Protestant hate thread

>>literally a cult accisently made when martin luther came up with the retarded 6 solaes in 1517

>>made the bible available so any random retard can read it and come up with their own private interpretation, hence why theres 40k protestant cults

>>The catholic church tried to supress the protestant cult as best but failed for some mundane reason

>> Spain failed to finally supress protestant england in 1588, successfully making Protestantism a force to be recon with

>>protestant zealot heretic wackos like the puritans, Quakers, shakers, and the pilgrims populate america and infect it with its heresy to this very day and is now spreading accross the world and undermining the appstolic orthodox faith

>>the taiping rebellion was literally the bloodiest civil war in history just because some chinese guy said he was the brother of Christ and wanted tk establish a kingdom

Protestantism is literally why the world for the last 500 has been one autistic shit show after another. You can also blame protestantism for the destruction and end of monarchies and introduction to unnecessary neurotic retards and social justice warriors

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You have to be real fucking retarded to be part of a group called the Quakers

don't they have those cool little cars?

You'd have to be a retard to be protestant at all (when Catholicism and orthodoxy go back 2000 years) or some really big deuche bag trying to start a cult to gain control and power.

sorry, i'm thinking of shriners.

>Martin Luther caused protestantism
That an American of all things; whose native protestant beliefs sprang directly from British and indirectly from French/Swiss reform movements, would claim this is absurd.

Luther was neither affiliated with nor the cause of your local heresies. Protestantism is an umbrella term.

Martin tried to reform the catholic church but failed and allowed the people to read the bible for themselves and start cults with sola scriptura.

The catholic church = Pedo cult

> (OP) (You)
>The catholic church = Pedo cult

>>assuming I am catholic and not an orthodox Christian, which priests can have a wife and kids in and not a pedo cult.

And the catholic church at the time was literally jewery; buying places in heaven, or lessen the time spent in purgatory.

>The catholic church tried to supress the protestant cult as best but failed for some mundane reason
Because God was on our side, only when we started infighting we lost.

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Protestantism is the reason for anti-intellectualism

Itt- catholic idol worshipping child molesters shilling for nigs

Youre an idol worshipping moron
You will never rise

Do not reply to spam threads.
Report them as they are rule-braking trolls.

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The people could have gone with the orthodox church them, they didn't have to create tgeir own gay friendly jew zionist church away from the apostolic traditions of the early church which had martyrs.

Intellectuals are degenerates

Jews and caths are anathema
Greek culture natural philosophy enlightenment are the ever extending vector of western
We crushed the jew cath and created science and tech Starting gutenburg press
While jews like r feynman were social climbing using bad physics, white man was creating laptops and the internet, now jew and cath conspiracies are common knowledge to millenials

Protestants had all the reasons to chimp out and you would to if there was a guy asking you for money to take you to heaven because he supposedly have good deeds to sell you because the people who did them won't need all of them
I know that they strayed even further to heresy after but honestly i cannot blame them for the reformation.

>>lol look at me Im rightfully pissed about the Jew ran catholic church, but rather than join the orthodox church, Im gonna start my own so I can have gay marriages and marry and behead women if they dont give me a son.

Just believe me when I say the Bible says give me your money for your sins. Corrupt child fuckers

Maybe if the catholic church wasnt so shitty none of this would have happened?

Well what I don't understand is that why couldn't they have gone with the orthodox church instead? Its the same age as the catholic church except priests can have a wife and kids and no pedo shit.

hi kike

Because luther wanted to reform the catholic church not leave it for another sect

Well he failed and now look where europe and america are in.

Some actually tried to but in the end the talks failed. Have in mind that informations were harder to travel across the world then and that Constantinople was under Ottoman rule.

Is American... muh protestants who founded America

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Protestants are just catholic-lite. Become Baptist.

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Cant really blame protestents for the catholics fuck up

They Fight And The Jew Grins

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Not only that, user, but Protestantism has 'popularized' spirituality and the world of God. It has stripped religion of all of the rites of the Church and reduced it from the spiritual realm to the physical realm where all adherants to Protestantism, particularly in America, are a charicature of Christians. Protestants are the ones who makes excuses for things like abortion, homosexuality, birth control, etc. Our problems date back to the destruction of our traditions with Martin Luther playing a very pivotal role.

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On Jews and Their Lies

Listen to this when you have the time

Pure faggotry. Pagan-christianity can rot in hell.

are you the guy that occasionally posts about how the reformation fucked european spirituality? please go on.

>Haha look your house is burning
>Wait, are you putting the fire out? Are you a retard? Why dont you come live in my house instead?
>Lmao gay
The absolute state of the orthomeme

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>birth control
Have you seen the African population growth chart?

Yeah, and that's why America has inherent flaws that lead to our current inevitability. Protestants, though generally hard working and much better people than atheists, get the entire framework wrong. They prioritize the ability to abuse freedom over the obligation to fulfill their duties in accordance with the will of God.

