Unemployed members of Jow Forums, what the fuck is your problem?
NEET Thread
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I want to NEET, how do I get NEETbucks?
Jow Forums is running an internet based crypto miner on your computer as you read this
It's "boomers" fault.
Get an autism diagnosis, the get a lawyer to help you apply for SSDI.
t. Ameri-NEET living the high life in Austria on Ameri-Autismbux.
Shit parents and participation trophies.
I'm jelly
I'm the laziest man to ever live.
1. Make an appointment with a psychologist who advertises for autism diagnoses.
2. Make an appointment with a lawyer who handles SSDI claims.
It's that simple.
What's awesome is the longer the time period between your initial application and the receipt of your award, the bigger your first payment, because you get backpay for the period between those dates. I had a 13-month gap between my initial application and my first check, so it was a payment of almost 30 grand, and then almost 3 grand a month every month for the rest of my life.
I used it to finance my move to Austria, where I go to school tuition-free. I'm gonna try to get citizenship but the only real effective way to do that is get married. In any event, wherever I end up, I'm just gonna write screenplays until I finally sell one, and if I don't... still got my neetbux.
amazing life user, unironically
thank u my guy
Sounds like a dream. How is uni in Austria?
The only jobs that I seen to get/available to me are through temp agencies. And those jobs are general Labour, so a lot of heavy lifting. I have a degree but I have to work with a bunch of people who only graduated high school. In addition, manual labour destroys your body and as a temp you get no respect from the other full time workers.
Difficult. My German is fair but it's still murder getting through a lecture. In truth it doesn't matter whether I graduate, but if I flunk out, my visa is voided and I'm not ready to get back to the States yet. Plus my parents won't help me with the transition unless I have a diploma.
I didn't ask for this..it was forced on me..now I will bleed you
Why should I care about a stupid piece of plastic and why should I care if random people think I'm a loser? I'm a loser but don't care. There's no objective reason to care. Peer approval? Again what's there to gain from it?
change neet to yeet and i'll work
Dude you are a legend
Can anyone older tell me why I should objectively care if I'm a loser or a leech to the eyes of strangers? All I'm missing out on by not working is post 9/11 dystopia. Why should I care about approval from my peers who are brainless, have no introspection and rejected me? Why should I care enough to socialize with them?
Dam dude might not be as easy as you make it sound
you shouldn't care about people who see you as a leech. I found my new friends through Christ. Someone who is a moral Christian would never see you that way
I habe a part time job that's easy af so I spend the majority of my days just playing vidya and doing jack shit. It can get boring and living with faggots suck.
The government gives me too much money
This. I'll show a bit of solidary with you om that,leaf friend.
Maybe you don't deserve respect
50% VA disability nigga, that's $855/mo, I also get $141 in foodstamps, If I make an extra $400/mo doing odd jobs (mostly IT/programming stuff) then I can afford all my bills food and any gas money I want and a dip habit. Life is good.
You want an honest answer? This fucking place.
>fear of leaving the house, as I don't want a rape charge for trying to be nice and holding a door open
>a system built to turn students into good goy worker ants turned me into a self important piece of shit in school so I flunked out
>lost my filter over the no no slurs like kike and nigger a long time ago and don't want to get jumped for humming "Dixieland"
You want me to work and don't want to pay me to do the work you want me to do. Fuck you. Pay me what I need and I'll work 50 hours a week. You won't do that so I won't do your work. Get over it you entitled little bitch.
with what?
There is always desire to be something more within human. Usually it manifest itself trough materialistic ways, sexual ways, trough drugs or parenthood example. It is endless chasing, rat-race that leads nowhere but keeps you busy trough own creation that people calls as life.
We can't remember our time as toddlers because we didn't exist in that time. We had no identity. Only when years has gone while we gathered data from our environment we created identity. When we have our identity, we decide what matters to us. Then we experience impulsive feelings when things didn't go as we wanted.
We are piece of life that creates own image and plays it (Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image). We get so tangled to our own creation that it can kill us and bring us into hell. We think that something or someone causes our misery even when we alone create everything within.
We have all this mysterious desire to do something, be something more. It usually manifest itself trough sexual ways, materialistic ways, trough parenthood, dating, drugs, games, food, alcohol.. you name it. Trough that it leads nowhere, it keeps us happy for a moment and then we need more. So where we are now? We are piece of life that want to experience bigger part of it. Trough physical ways it finds not that part and when that need to expand finds no expression we create this pain within. So what to do? This is what meditation is all about. We wan't to think nothing, be nothing because that is just the data we gathered from the physical and created self from it. When we learn to be still, just be as piece of life, something start to happen that seems to expand you into everywhere. It seems to that consciousness, awareness is the basic that exist and everything else it is manifest of it.
I think that what ((they)) wan't is to bind us more and more into physical, sins, into that rat-race i wrote about above, so that we wouldn't learn or even think about this.
i have a degree in mathematics but can't find a job in the field that i want. currently, i work part time on a cattle ranch but still live with my parents. thinking of joining the air force.
How do I make sure I get diagnosed? I have really bad social anxiety but really strong speaking skills, should I just be quiet as possible?
I have a self importance myself. For me it came from having peers with no sense of introspection. I wondered how we could come from the same planet and why they were deciding to be this way.
I have social anxiety, agoraphobia and depression.
