If Italy is so far-Right now, why don’t they exit the European Union?
If Italy is so far-Right now, why don’t they exit the European Union?
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because it isn't and because there is lot of gaslighting thanks to the hype
I'd imagine the corrupt eu assholes would start panicking if this happens. They'd want to make an example of Italy.
You can't just exit the EU.
There are legal procedures and shit.
we left in 2016 and procedures are still going.
leaving is as easy as saying goodbye. Your problem is that you want to leave while pleasing every merchant in the process.
See this is what I always thought too.
What is stopping the britbongs from just saying fuck you and just cutting off all ties to the EU?
>What is stopping the britbongs from just saying fuck you and just cutting off all ties to the EU?
Oh, ghee, maybe the fact that the European Union collectively forms the single largest market in the West? Or maybe it is because of the fact that millions of EU citizens live in the West, and if the UK were to suddenly cut all ties to the EU, mother Britain would end up being stuck with a gorillion Polish plumbers?
Unfortunately this.
We are politically fucked. There are no parties in the parliament that care about Britain as a Nation and the only one that does is the BNP with
So, who cares what happens to the EU and the West after you leave the EU? Plus they're not going to just completely stop all trade with the UK lol.
>mother Britain would end up being stuck with a gorillion Polish plumbers
implying thats a bad thing
There's an INTENSE lobbying preventing countries to leave by any means, economical threat, mass propaganda etc.
Financial markets would crash us like Argentina. Exit from the EU is far easier than exit from the Euro
>we left in 2016
You never left and never will.
We wont leave. Although i'm curious, why american flags are so obsessed with seeing a split Europe? Surely there isn't an agenda on an american website controlled by russian proxies
>having a bunch of subhuman slavs and jews in your country
>not a bad thing
this is why we call you mutts
On Jow Forums they're more concerned by the destruction of nationalism imo.
Slavs are not subhumans.
Saying that all Slavs are gopniks is like saying that all Brits are Chavs.
If you go to Poland then you would know what I mean. The people there are more polite than the Germans if you respect them.
you need preparation for that,we still have the euro,unlike the UK
if i respect an arab he will be polite, doesnt mean he isn't a subhuman. Besides a majority of the polish population is Jewish or descended from Jews, so i'm not really gonna trust them too much.
Given the alternative are subhuman muslims I'll take Christian slavs any day of the week.
>leaving is as easy as saying goodbye
Maybe you should read what your country actually signed then
JEWISH Slavs. polish people are mostly Jews or descended from Jews which is why so many of them died in the holocaust
Because being in the EU they can veto Canada treaties to BTFO them.
You never left ahmed
Because they dont want to collapse back to stone age and cause another great depressioN?
Why the fuck bongs and murilards keep screaming about things they have no idea how they worK?
Because it isn't, retard. What Italy (or better yet, Hungary) is right now should be the norm for European countries. We've barely treaded actual far-right territory.
Because there is a difference between right-wing and eurosceptic
They would lose a lot more if they left the EU.
The world is in turmoil right now and it's a bad idea to go it alone.
Especially if trade wars loom ahead, you'd be better off in some kind of regional free trade union. If you're isolated during a trade war, you're fucked.
>he thinks Brexit will pass
>Italy is far-right
You've been listening to the media, haven't you, Hank?
Brexit was a stupid bluff by Cameron to get more opt-outs and concessions to begin with and blew up in his face when retards took it as a protest vote. Now May is doing the same thing with no deal, expecting the EU to give him a good deal or cajole them into staying while growing increasingly desperate.
Its pretty funny how smug british delusion still keeps brexit going, despite how it failed at everything it set out to accomplished and yet they keep expecting the EU to indulge them for some reason.
far right my ass, our government is centrists at most, also if we exit, EU will be our enemy. What need to be done is to destroy EU from inside, so we can all be free whitout having to worry for enemies.
we need to watch out,EU is talking about an "EU police" in this days,it could be the infamous EU army.
we should watch out
I have heard the discourse of Conti with Macron:
>we are friend, we are working togheder...
Total bullshit political talk with no contents at all, I'm a bit nervous, if Salvini will betray us, I'm ready for civil war.
>If Italy is so far-Right now, why don’t they exit the European Union?
1. There is no popular support for such a move and no one campaigned for it, not even the Lega Nord.
2. There is nothing to gain from it financially, an EU exit would damage the economy.
No government will ever decide to leave the EU because it makes no economic sense and governments fall when the economy does.
EU exits will only ever happen through a referendum.
Because they’re not stupid.
I have a gun right now, why don't I just get out and shoot people?
This is a question I expect from a children. We are not sacrificing our country with a "day one exit" only for you fun.
Also: The European Unity was also a pan-fascit idea, read a book.
Because we prefer to outjew the jew, so we want to try to change the EU rules at our advantage first.
If we won't manage, we might very well crash the whole thing without the courtesy to close the door on the way out.
You might want to check at the past history of our country to have a confirmation.
Luca pls
Go back to La repubblica comment section, cuck.
if we ever leave, it’ll literally be overnight with no one suspecting
read savona paper on leaving euro
Any banknigger able to comment on this?
because we want to crash the EU with no survivors, and we will switch side only at the last moment.
tfw SHitalians don't know scat about good cheese
probably the fact that they're trying to avoid a total collapse of the british economy?