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>Not only that, user, but Protestantism has 'popularized' spirituality and the world of God. It has stripped religion of all of the rites of the Church and reduced it from the spiritual realm to the physical realm
What the hell are you talking about? It is the fancy rituals and liturgies of the Church that bring the spiritual concepts of God into a physical form. You say the completely opposite.

Unfortunately, no, but that person is on the dot. Read pic related from my last post for more information.

Niggers can't feed their babies so they would die anyway. Do you think nothing bad will come out of sexual immorality? I know the task of uplifting niggers from subhuman existence is practically impossible, but that does not mean we should submit them to demonic influence. That makes us the kikes in this situation. We shall reap what we sow.

The fancy rituals are just the logical consequence of sacramental realism. Get over it. In fact the only people that started discarding them are Calvinists, who are the fathers of the modern Baptist movements

I am saying exactly that, but stating that Protestants divorced themselves from these rites and rituals and we are reaping the harvest of such things.
>t. Scandinavian/ German raised Lutheran in American heartland

You either live free or live under the tyranny of the Church , its like nothing in between could be possible. this is what i am slowly beginning to understand , we would always be headed to disaster

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Verses proving salvation to anyone that believes and not of works.

4:14(John 6:35)

7:21-23(John 6:38-40)


3:3(Acts 19:4)

19:4(Luke 3:3)


1 Corinthians

2 Corinthians

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It's the Lutheran low church and pietists who are to blame for your lack of rituals. Most Prots would be shocked by how close Luther's own mass be to the Traditional Latin Mass.

>Niggers can't feed their babies so they would die anyway.
So we shouldn't feed the poor?

>Do you think nothing bad will come out of sexual immorality?
This was primarily a Jewish phenomenon.

The Church even tries to teach a copout method of birth control (NFP) which is basically just a technicality.
>Well, there's no barrier when you use NFP, so it's Open To LIfe on a technicality, thus making it okay! Never mind that the spirit of the law is that sex should be unitive and open to life by the logic of natural law so NFP violates #2 by intentionally trying to avoid conception...
Catholic legalism is some real shit

1 Thessalonians

2 Thessalonians





1 Timothy

2 Timothy


1 Peter
3:21(Colossians 2:12)

1 John


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The cancer of modern Christianity isnt that it is Protestant but that it is disgustingly low church and crypto-gnostic

What is more important, freedom or righteousness? Straying from the Word of God even in the most seemingly innocuous way is what got us here. We are doomed to repeat the cycle until we submit to the Lord. Protestants embody the modern philosophy of the rules of God being subjective and/or oppressive and have in turn made slaves of themselves and the laiety.

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t. child fucking papist

Baptists are cancer. I used to be one until I decided to seriously study the Bible.

Jews Goes to heaven according their righteous judged by the law , this is literally works

>What is more important, freedom or righteousness?
They are one and the same.

Hey at least Martin was redpilled on jews.

>made the bible available so any random retard can read it

and yet all of you christcucks are only christcucks because of men like martin. because without him you wouldnt be able to read the bible.

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They aren't priests because the Lutheran Church has no hierarchy. That's why it has lost it's rites and rituals because anybody's word is law in accordance with their understanding of the Bible and Christianity as a whole.

I didn't say we shouldn't be charitable, I said it is one of the gravest sins to provide these people with contraceptives and it will only be more distructive and reductionist of black people's dignity.

>Catholic legalism
It's a loophole but also isn't seen as being legitimate as the official teaching that all sex should be procreative acts and not concerned primarily with pleasure. The loophole is what will lead us to our own destruction because the concentration of pleasure in sex is the root of all sexual immorality.

They are not. It is a gift from God, but without God it is a curse from God.


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Imperium in imperio usually starts with institutionalization of the clergy. The Reformation at least brought the Church under State control. Before that you had the Church unironically having a foreign policy, declaring wars, and so on. This is ridiculous. Americans tried to avoid this problem with separation of powers, rule of law, etc., but what eventually happened was that the clergy returned with a vengeance from the University system. This and judicial supremacy make America's problems almost impossible to reverse without a military coup.

>call out the jew in the catholic church
>want to reform the catholic church against the jew
>jew shuts you down
> Redpill the people on the jew
>realize the the jew will not stop
>eventually decide to guide the shepherd less flock away from satan and the jew.

>whahahahahah pandora box whahahaha

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>I'm saying this and this
>in this books the Bible contradicts you tought
> lol who cares I'm going to strap those books from the Bible

And there are people who says Protestantism isn't an heresy...

Orthodox = wizard
Catholic = paladin/cleric
Protestant = fighter
Pentecostal = bard
Jew = Thief

What else Jow Forums ?

