Prove me wrong. You can't.
Britain should stay in the EU
>cut out all negative temptations
>empty your room
>sit in the middle of the room and prepare yourself mentally
>allow for no artificial light
>only eat bread and drink only water
>turn away all visitors
>bathe yourself in freezing cold water everyday to harden your spirit
>do not touch yourself at night -- or any other time
>sleep on a bed of nails outside, keeping the room empty
>relieve yourself in the wilderness to prevent impurities from tainting the room
>lift heavy objects and meditate beneath a raging waterfall daily
>do all this from one full moon until the next
>you are ready
>sit in the middle of the room and focus your energy
>open the book and begin to read
>stop every so often and contemplate how what you just read relates to the mystery of the universe
>when you are finished recall every moment of what you have experienced
>be the book
>become the book
>you are now the book
This has nothing to do with the EU. Fuck off.
The EU should be vanished.
No it shouldn't. It's progressive and forward-facing.
If the EU was progressive and forward-facing it had abolished itself. A people ruled by an undemocratic communist supranationalist elite is so 20th century... We should have a direct national democracy!
It's not undemocratic and it's not communist. Why do you just spout right-wing bullshit talking points?
>not undemocratic
Have you ever voted for a Commission member, the legislative power of the European Union? I guess not.
>not communist
Why do they despise national differences so much again?
>Have you ever voted for a Commission member, the legislative power of the European Union?
I've voted for an MEP, who ACTUALLY have the legislative power of the EU. Maybe you should educate yourself?
>Why do they despise national differences so much again?
They don't? Why do you think they protect regional specialties like champagne, Parma ham, Melton Mowbray pork pies, etc.? They're trying to protect the heritage of Europe.
MEPs can only criticise the Commission, but they have no real power and the Commission doesn't give a fuck about them
Everything is voted upon by MEPs. So if they don't want something to pass, it won't pass.
The majority of the British people entitled to vote voted to leave the EU. Therefore Britain should leave the EU. There you go, I've proved you wrong.
If the vote were held again, you'd lose.
That's just your opinion, the fact is the vote was held. The majority of the British people entitled to vote voted leave. That is a FACT. Not opinion.
No it's not my opinion, it's YouGov's opinion polling.
Brexshit is a scam funded by off shore tax avoidance schemers
Exactly. The EU is an amazing institution and I can't believe we're leaving.
If you think the eu goverment is communist you must be the biggest braindead i have ever seen. It's savage globalism neo-liberalisn for the elites.
You gov, is not the majority of the British people entitled to vote. You can vote on you gov if your not entitled, i.e. of age or even British. You can be entitled to vote and not be a member, it's an opinion. Not a fact.
Why on earth would the EU want Britain to stay? Its most obnoxiously globalist, backstabbing, sabotaging and undermining member decided to leave of its own volition.
We'd have to be bonkers m8.
>arguing with (((pol)))
F for effort
Because he is a Jow Forumstard and that is what they are about
Uh oh! This looks like dangerous facts in this echo chamber. Quick, shut it down (((pol)))!
i want to live in america or Canada once we leave
The EU is collapsing lo, as soon as Merkel gets the boot the whole thing falls apart.
>this is what (((Jow Forumstards))) actually believe
But then again, this utterly brainwashed and shilled """"Nazi"""" board helped elect the most Jewish and Israel first president in US history. So why not just laugh at the retarded shit you believe.
>The majority of the British people entitled to vote voted to leave the EU. Therefore Britain should leave the EU.
The peak search on Google after the referendum was What is the EU?
Pretty sure YouGov are smart enough to only poll people who are eligible to vote.
Because we're the second/third largest economy and the first/second largest military (close to France in both cases). That's why.
I know, there's no point arguing with Jow Forums, but still.
Well it's not going to be any easier whether we're in or out of the EU, is it?
No it clearly isn't.
Economically, fucking yes, but with some changes. Socially, fuck no: it's the reason why we voted to leave desu.
But anyway, even leaving is a disaster, more immigrants will still come in, the nasty kinds; hard working real Europeans may leave. We need a crash, and a wakeup call for the actual British to create complete change. We're weak and expect things to come on easy. As soon as the majority of leavers know their comfy lives are at stake, they'll turn the other way back immediately, it's sad. It's the same with the rest of western Europe. If I'm not wrong, then there would have been real public outrage during the grooming and terrorist attacks. We're all too fearful.
That matters why? The people entitled to vote exercised their opinion. Who googled? Brits, yanks, Europeans. It's irrelevant.
I'm a member, no it doesn't.
Nice GCHQ shill thread
i agree
>Prove me wrong
There are some things that are more important than money.
>more immigrants will still come in, the nasty kinds; hard working real Europeans may leave
Exactly. I'd rather have European immigrants than people from poorer, more crime-ridden places.
