last thing us Poles really want is you and dumb europoors caring about us. What we do is our business, you have muslims and terror and you like it, we do not like muslims because their culture is totally different from us. OK?

delusion - the post

Take off your memeflag kraut

Most of the Poles who emigrate to Western Europe are the lowest-of-the-low bydło we have---people who can barely string together a coherent sentence in their own language, let alone a foreign one---and I'm glad they're gone.

But if you ever come to Poland, you will meet all sorts of Polish people, not just the drunken bydło who do the worst kinds of jobs for the minimum wage, skewing your perception of our beautiful country.

You are fucking deluded and you are the literal cancer spreading your repeatative nonsense shit like you are retarded, which is probably true.

it's mostly americans that glorify them because they don't know what they're like
not even joking I unironically prefer muslims to poles

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>polish lost every war
considering the only wars they waged in modern memory were the russian-polish war in 1920 (victory) and then WWII (technical loss) I'd say they have a better win rating than Germans or commies.

Saved Europe once.
They'll do it again.
Since you western fuck ups ain't good for anything anymore.

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>are the lowest-of-the-low bydło we have
Like every emmigration. You think emmigration from Germany or Sweden would be different if it happened? No, people who emmigrate are those who usually are in desperation, but guess what, not every country is a shithole and some can keep those people inside and this is the criteria we care about. Saying that emmigration consists of scum is like saying that the Sun revolves around Earth - it's obvious

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I am actually tired of seeing threads about Poland
It's like this fucking board is obssessed with my county
You should talk about..
I dunno, France? Italy, Uk, Germany or even Russia, for that matter

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You know retard that's about Eastern Europe not central Europe (Poland)?? It was about the townlets in Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Muscovy.

Ignore Marcel
Do not respond to Marcel
Hide Marcel's posts

>You know retard that's about Eastern Europe not central Europe (Poland)??
Central Europe = Eastern Europe moron. And yes, it was also about Poland. Why do you think Poland had to import Jews and Germans? Because Poles were too poor and technologically backward to develop technology

T. Germanistan

You don't know history. Why you even made this shitty thread?

poland never recovered from ww2. they didn't even manage to demolish all the ww2 ruins. they seem to be unable to make any progress, not sure why. maybe they should stop with their "i'm from poland, i'm used to drinking alot" bullshit and stop drinking so much.

Piss off you dirty kraut, have fun getting bred out of existence

anglos who emigrate are usually decent people
you have to have some money to emigrate and the scum here cannot imagine a world outside britain
I never hear about problems with anglo immigration from any other countries

theres like 10 threads about the UK open right now

I dnt beliv u

Attached: polish immigrant starter pack.jpg (914x768, 93K)

>You think emmigration from Germany or Sweden would be different if it happened?
Yes. The poor in Germany are much more civilized that the poor in pooland.

>Let's not fool our selves with these Eastern European white niggers
Found you again, Mr. Goldberg.

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>Central Europe = Eastern Europe moron
Dude, you are retarded. At least get something into your empty head and learn some geography.
>And yes, it was also about Poland
No, retard, that's about Eastern Europe.
>Why do you think Poland had to import Jews and Germans?
Poland imported neither of those. Germans simply colonized parts of Poland they caputred from us (except the Teutons, who were invited to convert Prussians to christianity, by the one triator who did it against will of the majority of power in Poland)
>Because Poles were too poor and technologically backward to develop technology
In medieval times pretty much everyone was backward technologically, especially Germans and Jews, who originated in Khazaria (deep eastern europe)

It's like LOTR with the orc siege on Gondor in Return of the King.

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They are not. Poor brits are even worse than Poles.

oj chuj

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you're right people should stop glorifying Poland, especially Americans. Its annoying.

>meee sold polish economy.
xDD Fuck of autist Kiezun'ist nationalist.

Another po-retard. Yes, Balcerowicz ruined polish economy and wasted 25 years.


So this map proves Europe is not white and that the mutt meme is funded by Soros and perpetrated by shareblue shills?

