After WW2 the world could have been so good. But then white countries started letting in non whites for no reason creating a problem out of nowhere. Why?
After WW2 the world could have been so good...
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The most important thing you can do for the white race, and yourself, is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, to the greatest possible extent, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. You have the power to create yourself. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That's very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.
In 1960 this country was 90% WASP. We let the Cultural Marxists convince us this was a bad thing. HUGE mistake.
>Cultural Marxists
acolytes of critical theory.
it has nothing to do with marxism. the term "cultural marxism" is no more than a misleading metaphor.
textbook conflation
Jewish/Communist infiltration at all levels of society.
From the PTA to the WhiteHouse the Jew pushes the anti-white agenda under the rubric of equality and opportunity for all.
oligarchical powers desiring a larger workforce to compete during the cold war.
The US was already multicultural and multi-ethnic, and all Western countries were to converge.
He doesn't know about the Kalergi Plan.
karl marx had nothing whatsoever to do with the boasian school of anthropology (at least afaik). there's no need to make reference to him or his ideas when discussing critical theory or its role in shaping american culture for the worse.
The jews. The jews, bro. Hitler fought against it, and lost.
it's especially unfortunate when you consider that all this might have never happened if the USA didn't harass every socialist country around the globe. east asia never would have been built up, south and central america would never have been destroyed in an asinine mission to fight communism.
Because the jews won.
Solid post user.
I wonder (((Why)))
but for some reason, we had to save all those south american countries from their evil communist governments even though they were functioning perfectly well at the time.
i should add that these governments were mostly white and posed no threat whatsoever except perhaps as an example of socialism working as intended.
>Started importing non-whites for no reason
>No reason
No, the reason is clear
>They fell for the infinitely growing economy jew
>They fell for the infinitely growing economy jew
no sane person could reasonably believe this. they simply want to sow discord and create conditions that make socialism a practical impossibility.
you can't spend money on public services, healthcare, etc. if you have people who will only exploit it without puttying anything back into the system.
but this is why i have so little respect for the modern left. charity starts at home. the point of socialism isn't to feed and put up every last person and animal on the planet. it's not possible.
and since they voluntarily disarm themselves, they're in no position to make demands. they believe the government is full of people who think like them.
che is a good example of a real leftist. people who attend a womens' march? not so much.
che was educated, benevolent, concerned about his people, and understood that might makes right. he was a formidable leftist and they killed him for it. the average democrat is an impotent tool.
tha's why leftism will never go anywhere in america. because there aren't enough good people like che. not enough leftists who have bite. just a bunch of pacifists who can't even realize how ineffective they are. it's a damned shame what they do to good people.
can you picture someone like che guavara pandering to minorities or marching for trans rights? shilling for "diversity"? no. he fought for his people and himself against powerful foes who sought to exploit them.
because white boys realized that their women need strong african men to be sexually pleased
you think he gave a damn if someone sent him a postcard calling him a nigger? of course not.
leftists love this guy too. so why don't they follow the example he set?
soviets told third world countries that the americans wouldn’t let them into their country and asked them why they supported the usa when they couldn’t enter legally
usa was forced to change policy to prevent Latin America going full commie
literally what happened
>In 1960 this country was 90% WASP.
No, just no. You mean 90% WHITE ... and we were't even that.
We weren't majority WASP at all after the mid 1900s. Late 1800s is when Germans and Irish started coming in droves.
>usa was forced to change policy to prevent Latin America going full commie
again, why? what did we need from them?
and why did cuba remain shitlisted long after the soviets ceased to be a threat? why, to this day, am i not allowed to possess a cuban cigar?
Almost everything that went wrong is the fault of the French. France backed Israelis, gave them nukes, which destabilized the ME, they got US involved in Vietnam which made Ho Chi Min turn to communism. They are plague upon the West.
kek dumb faggot che died for nothing, changed nothing while modern leftists have managed to completely change the face of america and the entire west. get fucked white boy
>what did we need from them?