Leaving the EU entirely is impossible, but destroying it from the inside is very possible.
We have a majority parliament of right anti-establishment and center anti-establishment working together. The center doesn't really care for EU, while the establishment (the president and everything else) is scared that the economy will take a hit.
We want to try and change the EU first.
Because they arent far right and they cant since their economy is heavily dependent on the EU.
I dunno. Why don't you?
they are too lazy to leave the EU, but italianiggers could so the whites can have their union
>he never ate a burrata or stracciatella in his life
lmaoing @ your life
Don't mind me, just sitting here waiting for this thread to become full Jow Forums autism as usual
>implying pol autismo is a bad thing
Whiter than you ahmed
t. Never met a pole irl
>Be American
>Get shot
I suggest you visit the nearest ropes store
you are literally bringing autism to this thread
i blame niggers
Jow Forumstraps should be hanged from trees during national day
Il filo is a cove of trashy normie human waste
because the chances of meeting a politician are pretty low
The holocaust never happened. Poles aren’t descended from jews. jews lived in the Pale of Settlement. Some of them still do. The rest went to the US and Israel, the latter where they changed their names to made-up sounding ridiculous “hebrew” names. Poland wasn’t some jewish state or homeland, only a specific ghettoed region called the Pale of Settlement was. The fine ol’ solution to the jewish question was resettlement in this area where most of them had already lived
I have Eastern/NE Polish ancestry, it gave me 100% confidence Ashkenazi dna, a bit over 1%
Different calculator results usually range from 1 to 6
>the Pale of Settlement
Yup, but remember Poland wasn't THIS much westwards
>Eastern Poles
These guys are the jews, they're mixed with the Russian and Tatar inhabitants of the East and ofcourse the jews. Us Western Poles may still be slavs but we're mixed with the Germans who owned the land for a long time(Posen).
Told you Poland wasn't this western
This. There a psyop into convincing the right that luke-warm populist governments like Trump, Orban and Salvini are somehow based nationalists.
because if this cucked failed mass shooter is your national hero because of his shooting ability you might as well throw away that gun.
non cares about what you say or what you write on your threads.
go outside,incel
I'm not talking about Prussia here, I'm talking about Posen, or Greater Poland, the original home of the Polans, the tribe that united the Poles. Greater Poland was the site of our first capital, Gniezno, and was always a part of Poland, only being part of Germany after the partitions, and even then it was >70% ethnically Polish.
i thought the planned date for leaving was march 29th 2019
thats why the mario hive mass reported my thread kek
That's just the truth Kraut, Greater Poland is unironically the historic heart of Poland.
Because they're lazy half arabs after all.
t. PD
go outside for once in your life,incel
try talking to girls,it's fun
t. arab importer
Total non sequitur. We profit from the EU in spite of all the bullshit going on around it.
Salvini needs to keep bullying the EU towards Italy-friendly policies, leaving would only help the enemies of the old continent. The union's problem is not inherent to the concept itself, it's a consequence of the current political climate and political imbalance of power between member countries.
They are in a vicious dilemma, they hailed guys like Berlusconi for clever while he looted italy mafia style.
Now they blame it on ebbil refugee, but reality is their country is a corrupt shithole in deep deep debt.
The only one that can fix this is the ECB but they will demand austerity measures in return. That is something the populists won‘t be able to sell their voters and thats where it gets messy.
They probably play for time and we may see some bizarre ping pong like during greek crisis times.
>Lives in mom's house until he reached his mid thirties.
So are all niggerboats now banned from Italy?
>incel incel incel
>coalburner being a coalburner
>gets chopped up by her black drug dealer pimp
>mario gets angry at coal burner`s fate
>goes on an utter failure of a shooting spree
>lands in jail for the sake of dead coalburner
>rest of italians worship coalburner`s coffin crying saying "rip angel" and call the failed cuck shooter a "hero" (hercules incarnated kek)
Why are italians such cucks? This display of cuckoldry is a thousand times worse than any kraut or sven who sits idle not giving a fuck about the fate of refugee welcome thots.
i'll never leave this house until i'll die actually.
you are a bot
At least you're a honest virgin.
im not, im just a mgtow guy who spits on italy for that embarassment
If we use the CDU as the standard center-right party, Lega is easily far right. You don't need to have Salvini acclaimed Dux in Rome to call Italy a far right country.
you are literally afraid of women,what a fucking kuk
If i had an euro every time i've read the formula "why not just + impracticable proposal" on Jow Forums i'd have plowed OPs mom daily in the past 7 years.
The idea is to change EU drastically and have an exit plan in case shit hits the fan/turns out impossible to do. Exiting the EU now would cause unnecessary discomfort to the citizens.
No, just a legit mentally ill like may others on here.
Salvini is all talk no actions. He's a facebook expert and no more
>they keep expecting the EU to indulge them for some reason
Why wouldn't they? It almost always worked for them. The EU has been hilariously limp-wristed for most of its existence, it only started tightening up in the last 5-10 years.
i knew i was talking to a woman lol
There won't be a coup they are heavily Africanizing and islamizing the military.
T. Army Recruitment
i am a man
you are such a loser that you can't have control over women
what an embarassment