>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>A Message from President Trump 6/15/18
>Trump on F&F/impromptu presser 6/15/18
>KCTV Docu on Singapore Summit 6/15/18
>VP Pence @America 1st Tax Cut event in OH 6/15/18
>Rudy on F&F 6/15/18
>VP Pence arrives in Detroit MI 6/15/18
>VP Pence speaks to workers in Rochester MI 6/15/18
>AG Sessions in Scranton PA 6/15/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis Commencent Address @Naval War College 6/15/18
>DefDepVideo: US/NATO in Excercise Saber Strike 6/15/18
>StateDep Foreign Press Brief (UndSecComm Kaplan) 6/15/18
>This Week @State 6/15/18
>Happy Birthday Pres Trump! 6/14/18
>Pres Trump on VOA 6/12/18
>Don Jr on Tucker 6/14/18
>Don Jr on F&F 6/14/18
>VP Pence @Natl Spic Prayer Breakfast 6/14/18
>AG Sessions in FtWayne IN on immigration 6/14/18
>StratComCdr AFGen Hyten @John Glenn Lecture 6/14/18
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will you be watching the game /ptg/?
I will never forget being at Ingólfstorg in Reykjavík back when Iceland played Austria (and won) two years ago.
that's the game where the commentator went nuts.
everyone there went mental too, it was a pretty cool experience.
sorry for OT but it's so unbelievable that this is even happening.
let's all cheer for Iceland ok?
Remove taco. Also press F for Spain.
of all the words of tongue and pen, the truest ones were "the BBC wrote a shit article again"
Why can't we be more like Mexico?
>Has breakfast arrived, user??
What are you anons having...
We don't watch that faggot shit.
Why are there a lot of 0 post threads in the catalog now?
>Excellent @DavidAFrench explanation of how grades of classified info and effort it takes to move them to unclassified system relevant to proving intent: Yes, Hillary Should Have Been Prosecuted
- Andrew C. McCarthy
I had a simple English muffin, egg, American cheese, and bacon sandwich several hours ago. I have yogurt for my second breakfast.
*fist bump*
Open borders for all
Upset merchants.
Oh fuck I'm retarded, my settings are on newest
but but my precious assassins creed i've never bought our played.
>I know this is ancient history, but — I’m sorry — I just can’t let it go.
When historians write the definitive, sordid histories of the 2016 election, the FBI, Hillary, emails, Russia, and Trump, there has to be a collection of chapters making the case that Hillary should have faced a jury of her peers.
The IG report on the Hillary email investigation contains the most thoughtful and thorough explanation of the FBI’s decision to recommend against prosecuting Hillary.
At the risk of oversimplifying a long and complex discussion,
>the IG time and again noted that (among other things) the FBI focused on the apparent lack of intent to violate the law and the lack of a clear precedent for initiating a prosecution under similar facts.
>It also describes how the FBI wrestled with the definition of “gross negligence” — concluding that the term encompassed conduct “so gross as to almost suggest deliberate intention” or “something that falls just short of being willful.”
After reading the analysis, I just flat-out don’t buy that Hillary’s conduct
— and her senior team’s conduct
— didn’t meet that standard. The key reason for my skepticism is the nature of the classified information sent and received. Remember, as Comey outlined in his infamous July 5, 2016 statement, Hillary sent and received information that was classified at extraordinarily high levels:
>For example, seven e-mail chains concern matters that were classified at the Top Secret/Special Access Program level when they were sent and received.
>These chains involved Secretary Clinton both sending e-mails about those matters and receiving e-mails from others about the same matters.
>There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation.
Happy anniversary, everybody!
We don't deserve any respect. It's the future we chose.
You know if we did start killing politicians things would improve here, but in Mexico nothing changes because politicians keep dying.
I'm on intermittent fasting:(
If you’ve ever handled classified information, you understand that there are often judgment calls at the margins.