>Why do you think they protect regional specialties like champagne, Parma ham, Melton Mowbray pork pies, etc.? They're trying to protect the heritage of Europe.
lol, what a trite, tokenistic talking point. What they're trying to protect is the competitive advantage enjoyed by each of those industries, it has absolutely nothing to do with the heritage of Europe; it's about money and nothing else. Protecting the heritage of Europe would involve not openly beckoning the third world in and promoting deliberate demographic replacement policies. Even if what you were saying were true (it isn't), what the hell difference would it make whether specialist consumer products had their names protected if the entire country has been demographically replaced, as is happening? It's so irrelevant and unimportant that it's comparable to making sure all the paintings on the Titanic are straight while deliberately and purposefully plotting a course towards the iceberg that is in plain view of everybody.
>Britain should eliminate the jew
Prove me wrong. You can't.
If YouGov are so smart then how come they predicted the Brexit vote outcome
so badly? Maybe it's because they're full of shit.
UK can get a better deal with USA Russia China and Israel
Or be the leader of a new Commonwealth Union
who cares?
>Because we're the second/third largest economy and the first/second largest military (close to France in both cases). That's why.
Not really, they don't care about that. It's more that it creates uncertainty in the financial markets. It's very stupid for EU to go so hard on you, the EU only has little growth (GDP wise) and the next crisis is around the corner. Stability is what they seek, but it's so fucking badly organised it can only implode on them. They keep doubling down on the same stupid mistakes, which only fuels the 'populism' (whatever that is) they hate so much. Fucking 'populism' only exists because of their failure to act, it's reactionary to bad EU politics, and they even try to shift the blame which is like spitting in the face on the national people of any country where there is populism now.
I do hope you get a good deal out of Brexit, but you're probably staying in the single market which will make it impossible to make your own trade-deals. You should be happy you have your own currency at least.
The single market really isn't the important thing, if you look at the trade history with the EU joining the single market basically didn't change the trend. If we leave I imagine there will be a brief shock with an inflationary spike as imports get more expensive and then things will stabilize, although the City of London won't be happy.
Personally I'm of the opinion that we should have stayed, refused calls for any further integration or financial contribution because Draghi and Junker are incapable of sorting out their own damn mess and waited for the whole thing to implode and everyone's money to come pouring into London some more, the uncertainty and loss of access due to the Leave vote will sting a little bit.
I still hate the damned thing, since it's a neoliberal hellhole that will not reform despite how many nebulous promises it makes, but as the second largest economy we could basically ignore any demands it makes.
Only after (((United States))) get balkanized
I seriously doubt Britain, on its own, can get a better deal with those nations than the full EU would get.
If America wins, jews win.
At the moment it doesn't look like we're staying in the SM. I wish we were though.
I'd rather see the UK outside the EU, because it always acted as if it was halfway out, always asking for opt-outs, preferential deals and so on.
The UK always had a divisive diplomacy with regards to Europe.
The modus operandi of the EU, throughout its existence has been to kick the can down the road, regarding problems. The euro imbalances, PIGS, Ukraine, immigration, extra. The problem with that is eventually you meet the problem again, along with the other problems. Frankly the EU is at the moment incapable of finding its own arse hole with both hands. Even the Canada deal is under threat from Italy.
>dumb "prove me wrong. you can't" template thread
>48 replies
You can't prove an opinion you faggot.
Beef is the best-tasting meat. Prove me wrong.
Yeah, which proves that the EU has a lot less power over its member states than memers think.
This decisional blockage exists precisely because it's so hard to reconcile the interests of 28 members.
If the EU had that power to dictate to its members, there wouldn't be so much impotence, but then, lots of states would complain about breeches of sovereignty.
So, the EU is stuck in this intermediary state, between economic union and political aspirations.
Exactly and there it will remain. Despite efforts to unify. Because people are people, no one wants to be dominated by historical enemy's.
> remove all positive thoughts
> lie under your bed in pure darkness
> eat nothing but the worst food (German food)
> become jewish-atheist
> manifest hatred
It is completed
> becomes Angela Merkel
At last.
They have the worst of both worlds. When it comes to getting anything done via democracy, they're completely useless, so they pass the buck to unaccountable institutions like the Troika to do the democracy-deposing and sovereignty-breaching for them and systematically crush any country that Germany + Friends unbalance with their massive trade surplus that they have not yet been penalized for despite it being in breach of the Stability and Growth stuff.
I personally would like to be as politically far away from the EU as possible, but it seems that might not be necessary if this recent instability snowballs.
Yes it should, so I dont need to pove you anything.
Yeah, I doubt the EU will be able to become a full-fledged political union.
The differences between peoples (linguistic, cultural) and countries (economic) are too big. There would have to be a common official language, a common political body (electorate), common fiscal policy.. too many things that are impossible to achieve in the next decades.