No it shows how many people have access to toilets that are connected to a grid.

Poland is based af

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wasn't this picture created by wykop/karaczan in order to piss off nationalists?

holocausting people, first the germans, then the jews.

it's diaspora-posting mostly. Poles in the US and West Europe who would rather blow their brains out than live in Poland but want to appear le based to their white friends

I dont know you tell me I found it posted here.

It's a little ironic when posted by someone who is a descendant of Pajeet "is this the designated street?" Muddah.

After you turn all Slavs into Germans who would you exploit?


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Kurła Karaczan

How does that change my hypothesis?

Im pro-capitalist nat-faggot. Just read "800 dni. Szok kontrolowany" I copy for you this comment, please (about Kiezun autistic):
"Nie czytałem „Patologii transformacji”, natomiast widziałem i czytałem wywiady z prof. Kieżunem – i muszę powiedzieć, że po prostu pierdoli jak potłuczony, wychodząc z absurdalnego i sprzecznego z faktami założenia, że gospodarka PRLu była gospodarką świetnie funkcjonującą, a transformacja ustrojowa doprowadziła do ruiny. Skoro za PRLu było tak dobrze, to dlaczego było tak źle?
Otóż dlatego, że w przypadku gospodarki PRLu nie można mówić w ogóle o jakimkolwiek racjonalnym funkcjonowaniu. Ustrój gospodarczy PRLu uniemożliwiał kalkulację ekonomiczną, w związku z czym działania gospodarcze były prowadzone w oderwaniu od realnych potrzeb społeczeństwa. I profesor Kieżun może się rozpływać nad ilością i jakością polskich kondensatorów albo statków – ale fakty są takie, że ludzie w tym czasie nie potrzebowali kondensatorów i statków, tylko butów, cukru, papieru toaletowego i sznura do snopowiązałki, a tego jakoś nie było. Zresztą skoro polska elektronika była taka dobra (jeden z przykładów podawanych przez Kieżuna), to dlaczego po transformacji korzystaliśmy w telefonów, kserokopiarek i komputerów produkcji amerykańskiej, japońskiej albo niemieckiej? Otóż dlatego, że polska elektronika na papierze wyglądała świetnie, ale w rzeczywistości była niewiele warta.

Whatever you say Russian rape baby.
No you are still mutts because you mixed with to many ethnicities.

>it's diaspora-posting mostly. Poles in the US and West Europe who would rather blow their brains out than live in Poland but want to appear le based to their white friends
From what I have noticed, most people who praise us know next to nothing about us
be it culture, history, language, cuisine, politics -- you name it

some idiots ( usually from USA ) think that Poland is a neo-fascist state where blacks are being killed on the streets

"Gospodarka PRLu była gospodarką funkcjonującą w oderwaniu od zapotrzebowania społeczeństwa, gospodarką tragicznie zacofaną, gospodarką nie potrafiącą dostarczyć podstawowych dóbr i usług. Zagraniczne inwestycje po 1989r. wcale nie pogrążyły polskiej gospodarki, bo nie było nawet czego pogrążać – zagraniczne inwestycje pozwoliły przynajmniej częściowo nadrobić zapóźnienie cywilizacyjne, które zawdzięczaliśmy „światłym planistom” pokroju prof. Kieżuna. Czy prywatyzacja i zagraniczne inwestycje zostały przeprowadzone bez zarzutu? Oczywiście nie. Czy pozostawienie gospodarki w rękach państwa i jego „światłych zarządców” pokroju Kieżuna dałoby lepsze efekty? Nie, doprowadziłoby jedynie do utrwalenia tego zapóźnienia cywilizacyjnego.
Podsumowując: kompletnie nie rozumiem jarania się leśnym dziadkiem smutającym, że nikt nie słuchał jego światłych rad i pieprzącym farmazony o tym, jak to zajebiście było w PRLu i jak zagraniczni prywaciarze to wszystko rozpieprzyli.

