Why is Jow Forums so divided on the trans issue? Some argue that it's degeneracy that needs to be stopped...

Why is Jow Forums so divided on the trans issue? Some argue that it's degeneracy that needs to be stopped, others argue that nothing should be done, etc.

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Go away Reikofags

>Jow Forums so divided on the trans issue
Half of us wants to stone them and the other half wants to gas them.

I say we shoot them.

Pol isnt divided on tranny faggots.
Abominations get the fucking rope.

If a guy wants to be a trap then it’ll probably end up just ridding itself from the gene pool anyways

you are not a woman and never will be

not even gonna address the issue of women turning themselves into ugly men and think they have a better life afterwards

Trannies should get acid splashed on their ugly man faces.

They dont stop at 'being accepted'.
give them room and they want to make this the norm.
They hate themselves for being different and want to punish non-degenerates for their sickness.

The problem should in theory solve itself. Untill someone figures out a way for them to repopulate or not ban adoption for this, if this happens, we're fucked.

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