Perpetual world revolution. The neocons are Trots that use perpetual warfare to destabilize brown countries with the intention of creating welfare migration into white countries. This allows domestic Jewry to use the migrants as slave labor, as well as set up welfare ponzi schemes that use to extract shekels from the guilty goyim.
well west germany had some sort of (((labor crisis))) , so they invited all those turks
it's a travesty. and i think it has just as much to do with preventing communism. every successful communist state is a threat to the status quo. cuba is an example of socialism done the right way. they've been under embargo for decades but they're still doing fine on their own. and we hardly ever hear about cuba from our supposedly leftist democratic party.
why? it was a zero sum game
if commies got too strong they win, you didn’t want them in the western hemishphere also
that wouldn’t be allowed, look at the chaos it caused in Nicaragua or Venezuela
>they've been under embargo for decades but they're still doing fine on their own. and we hardly ever hear about cuba from our supposedly leftist democratic party.
indeed, isn't it odd how little democrats talk about one of the most successful examples of their socialist policies in action?
cuba gets very little attention. nobody ever points to cuba and says "look, this actually works".
The jews memeflag, the jews.
democrats are distracted and misled. they are self-defeating because they don't seek to empower themselves but to disempower their own countrymen and potential members. and they don't even understand why this is a bad thing.
best thing about socialism is that it equalizes the playing field. makes it easier for black men to have sex with white women. in a lot of socialist countries the previously white upper classes soon found their women being bred by blacks and browns.
Because we want to be like Jesus. We try and try but as you can see we always fall short and create issues worse than those we tried to solve.
what about cuba? they look pretty white to me. and they throw their niggers in prison just the same as we do.
so much that they actually get shit from human-rights groups
>Human Rights Watch reported that Cuba's extensive prison system, one of the largest in Latin America, consists of 40 maximum-security prisons, 30 minimum-security prisons, and over 200 work camps.
>In the years between the triumph of the revolution and the victory at Playa Girón the Cuban government was one of the world's most proactive regimes in the fight against discrimination. It achieved significant gains in racial equality through a series of egalitarian reforms early in the 1960s. Fidel Castro's first public address on racism after his rise to power was on March 23, 1959, at a labor rally in Havana, less than three months after he defeated Fulgencio Batista. He is quoted as saying: "One of the most just battles that must be fought, a battle that must be emphasized more and more, which I might call the fourth battle--the battle to end racial discrimination at work centers. I repeat: the battle to end racial discrimination at work centers. Of all the forms of racial discrimination the worst is the one that limits the colored Cuban's access to jobs. "[11] Castro pointed to the distinction between social segregation and employment, while placing great emphasis on correcting the latter. In response to the large amount of racism that existed in the job market, Castro issued anti-discrimination laws. In addition, he attempted to close the class gap between wealthy white Cubans and Afro-Cubans with a massive literacy campaign among other egalitarian reforms in the early and mid-1960s.[12] Two years after his 1959 speech at the Havana Labor Rally, Castro declared that the age of racism and discrimination was over. In a speech given at the Confederation of Cuban Workers in observance of May Day, Castro declared that the "just laws of the revolution ended unemployment, put an end to villages without hospitals and schools, enacted laws which ended discrimination, control by monopolies, humiliation, and the suffering of the people."[13]
white women belong to black men
>20 posts by this ID
>mostly replying to himself
You might want to start your own blog user
The Soviet Union had lost the Cold War.
Trust me. I was born in the early 50s. Everywhere you went, church, school, 4th of July parade, movies, you name it. Everyone you saw was a WASP. Like today, all the Catholics and blacks lived in urban ghettos that were containment zones. We were led to believe that was a bad thing.
((they)) are Sabbateans (aka. Frankism).
>Helel ben Shahar
>Papal Bloodlines
Jesuit Council
Council of 13
>Farnese/delle Rovere
>Este Estence
House of Windsor
Elite Bankers - Financial Advisors to the Queen & Master Keyholder to the Vatican Bank
Council of 33
>Vatican Cardinals
>Master Scottish Rite Masons
>Highest Knights Templar
>Highest Knights of Malta
>" " York Rite
>" " Ordo Templar Orientis
>" " Priory de Sion
Council of 300
>all the way down here is where the "feared" Rothschilds are
Satan -> Black Pope -> White Pope -> Queen of England
Only those 3 have direct contact with Satan. Francis is the first jesuit White Pope. Black Popes are all jesuits. The third temple will be built during Francis' reign. The mark of the beast currency system will be implemented. Satan will reveal himself to all and sit on the throne of David. This will all happen during Francis' reign.
>white women belong to black men
we have had similar anti-discrimination laws for about as long. they also have closed borders and don't let just any asshole in their country/government. so what if castro paid lip-service to minorities 70 years ago? our politicians do that every day.
ignore the greentext.
White people are genetically predisposed to being natural cucks.