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So since we now know thanks to science that sperm live for 3-5 days after a sex act, and women can track their cycle reasonably well, is sex a week or two out of the fertility window a mortal sin since we know it can't result in conception? If so, what if the husband and wife don't know about these factoids? We have a paradox here where people are encouraged to know as little as possible about morality, or scripture, etc. so as to avoid damnation, since knowledge of morality increases one's culpability for sin by natural law. We're reaching increasingly insane policy here.

>What is more important, freedom

I will say more important is freedom , because this gave us back the word of God and in return we could be righteous again through Christ , Being to free eventually corrupted Christianity ,because any man and his grand mother could make a church .But at least Jesus was now the prince of peace again most violence in his name soon ended

I thought the Nords retained their episcopal structure and even some sort of Apostolic Succession. It is pozzed today though

Well, José, you might be too young to remember, but there was a time when America was the land of the White Anglo Saxon Protestants.
There was a time when presidential candidates seemed ineligible for many Americans, simply because he was Catholic.
I would have never thought America changes into a Catholic-friendly country.

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>I didn't say we shouldn't be charitable, I said it is one of the gravest sins to provide these people with contraceptives and it will only be more distructive and reductionist of black people's dignity.
Right, this is Church policy in much of Africa, and they have 8 children who will starve the minute the US/Europe/ the Church turn off the gibs spout.

The US is founded on anticatholicism, the Irish were the beginning of the end for the US.

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>mfw indulgences like that were already against the rules
>mfw they still are
American prots are ridiculous in that way. They blindly hate the Catholic Church with no other bearing besides “corruption and child sex.” Please tell me how pure and without corruption your mega churches are. Spending millions for TV stations with the pastors name spoattered everywhere. Or even better, name the percentage that have actually been found to have relations with children.

>being this mad for 500 years
Enjoy your pope who's normalizing homosexuality

ITT: Christians once again showing how Christianity will "band up and dvfvnd evrvpa"

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This to be honest. The white race is fucked because nobody's on the same page, there's no unity. Jow Forums is an example of that fact.

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>Be first Catholic president get my head exploded like a mellon

>what did God mean by this ?

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its because of england. they where opposing the catholic empires. they even started the hussite wars abroad with some weirdo anglo preacher. but also perfidious france under cardinal richelieu supported the protestants during the 30 year war. all so they could mess with the hre and since then occupied metz, elsas, lotharingen, provinz, massillia and korsika untill this very day.

But the gospel is that you can't navigate your way to heaven, you trust God to reach down and take you up for free.

The first to call the Church and God tyrannical was satan, remember that

>The first to call the Church and God tyrannical was satan, remember that

citation needed

Also note, realize in Christianity you give up many of the pleasures of this life to live in the next. If you want to live without a care, go be atheist

The maze means the way of life you choose, there is only one way where you can go the heaven, but you can make different choices all through your life. A Capellan would guide you through your life so you can make the right choices

I imagine myself in TRUE CHRISTIAN Europe, leading my platoon. Our mission is to stop pr*test*nt kikes from advancing. We mow down pr*test*nt kikes but they keep coming. I shoot pr*test*nt kikes but I run out of ammo so I draw my sword and begin slaughtering pr*test*nts, since pr*test*nts are way more psychially inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn't fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. pr*test*nts were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see Jesus smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in TRUE CHRISTIAN Europe, my homeland. My TRUE CHRISTIAN brethen gave me a warm welcome to heaven. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven..

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I don't think you understand at all, the only choice you make is do you trust in Jesus Christ with all your heart for the free gift of eternal life or not. Following all the nonsense of the Catholic church will lead you down into the pit.

The bible you profess. When satan swelled with pride and thought he could be God, he decided his judgements were greater than God’s “tyranny”

You people are literally sealing Europe's fate. Enjoy Bantu Expansion 2: Electric Bogaloo. Keep in mind that several ethnicities were exterminated permanently by this migration. The second version will be no different. Catholics will probably conclude that God was punishing them for the Reformation and the 60s or something. Meanwhile the nogs are literally so stupid that they destroy the topsoil everywhere they go and make land unusable for future generations (Haiti!)

Most Christians would say that the vast majority of people go to hell anyway.

>no longer phoneposting

It isn't insane, "ignorance of the law isn't a defense" is one of the pillars of Western legalism.
Nope, at least not in Nordland ND where I live. There is a Swedish Lutheran church that my wife's family grew up in that seemed as though it may have preserved more of the rites of the Catholic Church, but it still has no authority and is therefore doomed to the logical conclusion of the caricature of American southern protestants and megachurches.
Is that our fault, that we teach them to fish and they don't recall? We don't believe in abolition of consequence.

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False just eat your bread and wine and go to heaven

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Yeah, Protestantism is just another Roman Catholic shoot-off cult like Orthodox, Sedevacantists, Monks, etc.


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Its in part responsible for democritisation and the collapse of hierarchy as tradition.

No, what I'm saying is, you have an incentive to NOT learn the law so as to be as ignorant as possible and avoid eternal torment.

>What did kikes mean by this?

Nice citation about the tyranny off the church