Italy jumping ship usually signals the beginning of the end for the side it abandons
Ryan Roberts
learning some nice italian phrases from that thread
Mason Hughes
This. History repeats.
Liam Diaz
The leftist faggots should be glad they have this guy and the response is not more severe. The way I'm feeling now about how ridiculous the migrant crisis is, I was expecting a Duterte-like figure to get elected and just start wholesale slaughtering the nig migrants en masse and nobody would fucking give a damn, in fact they would be ecstatic and welcome it. That still may happen the way things are going with these vibrant dune rapists flooding in.
I want to see and fear what will the mafia do now. They've been fed a lot of slaves up until now by the previous government (center left Partito Democratico).
Michael Bailey
So proud of my neighbors. You finally did the right thing. Now arrest these human traffickers masquerading as humanitarians.
Carter Stewart
there isn't a single positive reply in the entire thread
fucking GOAT
Henry Hernandez
This unironically reads like Trump's tweets. Many such cases!
Zachary Morales
Trump tweets do sound like broken speech from Google translate, fair point
Oliver Taylor
yeah how about you fuck off m8
Daniel Richardson
Germans are so bland and humorless, id kms if i were one
Dylan Parker
They call protecting our borders fascism. These are sick people! Sad!
Grayson Roberts
Italians just suddenly going full based seemingly out of the blue
I love it
what the hell did you do italy
Asher Jackson
>trying to slander a right-wing Italian by calling him a Fascist Might as well call him a patriot, means the same thing.
Justin Reyes
stfu flaggot
Jace Roberts
>what the hell did you do italy we changed government. Not really an accomplishment here, but once every dozen times the government turns out to be good
Blake Long
That ain't a German NGO.
Might be registered here, and still I'm almost (((guaranteed))) that the employees there hold double citizenship.
Matthew Davis
hey hey, you are talking about the worlds moral super power here. No time for humor
Leo Evans
This sentiment has been building up for years. With the last elections Italians had for the first time a solid way to vote for parties with anti immigration stances I don't remember a single person i know from the last decade defending uncontrolled immigration which wasn't a batshit insane radical leftist. (Or a virtue sugnalling center leftist from the previous government)
David Reed
found the 1/64 German
Blake Martinez
They were always based, they just didn't feel the need to vote for anti immigration lads because most of the niggers ending up on their shores usually travelled north to France or Germany
Carson Baker
>itexit >not Quitaly
Joshua Adams
the traitors must not be forgotten. This is the beginning of the fightback
Angel Howard
I fucking love this dude! Can we clone him and bring him to Australia? We desperately need a Salvini here to uncuck ourselves before we end up being another UK!
Zachary Nguyen
>leaving sinking boats >bad thing p1
Daniel Barnes
Brody Turner
#pasta-uncuckening works too. Fuck the word play
Elijah Sanchez
Is the mafia pro illegals? I would have thought they'd be the first to fuck them up.
why would they be against it if they can rob the state 35€/day for every nog that enters italy?
Cooper Myers
>the traitors must not be forgotten They need to be executed publicly. Every bought and paid for cuck politician, every journalist, the entirety of the EU council and commission seats. I know the authorities are just following orders and some of them are alright, but any outspoken leadership among them who shilled for the agenda needs to be executed too. A real and modern “reign of terror” if you will.
All the jews should be expelled to Israel too and any who refuse to go should by ceremonially gassed to death and cremated inside of a large incinerator “oven” just for the irony effect (and not because the holocaust happened. It did not happen)
Nicholas Lopez
Don't know much about Italy. The government pays employers €35 a day if they hire an illegal?
Nolan Sanders
>All the jews should be expelled to Israel too and any who refuse to go should by ceremonially gassed to death and cremated inside of a large incinerator “oven” just for the irony effect (and not because the holocaust happened. It did not happen)
Meant to add the jews should be incinerated after their organs have been removed (to be used to save non-jewish lives of those who actually deserve to live)
Hunter Powell
They're the ones smuggling them in. They pay them 3 euros a day to work as slaves in southern Italy The mafia is always been an infection that destroyed out country, no matter how many TV series and movies come out trying to glorify those subhumans criminals
Southern Italians are against immigration. The mafia is heavily in favour of it. Don't mistake One for the other
Mason Robinson
I'm pretty sure he's on board with that plan. I could never quit Italy :(
Nicholas Robinson
We've been winning so much I've actually noticed a decrease in antifa activity
Italy should just shut the fuck up and accept all the migrants coming. Ffs they exported millions of dirty Italian across the world. Fucking double standard. I hope they sink in a sea of brown flesh.
