UK resistance thread - Weaken Your Traitors

I've seen numerous UK threads saying that if Tommy Robinson dies they'll revolt. So, here are some advice on how to be efficient in case you ACTUALLY try to revolt.

All tyrants need to have control over the dissident population. They use this police state that has been established to intimidate you into submission. And since the whole country is disarmed, you cannot actually have a military revolt.
So, what needs to be done: Disarm the tyrants, meaning diminish the power of the police. How to do that:
No matter what excuses are used, policemen are the tyrants' dogs, traitorous scum that execute the orders of their masters without caring about the morality or the consequences of their actions

They feel secured due to serving the elites that are currently in power.
For a social revolution to succeed you need:
>1. The support of the majority of your society
>2. Enough anger to motivate you to revolt
>3. Disheartened police / passive police.
1 & 2 are already achieved - (3) is what has yet to be achieved.

A pan-UK online campaign should start to target policemen (or any other type of traitorous scum).
> Shame them
> Intimidate them (when possible)
> dox them (when possible) & post their info/pictures in your streets
> call them out for what they are - traitorous scum that if they do not changes sides they'll get the rope when the inevitable social revolution occurs
> shame their families
> Vandalize their homes (with shaming graffiti etc)

All these should happen with extreme caution & diligence.
>Do not get caught. Not only it'll damage yourself but also your movement (since your arrest will be used against it by the MSM)
> Find smart leaders to come up with good strategies & tactics.
>Use online groups to organize
> Use VPNs (or any communication means to avoid getting arrested or dox'ed /harassed)
> Control your impulses and follow the plan / rules / orders of your group

(part 1 of 2)

Attached: british flag.jpg (1920x1200, 752K)

Other urls found in this thread:

If the tyrants lose control of the police, they lose control over you, thus they automatically lose the war.

Lastly, you should stay focused. I understand that you hate with passion all these niggers & mudlimes that have infested your once great nation, BUT you must not lose focus. The primary enemy are not the rapefugees. They were INVITED into the country. The primary enemy are those that BROUGHT THEM IN. The elites & their dogs, the police. If they lose, the subhuman scum they brought in will immediately free your nations like rats abandoning a sinking ship. No matter how much you hurt these subhumans, as long as your tyrants are still in control, nothing will actually change.
Don't go after emotional satisfaction. Go after victory!

Kai Murros - The Coming British Civil War

(part 2 of 2)

Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the songs of angry men?
It is the music of the people
Who will not be slaves again!

When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!

Attached: 1333675730734.png (230x266, 67K)

Isn't 3 already achieved at this point? Most of the police i assume is right-wing.


It seems like the UK fields a shitload of female cops. How are females supposed to conduct riot control against men?


Scream about male privilege of course.
That'll stop the people fighting for the future of their country and the safety of their children dead in their tracks!

Nobody is going to revolt.

How about practical advice on disrupting communication, transport, power supply etc etc