Such a transformation only happened during imperial conquest (eg, the Roman Empire), but then no territory/culture was given any choice.
will of the people, deal with it. People voted to leave the EU, the single market, the customs union etc.
People only wanted to stay in the Champions League and the Eurovision Song Contest.
The United States on which the EU is based was created from whole cloth, the native culture eradicated, the USA pattern overlayed. That could not work in Europe. A common market approach with individual country's, working in cooperation. Would have been better than the mess that has been attempted.
Not that i really like the EU. But (((britbongistan))) leaving the EU is almost as good as news as an Israhell that vanishes from the world map.
You kike nations don't belong anywhere.
Also, the EU will soon be non existent anyway.
Yes, it worked in the USA because there were no previous strong cultures, institutions, traditions to overcome and reconcile. They had a blank slate to work with and a huge territory replete with natural features and resources.
Europe is too stuck in its own past to be able to replicate that kind of union. They'd have to resort to some kind of ethnic engineering project, by demanding education for all European kids in the same language, teaching them a similar history, similar traditions. That's not going to happen any time soon.
But then again, America is way more mixed and globalistic than Europe is. Precisely because they don't really have any strong culture of history, so there's no ethnic background for them identify with. Any migrant can become an "ethnic" American, it's a global, multi-ethnic country.
>Prove me wrong. You can't.
Britain voted to leave and leave won. /disporven
>Trying to protect the heritage
>Import millions of shitskins
i was hoping if we had some deal in the future they might let us in, everybody without a house would probably leave though so UK might never agree to it.
>>Import millions of shitskins
That was Merkel's capital mistaken. For some reason, Germans didn't punish her enough at the ballot box. She shouldn't have been allowed to become chancellor again. Hopefully Seehofer will undermine her eventually.
>That could not work in Europe.
It could work if anyone could successfully take land from the slavs (unlikely) and then build a civic nationalist nation on top of their land.
Civic nationalism like the kind we have only works when you're building a new identity (American) on top of another's land, where the civics do not have to worry about seeing themselves the same as ethnics which doesn't work as immigrants can't become native ethnics.
Just a little reminder.....
...this is what you voted for, retards.
so smash it to bits and hope the resulting mess is some how better?
anything is better than the EU
even shit
If other EU countries were given a referendum do you think they'd vote the same? or are they all too cucked.
Piotr, breaks over, fix the toilet.
Hw will, and he is not alone. They coalition is split up over the migration question and we will most likely see a new voting before their term ends regulary.
If you want a true union you may as well dissolve all counties in the union and make one state
Your argument is retarded you can't have one big daddy government ruling over different cultures and ethnicities
Can they actually hold a no-confidence vote and remove her from power and vote another chancellor?
>wah wah the nasty daily fail brexshiteers are evil
That's what the EU is trying right now. To dissolve us into one single state. but European nations are way too different to accept this.
It's not that we have the same situation as in the US, when Europeans mixed in north america and the US finally got founded. even you, with no history or heritage based on the land and area, had a civil war related to the topic. How do you think plans of a unification of all countries into one will end if the EU forces us into such an artificial piece of shit?
Yes, and i guess there will be one also. The alternative as said is breaking up the coalition and bring us to the ballot boxes. But the current situation is that they will most likely lose even more votes to the AfD than they already have.
When Merkel falls (soon) the EU project dies with her lmao
I hope so.
I doubt it.
I'm not arguing for it
I'm saying the whole idea of the EU is fucking retarded
If it's so retarded why is every continent trying to emulate it, in different forms (CIS, Asean, UNASUR, African Union, Mercosur etc)
because it's a globalist project.
their ultimate goal is to make a world union
Look how much of a shit show it was in early American history
Now immagion that same situation in modern times
I believe there is a saying "learn from history" or is your brain unable to comprehend that
>globalist project.
>world union
I don't see how, given that it's called European so it's clearly only a regional union. It's difficult enough to bring together 20-something states, but it's impossible to do that with more than 100 states. It would be completely non-functional.
But if the EU dissolved that would surely make Russia and China very happy. I guess it depends on what your priorities are. You want your country to be much weaker vs big powers or to be part of a club which is stronger vs them?
>Look how much of a shit show it was in early American history
What's the connection with regional integration economic unions? You're not making any point.
The EU should learn english like even verhofstadt did. He is speaking english now. What a boss.
my priorities are to get outside of the EU
The phrase "No shit, Sherlock" comes to mind
>regional union
they will make an union out of unions
>op is a fag. Prove me wrong.
I can't.
q > what's got two leg's and bleeds like fuck?
>a union of unions
That'll never work. Not with this species. I don't see how China and the USA would ever share such a union.
England should "invade" EU countries that will "Surrender" from the EU. I base all this on how Countries just want to be friends and not living partners.
What is this pasta about? Sounds like a book.
Eu leadership should be murdered
see top left corner