Why are incels se angry, Jow Forums? I haven't fucked in two years, but it doesn't really even bother me...

Why are incels se angry, Jow Forums? I haven't fucked in two years, but it doesn't really even bother me. Getting laid is perhaps the most overrated thing I can think of.

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cuz they think that their entire worth as a man is based upon how much sex they have. they dont have any qualities at all

It's probably because most of there were brought up in families where they were taught egalitarianism and respect towards women and once they got out into the real world they found out women are just whores
or at least that's what I got out of talking to shrinks about these sorts of people

and that is why they always m'lady and do stupid beta tier shit all the fucking time and can't get laid

Because they're ugly and have accepted the "black pill" that they'll never get laid. I go to r/braincels for the memes and the bants. If anything, they're better than bluepilled white knights and basedboys.

Because they watch so much porn. They see women that they would genuinely do anything for prefer to fuck guys that they feel superior over i.e. dumb niggers and chads

Attached: Sage.jpg (1156x2031, 933K)

>they found out women are just whores
youre contradicting yourself there little buddy. typical incel

lol how can you not get laid? i get constantly catcalled everywhere I go "so kawaii" "cute-o cute-o very very cute-o" and get marriage proposals from women every other week lmao just be more confident

But that black pill is not real. There are plenty of men who're ugly as shit but can get relatively good-looking women. Women don't valuate physical appearance as much as men but look at the whole package. If you become successful, have a rich social life and develop even a tiny charisma, you should be able to get laid.