xD Imagine how dumb you need to be to defend a police state where your daughters get beaten by police. Just because they taste alcohol on the beach.
Now, even more interesting: Right now the US gov. is separating immigrant children from their parents, never to meet them again. They are given away - aka. sold - to anyone who wants to foster them. Already there are 1300 children separated, and the US gov. is building a tent city to store them... you know what is going on in those tents ;)
So there are 2 reasons for this:
1) These children will have massive problems growing up. They will resent their neighbors, this ensures massive conflict over the next generations. From this conflict, good money can be made.
2) The amount of children will be huge. 1300 already. They are unattended, nobody cares about them, they are stacked into tents. That's a playing ground for the rich. I'm not just talking about sex. There are reports of Trump and a few friends being sexually active with young women. This just makes me wonder, what Jeff Sessions has in mind.
If this really goes on, I have to book a trip to the US. This is un.be.liev.able... :) And the population is too stupid to do anything. Even the most intelligent are just looking away, while thousands of children are ripped from their parents, available to anyone... lol, I'm wondering how far this will go :D
>police state >where the media and the population openly criticizes the government and the leader I dont think you know what a police state is
Kevin Bell
>replying to a meme flag >egas
Oliver Harris
this is not a meme. You know it's not, because it is happening.
WHY do you think children are separated and put away, by the thousands. Its for creating conflict and sex.
This is the new US, you've elected it, and we are taking the cake, thank you. Maybe they'll get some white american girls into the crowd.
Sessions got 1300 children in one month, This will be insane when it's over :)
Liam Lee
She got clocked in the mouth for spitting on the cop and kneeing him in the balls. Her father should have slapped the shit out of her years ago so this cop didn't have to do it a month ago.
Jonathan Johnson
oh shit damn... lol, can't he protect his balls? xD Ok, ok, I'll look away from the police beatings.
Still, Sessions & friends get their slave children. And massive conflict for the next generations.
If you rip away their parents, you youst KNOW some of them end up schooting everyone in school...
Cooper Fisher
I don't understand why they don't leave the children with their parents
Angel Scott
yeah it's crazy. I really really believe there are powerful rich man in the background, doing this for money and pleasure. There has to be some plan what they will do to those children. You know, some children are taken for a "bath" never to be seen again. This is america...
Christopher Thompson
Half of Americans are blind to the realities of border jumping Mexicans and central Americans. The other half don't understand why there are not automated turret guns to slaughter all of them.
Alexander Jenkins
Don't raise your daughter to be a SJW Whore, maybe this won't happen to her then, bet ya she would have no problem is Tyrone or Omar did this to her.