How did she survive in the Sudan, pol? What inspires our white queenz to do this shit?
How did she survive in the Sudan, pol? What inspires our white queenz to do this shit?
Big black cock
Can it really be that simple?
There's literal sex tourism BBC resorts in Jamaica full of white women as we speak, yes its that simple.
But white women THIS hot? There’s a million niggers in America
Try to be less of a fag. This roastie looks like she has lost condoms deep in her bag, still.
>implying you wouldn’t
Vag, I meant
Nah I'm content with not interacting with some sandscrapper
She is painfully beautiful
>implying you could even if you wanted to
How desperate are you? Literally a 3/10.
70% at best desu
Pol is less bold than this girl. They will never dare going into masculine brown people territory
She isn't hot. Look at those shoulders, that pig face, that square frame. Her husband probably enjoys railing her because she looks like a man.
Jealous? Quiet down coward
Show me your idea of a hot girl then. I’m genuinely curious
>How did she survive in the Sudan, pol?
By attaching herself to a man of rank, dipshit
There's actually a whole world out there of people whose lives contain more than a job, a studio apartment, and Netflix
Well the ones in Jamaica have more swag but a different kind of swag
That is actually what I was thinking. Do you think she let him shit in her mouth? Do you think she enjoyed it?
She didn’t. That’s why she was only there for a year and why she said “if she can’t handle you, no one can”. She’s only mentioning it because she’s a thot who thinks it makes her look so cool and unique. Like that hilarious iron joke.
>There's actually a whole world out there of people whose lives contain more than a job, a studio apartment, and Netflix
oh yes tell us how the lives of sycophants and narcissists is soo much better
Here is the IDEAL woman, faggots.
Cope, because you will never cum deep into Christina's prone pussy while you interlock your fingers together and stare into her eyes, while she whispers "fuck me harder".
This is now a true white beautiful woman thread
>fuck me harder
She's going to be disappointed if you just came
>finding some old boomer with fake bobs hot
None of that matters, like at all, when you're holding onto those wide hips and filling her with white seed, ultra nigger.
>just came
I won't tell if you don't.
Her eyes and face in general are a bit boyish so not ideal
>black golfball nipples
No its a white women are traitorus whores thread.
>My mom said I could be anything I want, so I chose to be a fuckboy
>can't recognize the classic roastie eye stare at a moments glance
She's mostly likely lying as a means to get attention, high chance she's insane.
There’s literally pics of her in a burqa riding a camel in the dessert tho
No point in choosing white women in this day and age.
Vacation and probably taken in Egypt.
Yes lads, pick a butiful Romanian woman instead
To each their own, desu
Could have picked better but when you ask the common search engines for
>simple beautiful white women
You get Asians, sand niggers and native american savages as well
Explain the picture of her standing by a sign that says “welcome to Sudan” then
Ah I see you think we are all gypsies.
Her Arabic is shit
Who hurt you?
>projecting this hard
I didn’t, but now I do since your getting so defensive. It must be true!
Nobody since he is right.
If you dont have pink nipples you aren't white
Well by the very definition of you saying that we should take romanian women when I said that white ones arent worth it in this day and age can make one understand you dont think people here to be white.
Border, at best she was in northern Sudan which ironically is full of people who want to genocide the lack parts.
i delightfully applaude that she volutarily went back to the country of her ancenstors, more ppl should follow her example
The current cultural climate, lead by the Jewish media industry and the leftist global policies thare are dominant are to blame.
If a dog misbehaves when you leave it in the hands of less than willing caretakers, you don't blame the dog.
Quit watching porn. bbc is a lie you fucking idiots
People have agency while dogs dont so your stupid comparison doesnt work.
>ideal woman
>doesn’t want kids
fuck off
have you ever seen tits you incel aspie?
Yea but women can't be in control of their own destiny with guidance. We're not talking the next Joan of Ark or Catherine the Great here.
You spoon feed bullshit propaganda in between YouTube ads to the growing underdeveloped minds and you get OP's precious creation.
Without guidance.
I'm done shitposting because I can't be bothered to type correctly apparently