Większość firm w trakcie transformacji miała ujemne kapitały własne – czyli de facto w większości były to przedsiębiorstwa bliskie upadłości. Zresztą tutaj problem jest o wiele bardziej złożony niż wszystkim się wydaje. Problemy firm pojawiały się od momentu pierwszych reform Messner’a – quasi-ceny rynkowe, początki reform sektora bankowego etc.etc. Dopóki wszystko leciało na centralnym planowaniu bez możliwości rachunku ekonomicznego nikt nawet nie wiedział co jest efektywne, a co nie jest. Pierwsze reformy i wtłoczenie tylko kilku elementów gospodarki rynkowej już pokazywało jaki jest status tych przedsiębiorstw. Po 2 oczywistą oczywistością jest strategia zajmowania rynków przed zagranicznych przedsiębiorców. Na początku były stosowane projekty joint-venture etc.etc. z drugiej strony sytuacja przedsiębiorstw była tak tragiczna, że trzeba było je sprzedać czym szybciej. Pojawiają się głosy kilku prof. o wartości godziwej i aktywach firm państwowych, które były sprzedawane i o nakładach inwestycyjnych w latach ’80 i tworzenia tzw. pillar industries, ale to można włożyć pomiędzy bajki!
Te rzekomo wspaniałe zakłady w 1989 i 1990, po zetknięciu się z regułami ekonomii, zwyczajnie zaczęły padać jak muchy. Jak to wyglądało? Po pierwsze brak było kultury pracy, kultury zarządzania… Odziedziczyliśmy masę upadłościową. Ile osób pamięta, że chciano produkować te wszystkie wyroby, ale nikt ich kupować nie chciał? Co zabawne, niektórzy profesorowie wciąż mylą dwa pojęcia: wartość księgowa i wartość rynkowa. Proszę sprzedać chłam w wartości księgowej. Wyrobów ówczesnych polskich firm nikt kupować nie chciał, a na zakup technologii pieniędzy nie miały, zaś pracownicy, od góry do dołu mieli szalenie niską kulturę pracy.

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Yes they are. But you're right about the brits

Poland could break the EU so they are game

>Poland doesn't care about Europe; Poland is just an opportunist state and nothing more.
globalist shill detected

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Poland didn't take part in the war against ISIS, so it wasn't terrorists target, you stupid bydlo.

>germany opens eastern border
>suddenly crime rates increase drastically
>mostly cars getting stolen

yeah sure, poland really cares about us. if we would close the border to poland, our crime rate would drop enormously.

nah it's obvious Poles m8 and it's pretty embarassing.

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Whiter than you, Muhammad.

In behaviour yes chavs tend to be worse than poles but they are considerably less stupid, hence they are able to cause damage to things other than themselves
the average pole is the type of guy who gets drunk and walks out at night trying to start fights whilst only speaking polish to everyone only to get his head kicked in by literally anyone he starts on
lying on the road with blood on his face trying to light a fag but can't because a muslim spat on him and got it wet
and he does this every night

even chavs do not act this stupidly

Hello manchild, if you want to be taken seriously don’t communicate like a complete faggot. Economic issues can be resolved, you can’t undo cultural invasion.

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Meh I'm in Krakow for vacation and it depresses the fuck out of me how much it's better here. Canadian fag btw

you are not even polish, how are you supposed to know that?
It seems like you are trying way too hard to show us in a bad light

Are you being ironic?

Sorry, aren't you busy getting raped by all those Pakis you invited? Didn't think you were this salty about few old Audis.

>being this retarded
ah that makes sense

Btw Pajeet-san, I looked it up. Turns out this map is not entirely reliable. The deep colour on the east is due to a very small population density and a large portion of those "households" are old houses in villages inhabited by single elderly people who don't want to or can't afford to renovate and add a toilet into the house. Most of them don't care because they've been used to using the free-standing toilets outside. In addition there are more old post-communist flats in those regions where toilets were communal on each floor, rather than in each apartment.
These are said to be the main reasons for the colour there.