Matthew Gomez
That’s why you rise up as a young grunt to a senior mafioso and take out all the ones at the top for the greater good just like the movies
Gavin Nguyen
35 per immigrant, a day. This happened during the previous center left government which saw the birth of dozens of "no-profit" charities that started taking 35 per migrant while spending 2-3 euros tops to maintain them It was a big business and a lot of those assholes made bank during the migrant crysis While in the meantime going on national televisions to guilt trip everyone who tried to call them out. Typical left hypocrisy
Robert Ward
Populists are all the same.
Xavier Reyes
What are they paying them to do?
Nicholas Rodriguez
I think their funding has been cut.
Lincoln Bailey
hire? lol no they don't have to hire anybody to get the gibs. The state gives 35€/day to whoever takes care of illegals. 2€ of those 35€ go as pocket money to the nigger, the rest it used for food and shelter by the cooperative that hosts the niggercamp. But they spend way less than that so they make a lot of €€. So you put all these nogs in some shitty place or shitty hotel and you get a lot of $$. The illegals don't have to work, they just have to exist to get the money. And btw since they're illegal they can't work (in theory - but often they get used in plantations. Recently a south italian has been arrested because he asked his niggers to call him master while he was calling them with week days (Lunedì [Monday], etc) and paying basically nothing for their work in the plantation)
Jaxon Fisher
>apologize That's not an apology you idiot, they're still being cunts about it.
Parker James
Sounds like the mafia and the government are in cahoots. As much as the mafia is portrayed in positive like in the US, the goverment has always gone after them pretty hard.
Connor Bailey
Hermine Poschmann
31 Crewing & Grafikdesign Für die Crewauswahl und die Gestaltung bei MISSION LIFELINE verantwortlich
"In Zeiten der Ausbeutung und des Überflusses gibt es nur noch wenige Beschäftigungsfelder, die unsere Gesellschaft tatsächlich zukunftsfähig machen - Humanitäre Hilfe ist eines davon und wichtiger denn je!"
Crewing & Graphic Design Responsible for crew selection and design at MISSION LIFELINE
"In times of exploitation and abundance, there are only a few areas of employment that actually make our society fit for the future - humanitarian aid is one of them and more important than ever!"
Mostly manual labor in fields. There are also a lot of fields down south that have been secretly converted in weed plantations and have been found out recently Women and children are used in other ways you can easily immagine
Andrew Butler
>ist Naturlich kein Faschist >is naturally no fascist ???
Carson Fisher
>I hope they sink in a sea of brown flesh. You hope they move to Canada?
i will make sure that europe gets fixed in the next 5 years , just give me your energy so i can finish channeling the spell faster.
Adam Gonzalez
God bless Italy. I hope you confiscate the ship and send these assholes to prison.
Elijah Howard
Italy please recruit me when this all comes to war.
Cameron Torres
I know this. There was an Ital user here that said his father had an organization that did this. Took 35 euro and spent 3, for every nog. The Ital user was in conflict with his father over this. Really based.
We would welcome everyone as we have always done. The Italian government is hypocritical and we should start imposing trade penalties until they shape up.
>loudmoth bullies backing down after attacking the only person in Italy that has the power to negate them safe harbor I Wonder why
Asher Hill
There's a new sheriff in town.
Anthony Gray
is italy more based than eastern euro countries like bulgaria/poland? east euro are on ezmode, italians are fighting against default liberalism, corruption, NGOs, invaders already established beachheads, Soros and (((EU))) i think it takes more balls to walk the walk if you're in italy's situation
Luke Nelson
Antifa has had their funding pulled. They aren't what they were last year. Back to just the regular, disorganized cowards.
Luis Turner
Jonathan Davis
It's coming, when Europeans realize they can band together and do whatever they want to the invaders
Evan Martinez
>the absolute state of German faggotry
The Eurozone is doomed as soon as Merkel loses even the slightest bit of her grip on it.
>that one French flag always siding for Italy We literally know that you are either the Italian or Greek diaspora in France that posts here for years, maybe even the Albanian one Stop being so cringey
Nolan Williams
based. we cant do shit against antifa here, since they are supported by our goverment. but you can BTFO those retards for us.
Joshua Gutierrez
>he asked his niggers to call him master while he was calling them with week days (Lunedì [Monday], etc) based pasta nigger. Would want to see his Friday though
Oliver Jackson
it's not enough that they're blocked from docking in italy, i want them to break down and get stranded just off libya, forever
Aaron James
Antifa are literally the worlds biggest faglords
Oliver Torres
>Stop being so cringey says the meme flag
Jack Gomez
Seriously. Is the lead in the water there?
Lucas Cook
its obvious irony...
Logan Hill
He is a retarded Medshit diaspora and a traitor to France and Europe, he needs to shut up