>When I was in Iraq, I often made the first call about classification. In other words, I determined whether to send information up the chain via the unclassified system (NIPRNet) or the classified system (SIPRNet).
>Entire categories of information were deemed classified by default.
>Other categories were commonly unclassified.
>But sometimes, I had to make a choice.
> And sometimes, the choice wasn’t clear.
The lack of clarity, however, wasn’t between unclassified and Top Secret.
Much less between unclassified and Top Secret/Special Access Program (TS/SAP).
There might be tough calls between unclassified and confidential — or maybe between unclassified and secret.
>But the gap between unclassified and Top Secret, much less SAP, was and is vast, yawning, and obvious.
In fact, the IG noted that
>“some witnesses expressed concern or surprise when they saw some of the classified content in unclassified emails.”
I don’t mind women in video games or people taking “liberties” with skin color, but I HATE this shit. They’re doing nothing of note whatsoever; just targeting different demographics.
As a trucker I concer.
I just signed the contracts on a 190k house :)
Now that's a great breakfast!!
>113 dead
>300 more in fear for their lives
It's what the founders would want.
i had some pudding, not hungry.
You had a pretty cool empire and killed off the Aztecniggers. Even if you did invent Mexicans you do get some respect.
>The IG indicated that State Department security procedures were lax, and that if the DOJ were to prosecute Hillary, it would have to prosecute many other employees.
Well, if the employees are sharing TS/SAP information on unclassified systems, then let the prosecutions commence.
But I’m dubious that it’s common to share information that highly classified.
>In fact, when the IG outlined allegedly “similar” cases where the DOJ declined to prosecute, they weren’t similar at all.
Moreover, it’s important to remember that one can’t generally simply copy/paste or forward emails from classified to unclassified systems.
>(That’s likely why the emails on her homebrew system didn’t contain classified headers.)
1 A person has take information from one source
2 and summarize it or painstakingly type it out on another platform.
All of that takes effort.
All of it requires intention.
And it’s one reason why I have confidence that if Hillary had been Captain Clinton, United States Army, instead of Secretary Clinton, Democratic nominee for president, then the consequences would have been very different indeed.
For Hillary, the FBI turned out to be first the solution to, then the cause of, the decline of her campaign. By wrongly refusing to recommend prosecution, it made her candidacy possible. By then failing to follow proper procedures in its two later public announcements, it helped end her presidential dream.
Mexico itself is enough of a sin for them to deserve their fate. None of these Europoors need to deal with them.
> Targetting a demographic that doesn't play games
Great. Only six and a half years to go.
Trump's savagery on Fox and Friends earlier was next level. CNN BTFO, STRZOK BTFO, COMEY BTFO, CROOKED HILLARY BTFO
Campaign Drumpf:
>I want Americans who are dreamers
>A moratorium on all immigration
(((New))) Drumpf:
>(((border security)))
>We want a bill with heart
>We shouldn't be separating families
>Let me ask my immigration guy in Congress, Paul Ryan
>t. beaner
Fuck Spain.
kys just kys
> still pushing ANEMTYS OND
Salsa on this spoopy qt pls user thank you..
Wait gave nothing.
God Im so poor probably eggs later for my breakfast
Well at least Im getting lighter at 176lbs on my 3 weeks NEET lifestyle
He is trying to get reelected he is still doing more than any president before.
Nobody has the balls
You'll find out later after 1 and 1/2 hrs
Sounds like a sycophantic excuse
They're taking this tariff thing pretty hard
>he doesn't know
Also just a couple more hours until that flip starts with the spoilers and I need to fuck off until mid afternoon.
Unfortunate timing on your bait
And that right there is why no immigration bill with the current congress will pass.
The fact that yurowastesofspace have no guns always cracks me up lmmmmaaaaaoooooooo
This is utter insanity. All Trump did was try to level the playing field trade wise and the leaves want to build bombs.
It's absurd that political party is representing people illegally in the country.
> We might actually invade Canada in our lifetime
is this the same cat posted in previous threads ?
can someone take the glow out of the eyes ?