Lmao, you fucking idiot, take a good look at what it takes to start a business in Poland - then get back to me with your "innovative" ideas.
Push for government to start supporting small business.

>some idiots ( usually from USA ) think that Poland is a neo-fascist state where blacks are being killed on the streets
Well, I mean... I think it's mostly due to stories like this one.

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Didn't Poland once stop a muslim invasion in Europe?

debilu pierdolony, nie mowa tutaj o tym, że gospodarka PRL świetnie funkcjonowała, tylko, że to co się stało po magdalenkowym chlaniu było katastrofą ekonomiczno-społeczną.

>1 post by this ID

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He should be thanking and praising us for showing him mercy

In greece/serbia people are usually less 'friendly' than Poles when it comes to blacks

No, Poland didn't join the operation except supplying some humantary aids and a pair of tens mercenaries.

Whatever you say Mohammed

if they didnt do it then someone else would have. do you honestly think they 'saved' europe? the HRE or France wouldve stomped them if they got to close.

>italian rooster crows with sperm on his lips
What about facts, pussy?

>Not a single migrant wants to stay there willingly

Millions of Ukrainians live there and see no reason in moving to some dumpsters westward.

HRE was the weakest and the least organised empire in the history of Europe
So yeah, i unironically believe that HRE wouldn't be able to do much

Get fucked flaggot.

??? austria was part of and the emperor of the hre

>bomb foreign country
>be surprised they are mad at you
you mean russian qt regularly has my sperm on her lips, Ivan.

>Last thing us Poles really want is you and dumb europoors caring about us.
wrong. that is the very first thing you want.
you are ALWAYS crying for attention because no one cares about your shithole.

why don't you come to the UK and see it for yourself
you will agree with me I can assure you

Not true, they had no option to do so

Now they have an illegal one and Polish farm holders have no slave workers anymore

you have to go back

>With regards to their military experience - polish people lost every single war they waged.

>be Poland in 1920
>beat the shit out of bolsheviks asses in Warsaw, they running like rats
>beat the shit out of bolsheviks asses in the Battle of Niemen River, Red Army is totally destroyed
>we can remove Soviet Union from history of mankind, but then France and England coming and saying Poland no, you are to big, to strong, make a peace with kommies, or we will not like you anymore

>be Poland in 1933
>see Hitler as chancellor
>feel that will be the problem for Europe if Germany came to power
>propose a preventive war to French
>'lets finish them, till Wehrmacht is still a joke"
>no, says frogeater

Poland in the time between first and second world war was the only country with common sense

I 100% agree. I would like to leave this shithole but I don't even have money for bus fare. It's so sad we have only 7 computers connected to Internet in whole countr. But somehow I managed to write this message because everyone here is corrupted. So before Kaczynski's SS forces will kill me for treason without any trial I appeal for expelling Poland from EU and don't come here plss. I hear someone, they're coming for me... I always loved my pierogies and vodka...

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>anglos who emigrate are usually decent people

>Yes. The poor in Germany are much more civilized that the poor in pooland.

Who do you think emmigrated to America in 19. century? Social scum, often criminals. This is what I had on mind, I'm not talking about contemporary social issues, you dumb fucking morons

Poland is ok but it will never be Hungary

force him u lil bitch cuck

>>be Poland in 1920
>>beat the shit out of bolsheviks asses in Warsaw, they running like rats
>>beat the shit out of bolsheviks asses in the Battle of Niemen River, Red Army is totally destroyed
>>we can remove Soviet Union from history of mankind, but then France and England coming and saying Poland no, you are to big, to strong, make a peace with kommies, or we will not like you anymore
Who knows
maybe we could have stopped bolsheviks from winning the russian civil war
France and UK fucked up big time by stopping us from marching towards Moscow
white russian troops supported us during the battle of warsaw, after all

>>beat the shit out of bolsheviks asses in Warsaw, they running like rats
Small Baltic states did the same, big deal

Chechnya pride tier, just so you know
I'd say our ratio is decent.