I'm not mentally fit to work nor do I want to work.
"Transition"? Explain this user.
Environment, and no means to change it at this point in time.
You can work with me at walmart if you want. I've been working there for 14 years and I can definatley show you the ropes.
because it is, boomer.
made 60k on the market last year, i'll be fine.
This is one of the few repeating threads that I enjoy.
Seriously, NEETs... what is your problem? Aren’t you sad? Doesn’t all that free time start fucking with your head? I get all sorts of depressed if I don’t stay active.
>Unemployed members of Jow Forums, what the fuck is your problem?
In 2018 you only need employment if you were too stupid to buy crypto before 2017.
After my graduation I got into a fuel station while I found something else. It was bad but nothing to cry about.
Then I almost had a job at Faurecia. I failed the last filter and got depressed for like a week.
Two weeks ago I applied to some other jobs and this week they called me. Interviews this week.
I'm surprised more people aren't NEET. Working fucking sucks, there is nothing to even buy with money, nobody goes outside anymore, nobody is ever happy at work. I could go on for hours.
Only suckers get up and go to work.
The soon to be 666 mark of the beast and disgusting scripting on job sites in their careers section you need a password with numbers and symbols one capital and the questionnaires are to be done with lies to give the company what it wants to hear.
I'd like to ducking apply with a range resume just hand one in and get a call duck your ways of hiring and it's so judgemental for the what better folk?
Glad I don't fuck u Satan
wtf that dude doing with Rocky?
>Stallone and op are rabbis
>Rabbi makes retarded thread
>should be home - jews go dark after sundown on Fridays
You’re not a very good rabbi, op.
I remember you. The guy who makes $15/hr after over a decade of working at Walmart. Not trying to be rude but you're wasting your life working that job. You're better off applying for grants (which you will qualify for since you're poor) and going to trade school to learn a real skill.
If you're American there is no excuse for being a NEET now, plenty of jobs in Trump's America. Get off your ass and make yourself and America great.
Re Autism diagnose I'm a literal sperg. I got a job through the freemasons when things were much worse. Its a lot easier to get a job now, there is NO EXCUSE.
Im still saving the "garbage collector" or "security guard" option until the very end. Im sure I might commit suicide after some 5 years at any of those low tier jobs. In the meantime I do apply for jobs, but economy is wrecked and employers seem to hate me.
> Not trying to be rude but you're wasting your life working that job.
Tell me something I don't already know
>You're better off applying for grants (which you will qualify for since you're poor) and going to trade school to learn a real skill.
Doubtful I would qualify for anything as I made $35k last year. I have no desire to get into the trades because I would have to deal with 18 hour days in the heat among spicks and hicks all high on meth.
Fused vertebrae. Very painful
I'm in college but I haven't held a job in over a year. I honesty got sick of working shit jobs and refuse to do it anymore. The reason is there is literally no fucking point in having a low wage job. You don't get paid enough to afford to pay rent on your own, you get treated like shit, you have to go to work when you don't feel like it, and the second you get sick or hurt or the business starts going to shit you get fired. Even women don't respect you for it because there's always going to be another guy that makes more money than you or has his own place, hence having a leg up everytime. Seriously, why even have a bullshit job if you can avoid it?
Well before you plump for the garbage collector option, understand that you wont get this job due to factors beyond your control (unions, nepotism, etc). The true modern dead end job isn't being a bin man, but working in call centres and so on. Plump for that as a last resort.
I'm employed but don't plan on being so much longer. I'm about to put 5k down on a 20k house. Has a well, septic and solar panels. Mortgage is around $90 a month and I can make that passively from renting out my current place for $600 a month. I won't be living like a king but I'll be living worry and debt free. Spending your life working to make some Jew rich is the stupidest thing you could ever do. Find a qt and go innawoods to a comfy cabin bros.
I was NEET for years and, after deciding that enough was enough, got a job. I'm now constantly stressed and tired, and have no use for the modest amount of money I'm earning. I'm a sociable enough person but amn't bonding with coworkers. The *only* benefit for me is: when somebody asks what I do, I don't have to be ashamed.
If I could get over the shame of being NEET, it's a decent lifestyle.
In other words your a faggot.
why should i work? thats for women.
Just because they're are plenty of jobs, it doesn't mean those are jobs that people would enjoy doing. Most of the jobs coming back are manufacturing or some shit like that.
>tfw making 3.5k a month
i had no experience and no education i just walked in they saw i was white and said hey we need you to be the team leader for these mexicans its simple shit and they will teach you. lol feels good to be a young white guy .
language barrier and/or morale a problem?
Good plan. During this year I'll be getting into fixing and flipping homes. I know people who are into this and extremely successful, so I can ask for their advice.
After flipping houses for a while and amassing some wealth, I'll take a loan, buy a bunch to rent out and then I'll stop thinking about the subject entirely.
I want money to work for me. I won't be working for a salary ever again if I can help it.
Well, ironically I'm trying to get back in Call centres. Usually bin man and security guard jobs are for people with a stained criminal record or no high school diploma, which I'm neither. Also in a Call Centre I would still have the option to apply for a student loan.
I applied for job, responded literally next day about scheduling interview and the place kept putting me off and I kept annoying them throughout the week about confirming a time for interview and they finally got back to me after irritating them that they already filled the job.