>"nuclear weapons are bad"
>"l-let's use nukes to threaten our neighbors"
Partially because no one decades ago though it would get this bad.
Minor inconvenience is all. I'm behind on Megalo, Toji, Site, BnHA, GGO, FLCL and DitF as it is.
>no e verify
>current year
>pushing amnesty don on /ptg/
Gradually, I began to hate them...
Bernie supportes tried, remember Rand and Scalise?
Just don't mate. A little courtesy with your fellow anons would never be forgotten (nor will betrayal and double crossing).
God I wish that was me.
It just proves that they need the rake to calm them down.
>Canada will become the North Korea of our time
who else comfy @fellow Gen Z?
you must really have a busy week to miss alot
We have no real friends, everyone hates us, but they want our money like a raving pack of whores.
>When the price of bagged milk skyrockets over night.
IAI and IMI Systems have unveiled a unique co-development: Rampage, a supersonic, long-range, accurate air-ground assault rocket, which destroys high-quality targets.
The supersonic missile was produced in response to a clear operational need of the ever so expanding modern battlefield, as the “counter weapon,” against new, rapidly emerging complex air defense environments in Iran and neighboring Syria. In other words, Iran and Syria are deploying new missile shields that could render the Israeli Air Force’s (IAF) aircraft inoperable in specific regions.
>“Sending four fighter jets carrying four Rampage missiles [each] allows us to strike under conditions we’ve never had before,” Eli Reiter, head of IMI Systems’ Firepower Division, told Ynet.
maybe i'll spoil whatever announcement arcsys has with trigger instead of the show
leftover pizza from last night.
You mean hardcore raking?
That probably won't work too well.
They tried to kill your ambassador yesterday; that's an act of war 2bh.
>he wastes time on memes
Stay mad, yurofag.
What's the best way to get into Final Fantasy games? I never played them but I want to. The new one looks fun and my autism won't let me jump into a series anywhere but the beginning. Even if stories are unrelated or explained.
It's been a busy week, yeah.
Is that....
Shut up Mike you fucking Malay nigger
blueberries & oats, protein bar & 1 literal of coffee.
gonna go hill climbing when I'm done reading
>brown 02
We need to go back. Abe made a horrible mistake.
> e-verify
I want mandatory national e-verify in its own bill with full funding, contracting process and a full technical description of the system plus harsh penalties for any company not complying.
Simply making the current system nationwide and mandatory is a recipe for "Obamacare Healthcare exchange meltdown" part 2
If Trump gives Amnesty without 110% of his Immigration Agenda first, he'd fuck up big time. Don't trust the people that want you dead and gone
Representing people who aren't citizens of your country and are there illegally, yikes.
Can Pelosi's logic handle invasion of 900,000 Russians or Chinese if they just come over and overstay? Are those not dreamers too?
>US Government Are Coercing Iraqi Detainees to Agree to Be Deported
>The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) alleges that many Iraqi detainees were sent recently to a private prison in Georgia, where ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) agents and Iraqi consular officials tried to pressure them into signing forms saying they agree to be removed to their native Iraq.
>Iraqi immigrant detainees say that federal immigration agents with ICE are coercing them to sign forms saying they want to be deported to Iraq, according to a motion filed in U.S. District Court in Detroit by the ACLU Michigan on Wednesday.
>Some of the Iraqis did sign them, feeling pressure to do so, said Miriam Aukerman, ACLU Michigan's senior staff attorney. One of the Iraqi detainees said some detainees were reduced to tears by the pressure to sign.
Hey now, Australia sometimes sends firefighters over to America.
>my autism won't let me jump into a series anywhere but the beginning.
The first one then, duh.
I thought I saw a thread about Trump want to give Abe millions of Mexicans?
Browner Japan then?
Even if Trump gets everything he wants, the amnesty will be a mistake because *it will* beget more amnesty.
Yeah but which versions are the best to emulate?